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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Okay now that's just BS. No way I'm "paying" for software that should've been included when I forked out cash for a PSP. I'll continue using PSPVideo9, thank you very much. No idea. I don't have SSX Tour for the PS2. Maybe I'll rent it one of these days. For now, all I know is I really enjoy being able to play SSX on the go.
  2. Nope. CD/DVD's are too big. You need UMD media games (which are basically tiny DVD's in a plastic encasing). As for me, I love my PSP. Picked up SSX On Tour and Sega Tennis for PSP and I'm playing both games more then I'm playing PS2 Colossus, which I picked up at the same time.
  3. Ooooo....FX Darth Maul sabers. That's mine once it's out and I can toss my cheapy $30 extendable Maul one out.
  4. Look for "Top no Nerae 2". It's not labelled under Gunbuster.
  5. Diebuster #4: WTF?!?! Spoiler: Nanako's a Buster Machine?!?!
  6. Not really. Sounds like what happened when I finished the FF7 game. Killed Sephiroth with my first attack using Clouds ultimate limit break attack (whatever the hell that was).
  7. That was Red Comet. He was funny with those pink customs of his.
  8. Dangard Ace

    Rohby's SD Max 1J

    It's horrible. Absolutely horrible. You need to send it to me ASAP for proper disposal. Trust me, this is in YOUR best interest.
  9. wow. I had one of those as a kid. Cheap dollar store stuff. Good fun though, liked them better then GoBots since I think there was some whirring motor in the car part or something.
  10. Great movie. I knew this movie was about River and Mal but to throw in the Reaver's Origin.....wow. Wash's death came out of nowhere and I was like Noooo!!!! Not him! Definitely wasn't expecting that since he already killed off Sheppard, the mandatory one beloved character gets killd....but it's Josh and we know nothings sacred with him, just look at Buffy and Angel. Inara's hot and Kaylee's cute but mygod, when River just started whooping Reaver ass with those edged weapons.....(drool). Must buy on DVD.
  11. Found a size comparison. I like the look but I'm still not sure I want to pay that price. Think I'll sit on this one for abit.
  12. Hmmm.....I may need to take a road trip to cali next year. Miramar's in Ca too right? So if the dates are close enough(2 week period) Miramar AFB airshow one weekend, Edwards AFB airshow the next. How much are tickets to Edwards airshow?
  13. Only reason I'd buy UMD movies....it's a movie I really like and don't want to deal with encoding it from DVD ever time I want to watch it. Plus it's far simpler to just insert and play instead of rip, encode, transfer, and play. So far only two movies have made that list: Predator and Sin City. I'm just waiting for an Aliens UMD...but until then memory stick Aliens it is.
  14. Wow that awesome! This means you'll give us the "special" tour of the base during airshows right?
  15. Nope. I don't want to see you guys grimy faces in the morning. If anything I should have my email as my startup page instead of what I currently have(default).
  16. Left to right: L: Ooooo...I need to go poop. M: I NEED TO POOP NOW!!! R: <sigh> I told you guys to go before leaving!! But awesome. Original Gunbuster figures rule!
  17. Oops forgot the Link: http://cgi.ebay.com/Limited-Transformers-D...1QQcmdZViewItem 329382[/snapback] I have heard many good things about that box set, i was planning on picking it up when i save up a few more dollars. chris 329430[/snapback] I have it. Liked it so much I sold the first 2 seasons from Rhino. 329459[/snapback] Video quality is worse then Rhinos. There's color bleed everywhere, it you know what to look for. For the price and stuff that come with it it's a good buy. It's how I got my RM Prime.
  18. No no no, that one goes here, this goes there! Roy we're never going to finish building that starship if you keep mucking around with the board skins!
  19. >EXO< you bastard! You said you didn't have any Pinky St. figures to trade for a Low-Vis! Especially the cutie in the pigtails and schooldress!!! ..... .... ....um....is this thing on??
  20. We're like ships passing in the night. Everytime I drop by Animextreme they'd say you were there less then 30mins ago! 321059[/snapback]
  21. So what's the difference between the US and JPN versions?
  22. Marshall Bravestar. Go! Mighty Orbots! Together ...for something...et cetera....... Go! Mighty Orbots! http://well-of-souls.com/orbots/archive/orbotsintro01.mov
  23. Cheetarah was the hottest drawn character back then.
  24. Could care less. You already have a Hot Coffee thread. USE IT.
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