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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. You posted to the mods, Roy stepped in. You posted again, Roy locked the thread. You start up this thread, I'm ending it. Agent One: stop calling people pussies. SK-1: stop calling people jagoffs. One week suspension for the next person to call someone else a pussy or jagoff. There is also an ignore member feature built into this board. It's very handy.
  2. Too much work. Draw a long black rectangle and you have my filmstrip.
  3. Read the Yukikaze Super Thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=4489
  4. We doing super robots? Then it's Shin Getter Robo. Hordes of monsters, monster robots, planetary body destruction, star destruction....
  5. Damn and I was looking for an excuse for morning head knocking exercises. NO POLITICS.
  6. I think Harry's scar is one of the Horcruxes. Why? Gut feeling.
  7. Bah. Someone almost always dies in one of the Potter books. Philosphers Stone: that evil teacher Chamber of secrets: Tom Riddle Azkaban: ??? Goblet of Fire: that student guy Order of the Phoenix: Sirius Black
  8. There's an order list? Just to be on the safe side I'm in for at least one.
  9. Topic says MINOR UNSPECIFIC SPOILERS. Let's just say I was NOT amused to find someone posting up somewhat major spoilers about this book. I am also NOT amused to see that that person reposted the same message in bold after the spoiler message was deleted by a moderator. That person should consider themselves warned, as in I'm going to suspend your ass if you ruin any more of that book for me warned. If you really want to talk about the HP:HBP book with major spoilers I suggest you start a thread that states that there will be major spoilers. Oh and sorry Beltane deleted your post by accident.
  10. Appreciate the effort to tell us about the Beta fighter. Please continue the discussion in the pinned Masterpiece thread in the Other Anime or Science Fiction section.
  11. Very nice. I'm not sure whether this should be a Toy or a Model. Either way, really cool.
  12. Y'know as cool as it is that Tommy was showing off his stuff, I'd rather know what you guys were talking to Mari about.
  13. I've owned the same CD player since I was in Jr. High, the same DVD player since maybe a year after the PS2 came out. I've had my Xbox since it came out, and I've had my Gamecube since it came out. The CD player in my car has been there for three years. Aside from my PS2 going bad, I'm yet to have to recalibrate any of them. So.....you use each of those devices for 3-4 hrs daily?
  14. Eh. After about 5yrs(or whenever the PS2 came out) I'd expect any mechanical device to need some sort of tweaking to keep it working especially through the daily 3-4hrs of abuse I put it through. I've only had to tweak it once, and only recently, so that's a pretty damn good track record as far as I'm concerned.
  15. All I've got to chime in on is that my launch day PS2 is working fine. PS2 games work fine (DVD and CD) and I always have it playing DVD's almost every single night when I'm home. Still works like a charm. I will say that I did take it apart last Jan to clean the lens because I was starting to get some DRE on DVD's I knew used to work. Cleaned and recalibrated the lens and it keeps on trucking.
  16. Enough. We try to cut you guys some slack during the slow time on macross but this is the crap you guys come up with? There is no need for multiple superthreads or Official This/That threads. If a thread drops off the first couple of pages then consider it dead and buried unless you have something new to share with everyone about that topic then feel free to revive it. If someone else comes by and posts up a new thread about the same topic, DON'T bump up the old thread simply because you were the creator of it or something. If you want you can point them to the old thread and let them decide if they want to bump up the old topic. Why/when do we merge threads? Using Batman Begins as an example. Three members go see BB at the same time and all post similar BB topics in a 24hr time span without realizing it. We'll most likely merge them then. If the topics are weeks apart, see above paragraph. Melissa's post seems to be about one of the only rational ones going here. Read it.
  17. There are already five pinned threads in the OT section. Yukikaze or Stealth threads aren't worth the pinnage.
  18. Because that would be logical.
  19. No, that's just what JBO thinks. We just think you're a Halo nut, but since Halo has no memorable quotes you get to be Leroy. Oh yeah, this is all fun and games so don't take it personally.
  20. Renato: Bridge Bunny suits you. The rest: Nya nya nya. I decree it Gnakins and so it shall be!
  21. You don't know Leroy? Shame on you! http://flame.tiefighter.org/WoW/1115793473.wmv or here http://warcraftmovies.com/download.php?mir...roy.wmv&id=1666
  22. Does anyone else hear some wind whistling??
  23. Once more, STAY ON TOPIC or I'm going to use some anti-perspirant on some of you.
  24. (munches on popcorn) Wow. That was fun. Anyways, stay on topic (mylene), Abombz is female, read A1's blog for dating tips and .....er.... Chas got himself a custom title. (munches popcorn)
  25. http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-5733756.html?tag=st.prev IBM failed to deliver promised speeds. Apple trying something new. OS X has been supposedly running on Intel and AMD chips ever since the inception of X. Know what? I don't care. As long as the OS remains the same and it has the hardware to back it up, I'm happy.
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