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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. I have it, I'll watch it and I'll enjoy it. No expectations going in, entertained going out.
  2. Looks like I may be nerding it up at SDCC this year ... and then a week in LA after that.
  3. That's nothing compared to what happened when 20th Anniversary Convoy/Optimus Prime came out. Tfans flooded the board. Granted OP deserved to win, some many gimmicks and so much diecast, but some TBDX hardliners were calling foul.....sore losers. My gut feeling is that TOTY 2006 is going to be SOC Voltes since TBDX is a gokin site and theirs an inordinate amount of love for Voltes. ....though if Bandai ever decides to release a SOC Dangard Ace I'm going to have to vote for that.
  4. That's Raideen and I think that's a Jumbo. The Toyboxdx guys or RobotJapan would know which line it's from better.
  5. Frack. Don't you know your very words are gospel to some? You speak the words of Crom. ......and where's Mexico 3?
  6. Swap the upper legs/thighs. It's a two minute job and it'll move the ugly screws to the back and make it look much better. Doesn't interfere with transformation whatsoever.
  7. I don't think so. TOTY usually starts from somewhere mid-dec of the previous year to mid-dec of the voting year. The GBP came out Dec.27 thereby missing the deadline.....for this year. We'll get them next year.
  8. Had more. Half the links in that thread are red X's and none of the shrines have pics of her. Repost her pics in the costume thread!
  9. Hey who let him back in? He hasn't finished Mexico 3: the Santa Claus yet!
  10. Smiles, smiles everyone!
  11. Fudrom? What's a fudrom? Sounds expensive.
  12. Stay away from this seller: franzi444. Looks like all his pics are lifted from other auctions. 6020675692 is the same as 6019716318 6020690719 is the same as 6019974927 6020682966 is the same as 6019409721 6020683575 is the same as 6019413528 6020672277 is the same as 6020205135 6020687445 is the same as 6020802537 6020668761 not even his picture! Seller ID in picture is robertbrooks9 not franzi444
  13. Uh no. It got moved to the For Sales section. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...topic=17096&hl=
  14. Actually its Big red button: April: All right! Ramrod will now take Navigational control! Ramrod: Acknowledged, April. Navigational control on. Ramrod challenge phase . . . one. Head 'em up, move 'em out! Powerstride, and ready to ride. Ramrod = Optimus Prime = Peter Cullen. http://members.tripod.com/~Star_Sheriffs/fans/saber_ri.mp3 My favs were the force five robots. Gaiking, Grendizer, Starvengers (Getter G), DANGARD ACE.
  15. Toynami's saying a December release date.
  16. I've d/l'd the first three fansub avi's(since I don't like mkv) and if you liked the original anime version you'll like this one. It's different enough from the original to make it fun to watch. Haven't read the manga so I don't know how it compares.
  17. News.com rebuttal. http://news.com.com/FAQ+Behind+TiVos+play+..._3-5965853.html 346813[/snapback]
  18. http://fantofan.jp/ I'm liking this alot but then again, I'm a sucker for G1 Prime. http://fantofan.jp/news/mag/figureking/fk94-1.jpg
  19. That sucks. Would've been nice to see more models made. If your restorative efforts don't work you could always turn it into a battle-damaged destroyed valk scene.
  20. Yeah. I'm hungry. I need dinner. Screw you guys I'm going for food. Well...I guess that board function...isn't quite as advertised. Useful if used properly though. Let's go see what other board functions I can use to annoy Hurin.
  21. No. I turned off embedding more then one quote. That pyramid quoting was getting annoying.
  22. I would but what is 4chan? Ah Firefly good show better movie. Serenity had to have been the best movie of the summer, since Batman was a remake I think it was the best original summer movie. 343718[/snapback] It's just a fan message board. Upload images or drawings for other fans to enjoy. www.4chan.org
  23. Post it up on 4chan!
  24. Google.com is your friend. Two quick links: http://www.liutilities.com/products/wintas...ibrary/svchost/ http://ask-leo.com/svchost_and_svchostexe_...s_and_more.html
  25. The same thing happens the other way too. I get shafted almost $30 getting stuff from the US. I may as well buy some stuff straight from HK instead of from US sellers since they sell toys cheaper there.
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