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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Very interesting.....those a-holes. Time to see if cdjapan still has any Gunbuster DVD's left.
  2. Wait a minute. Robert Duban? I though he did not exist? Nice website though. Nice and clean with little clutter.
  3. Yeah, I've seen it. FF'd through almost all the horrible dialogue. The tens seconds of Flame On! and the dogsnot they called the Thing. Saw it and immediately deleted it once it was over.
  4. Stop making him feel self-concious. He's already been "Branded for Life."
  5. I don't mind this FF4. In fact this is lightyears better then the never released FF4 movie they made a decade back. Now THAT was a horrid piece of crap.
  6. I'll watch it. Looks fun and it's got Angelina Jolie shooting at Brad Pitt. I get to drool over Angelina and my date gets to gawk at Brad Pitt. Win/win in my book.
  7. Er....yeah. Right. Nice tries.
  8. Stealth. Tons of threads already devoted to this movie.
  9. Actually I don't like the new attitude pose. It looks like the bad-boy-street-punk-I've-got-something-to-prove look while the old stand-up-straight-with-folded-arms says I've-got-nothing-to-prove-to-you-but-if-you-want-I-can-kick-your-ass-seven-ways-to-hell-and-back.
  10. I'm with the Hikaru crowd. He was the constant pain in the ass that kept screwing up Kamjins plan. Max got to take down alot of cannonfodders but Hikaru went after the Zentran aces/commanders all the time while looking after his wing. Plus when it came down to crunch time in DYRL, who got the plush assignment of flying down narrow corridors while being shot at with missiles and lasers? Didn't get hit, not a once. The main man Hikaru. Roy owns both their asses. He flies drunk.
  11. PS3. I've already got a nice library of PS1 and PS2 games and it interfaces with my PSP. Plus the next Macross games will most probably be PS3. X-Box....I'll just rent that whenever Halo XXX comes out. DOA....I'll just go down to nudie bar. Revolutions....rent for Super Smash Bros. XXX for parties.
  12. Neat! Look cool but that controller sucketh the big one. I wonder what the WiFi/PSP connection is all about?
  13. Does she transform?? Congrats!
  14. You've already posted about this in the toy section. That's good enough.
  15. Cool SRW Alpha 3 Video is out. Official site: http://www.suparobo.jp/srw_lineup/srw_alpha3/movie.html WMV version: http://beatlemedia.bugs.co.kr/video/2005/0...22020835973.wmv
  16. No new skins after 400K so I'm guessing that's it for skins in 1st player mode. (managed to cycle it back to the first skin/songs) New score: 475,789 Haven't played time attack but I doubt you'll get skins from them. Just got to complete puzzle now. I'm on puzzle "0 1 2 3" P.S. I could probably upload my Lumines file if anyone wants it. Should be too hard.
  17. Vs. CPU....not really much strategy. Try to get those rectangle or multi square shapes if possible. If it's not there just make a regular square. Whatever you do don't waste time. Let's see it's Cowboy, Jester, Samurai, Alien for the last four stages. I think. I've only beaten it twice. Anyways Score: 354219 Skins: 37
  18. Congrats! That's a pretty good mark. Now your next challenge is to break the 150K mark, then 200K....etc. Pretty soon Lumines will be the new crack. Just incase some people didn't know, you can get more skins by playing the vs CPU and the Puzzle modes. About the Vs. CPU mode. It's a friggin sonuvabitch. Just drop and make squares as fast as possible especially once you hit the middle east themed skin. You let up for even 2 secs and the CPU will kick your ass. The last guy(Alien) is easy though. Very anti-climatic. The good news is once you beat this mode your personal best mark will skyrocket since it'll hone your skills. Which means, I've got 3 more skins and a new personal best! I'll post that score later.
  19. Sah-weet! That looks cool. Really like that pic of Gunbuster rocketing by the RX machine. That's vintage Gunbuster. I sorta see a GP02 influence on Gunbuster 2 but that's cool. Where'd you d/l the 6 chapters from?
  20. Ugh. I like the first few issues of the series but Liefield? Not touching it with ANYTHING.
  21. DAMN. go boy go. I need to play this more....if I could just pry Ridge outta my hands..... Wifi Ridge MP is a blast!! Make that 32 skins. But yeah, Lumines and RR are what I play most. Finished all the beginners World Tour and have probably done around 4 tours of the next tour(pro?). Now I've got to get my cheap ass co-workers and friends to buy a PSP instead of constantly having them ask to play with mine.
  22. Space Above and Beyond.
  23. Oh god, I'm so enjoying cutting up this article. Make no mistake I'll probably watch it a few weeks after opening weekend but this article.....snicker snicker snicker.... Warning: Star Wars fanboys may be offended by what I do below. It's not simply awesome but farting awesome. So unless someone is farting it's not awesome but sucks or is it so awesome that it causes you to continuosly fart? Which is it Kevin?? *choke* LOL! Just imagaining Anakin doing the Cloud City thing in ESB. Anakin: Padme! Join me and we can rule(shakes fist) the GALAXY as. HUSBAND. and. WIFE. Hohaaaa! Hohaaaa!!! Obi Wan: Leia, you're going to live a life of priviledge and splendour on Alderaan. Luke you're so cute you're coming with me to Tatooine to be a moisture farmer. Isn't that fun? Luke: ESB- Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....or you think Monty Python. Anakin: All right; we'll call it a draw. Obi-Wan: Patsy.
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