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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. That the main robot for the new Sentai Show Boukenger repainted. Soon to be known as the next Power Rangers after PR Mystic Force.
  2. TV and Comic continuity does not exist. Anything that happens in one does not happen in the other.
  3. are those the slighty bigger alternators style bootlegs we saw a little while back in these threads? 380992[/snapback] Yup. AKA Roadbots. Apparently coming over to NA through some small name company. You can also buy them off ebay. Search terms, Toyota Robot
  4. Left - Mirage Right - Happywell KO toy of mirage.
  5. Destroy? No. Rename? No, it's one of the threads that actually works with a official tag. You actually know what you're talking about for Gunbuster and are a constant active participant. If all "official" thread starters did that I wouldn't care, but we had a slew of threads that were started but did not have in-depth knowledge about the subject. They were more of a "super" thread-type in that the starter did it to consolidate the threads but then seldom returned to participate in it later. I have the same opinion as Roy that alot of those threads were created to simply have shock value like the ebay listings with the prefixs "LOOK" or "A MUST HAVE." Happily there are some exceptions to that rule. My definitions : Official threads - created by passionate fans who have a real love for the subject and have done a ton of research on it and actively contribute to that thread OR created by admin/mods. Super/Mega threads - created by fans to consolidate all threads of the subject in question but more as a general free for all. ie the Transformers thread.
  6. Tremors. The monster goes out with a ...... "stampede!!" ...and then they drive off.
  7. It's been there for days. Top wo Nerae or something like that.
  8. Pulls out couch, popcorn and a big 2 litre jug of pop.
  9. I'm all for removing ANY thread that aren't posted by admins or mods as "Official" threads. Or at least renaming them. Mega or Super, I don't really care too much about.
  10. Now why am I humming the Gaogaigar theme when I see these designs?? (Might Gaine is more appropriate but never saw it.)
  11. Ooo....nice. Love the stealth, tempted to get 2. CamoValk....I like it enough to get one.
  12. As the last two posts are dated Aug. 2005, and Oct. 2004. this thread is being unpinned.
  13. Almost everyday when I'm in front of the computer(almost everyday). I need my background white noise. DRE - open up PS2, clean and adjust laser, DVD's playing again. Except for the older DVD's that had the layer freeze problem. Newer DVD's play like a charm.
  14. I support my toy crack by pimping out the mini-mods to stags and stagettes.
  15. I like the Camo but that could be because I love the F4-Phantom. Had a diecast toy of that as a kid and it was always kicking everyone of my dad's other diecast planes. I'd buy that stealth. Maybe even two of them. Repaint one of the noses bright orange...... I love the 0S!! Hands down!
  16. Didn't that same article also say that Western fans preferred the Japanese Die-cast Binaltechs to the Alternators? Grass is greener on ther other side.
  17. Vostok 7?? Never heard of him. So she wears a green wig, red flight suit and regularly beats the crap out of you eh?
  18. ,,,,, from the voice of Napolian , this should be moved to the feedback section 370879[/snapback] No longer about site updates but feedback. Moved.
  19. Watch the racial slurs. anything else like BMW drivers are a-holes or Boxster drivers are wannabes are fine.
  20. Alright Agent 001, your license to post inane Matchbox Rick Hunter doll pics has been revoked. Any further attempts to post Rick Hunter doll pics will result in a new Avatar which will be a combination of your current muscle pic with this one....and a new member title. Failure to comply will also result in a spanking from any of your favorite mini-mod. I nominate JsArclight for this job.
  21. Now that's a nice looking Max! Makes me wish I didn't get out of JM's. Almost.
  22. WTF! I finally got iMacrossVII back online (baring a new firewall issue with my router I hope to fix this evening) @ 6:45am this morning... so the iMacross "project" is dead now? 370260[/snapback] We can repin this if you're back up and running. Okay re-pinning since Southcross's iMacrossVII is up.
  23. Which means you're going to buy 8 of them right?
  24. Welp, since this is now basically a dead thread I'm unpinning it. Until the next iMacross project comes along. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=148&st=120
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