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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. NO! What the hell am I doing here?!
  2. Hey, what more do you want? The USA isn't about giant Super Robots. Japan is, and to a lesser extent the rest of Asia. At least they gave you a fully functional useful SuperRobot early in the 70's. The rest of us had to wait for G Gundam.
  3. Old combiner type Super Robot Not to mention the unofficial Philippine national hero. Why doesn't Uncle Sam have a super robot? patriotism--; Uncle Sam has the Texas Mack. (see Getter Robo or Shin vs Neo Getter Robo)
  4. Welcome to MW B9 and hope you enjoy your stay. Please read the FAQ when you have the chance. The original post is way too long and I'm going to treat this like a fan fiction(read the FAQ). Start another thread about this. Host the essay file on another site, put a link to it and a brief preview here OR edit the first post down to the first few paragraphs and add a link to your essay file, which is hosted on another site. Thank you.
  5. Of course not. It's an admin call. (passes the buck...)
  6. I'm disappointed in you guys. Where's Thunderdome?!
  7. Dangard Ace

    1/48 Jetfire

    Sweet! Now send that pic to Hasbro so they can license the mold from Yamato and release it in North America as MasterPiece Jetfire!! (like that's ever going to happen) Great Jetfire though. Now I know what to do with my Super Armor from my 1J if I get another 1S.
  8. That was an cosplayer of the X-man psylocke that Solscud took a picture of back at SDCC2002 I believe. Whether she went into full frontal I've no idea but if you've got a pic I want it! No. It's those, "silly twats on MW." Get it right man! AND nice works. Cocky and Funny works well with the ladies but Cocky, Funny and Nice works wonders. Too lazy. I'm sure if you asked it nicely Google would show you some info on it.
  9. He was cooler back then when he wasn't a mod. Yeah , he was. That bastard!
  10. Since the Invision implementation!!?? You guys banned a few people. Ben Man being the first that comes to mind, but there were others. I'm feeling magnanimous. Of course if you want I can "test" the ban setting on you just to make sure it works. It'll only be for a day or two.
  11. Gawddamn guns set on Suspend not ban!! Anyways, some people will not be posting for a few days. No one has been banned yet....until I get this stupid Ban gun to work properly.
  12. That reminds me, I've got to get finish ZOE2. I'm at the (spoiler) holy shite, the radar is covered in 90% red enemy dots and I've got to fight and protect my ~10% friendly forces?!?! CHARGE!!!! Silpheed....about the first PS2 game I bought. It was fun but I always got stuck on the flaming wheel boss so I traded it in for something else.
  13. Dude, this thread is totally sane. MGrexxx is probably enjoying this as much as everyone else. He enjoys being the lone fan. He is kind of like the Lone Ranger but instead on Tonto, he has Tommy Yune. Maybe that, but people first need to be here because they like Macross or wish to discuss it. To be here to solely try to stir things up is at first amusing but after awhile annoying.
  14. Right. So I'm loading my BAN cannon. As amusing as it is enough with the trolling flamebaiting. It's derailed a perfectly good and fun thread.
  15. I'm impressed that he made UM's armor but definitely not that impressed to fork over $750 for it. $200 for Prowl? Silverstreak body and Smokescreens head. $40 Police lightbar $15 Paint ~ $10 Stickers/decals let's say $20 Nah. I'll make Prowl myself.
  17. That bit of research just makes me more impressed with the original Gunbuster. Shows all that attention to detail they tried to incorporate into the show. Dosvedanya=Russian Goodbye. All those years of reading X-men paid off!!
  18. You're entitled to your opinion. .....even if it's wrong. I'm definitely correct. Just compare a 1/48 fighter mode to the 1/60 if you can't see how wrong you are. Whatever SPO. >EXO<(guy with a sense of humor): That's not what those floppy limbed Cyclops and Colossus you used to own tell me.
  19. If they mass produce it, I will buy it.
  20. You're entitled to your opinion. .....even if it's wrong. Yeah... the 1/60s suck all around! I bet I'm more willing to throw my 1/60's like darts at you then you're willing to throw your 1/48's at me.
  21. You're entitled to your opinion. .....even if it's wrong.
  22. Zod. Son of Jor-el! You will KNEEL before Zod!
  23. Now that's a nice valkyrie. Show's what a great fighter mode the 1/60 has.
  24. Nice take on Getter Robo. Apollo reminds me of Ryoma with his brashness. Can't wait to see more and I'll buy the DX toy...if Bandai ever gets around to making it.
  25. twitch: you can find your WEP info by going into your router setup. It should be in your manual. I think it's 192.168.xxx.xxx to get into your router setup. Then you can set up WEP passwords and encryption in there. Input your WEP password into your PSP and you should be good to go. OR you can disable WEP and use MAC(not affiliated with Apple) filtering. After you've set up your MAC filters I believe you can now turn off your SSID broadcast but your wireless machines should still connect. I think. Your router manual should provide all of the information to set up all of the above. I've got one dead green pixel in the top right corner. It's literally within five pixels of the corner. Not worth returning/replacing since it's in a corner and really really really not noticable and I'm really happy with the unit. PSP Ridge Racer is fun.
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