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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Read my previous post. NOT SMART reposting something a mod deleted.
  2. I'll get it....mainly cause it's going to be released around my birthday and I won't pay for it. I'm actually looking forward to see how their version looks to the boots.
  3. What you're getting in this movie box is basically what the Japanese fans got in their movie box. The awesome stuff that American execs think you don't care about. At least that's the pitch my toy/anime dealer used when he sold it to me.
  4. You have a problem with the way a topic or a post you ask a mod to take a look at it. An admin and a moderator will look at it then and talk to the offending party. You do not take the matter and escalate it with more inflammatory remarks. As for the homophobic remarks, you guys watch what you say. And a reminder for all. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=142
  5. Watch it. It's posts like this that will come back to bite you in the ass. 396285[/snapback] Meh. It's all good, right? 396354[/snapback] No. Tone down the attitude or you will find your stay here short.
  6. Who set >EXO< on fire and why didn't anyone tell me? I'd've brought the gas can. But yeah, I don't see anything really inflammatory there. He gave tit for tat and it's all fair.
  7. Could've been $119. Flipped through, saw it, told my local to buy it. Glad I waited since I now don't have to pay import or customs taxes.
  8. FYI: Just saw the next issue of Previews and one of the Aliens Dropship $112USD (not sure which one) and both APC's($30-something) are being issued by Diamond.
  9. So sad at the end with Franky.....
  10. I only hope that it is bigger then Dancouger (I think that's the biggest SOC currently) since even though SOC's aren't exactly to scale Gunbuster towers over most of them.
  11. Looks slightly different then the one you posted. http://cgi.ebay.ca/Transformers-RID-OMEGA-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. ::Starts crying:: 392695[/snapback] I am twenty years old. FOREVER!! Offtopics = does not work for a place with this many members. Experiments like the Longest Thread were tried and were unsuccessful. I have no desire to read what underwear or lack thereof you are wearing today.....unless you are a desirable female. In which case..... Politics = no. Fun but no. Religion = no. Fun but no. For reference see any topics regarding the Warzone(RT) a few years back and the BS that went on in there.
  13. Isn't that GaoGaiGo? http://toyboxdx.com/set-bbs.html
  14. You mean this? http://dave.ajmedia.ltd.uk/ebay06/rid_combined.jpg
  15. After BW-3rd season it became Beast Machines. Prime became an eco-terrorist, Megs becomes....well, many things....and it sucked.
  16. Ah, so I was right. It's the Finnish Air Force symbol. and yes, AOMY kicks all sorts of ass but then again almost all Leiji Matsumoto stuff does.
  17. I don't get how this is Anime or Sci Fi.
  18. G1 Convoy should be the same size as Galaxy Convoy. It's only because Galaxy Convoy combines with his trailer that makes him seem bigger.
  19. Just a leg swap so that it looks more like G1 Prowl.
  20. Wow. Now that's a very cool looking ED209. How much is that thing cause I may want one.
  21. Hi MW, Long time lurker, first time caller. Love your show. oops. Wrong media. Joined the old boards sometime just before the VF-11B(wonky thigh) came out.
  22. I'm going to say No Way, No How to MP03 is going to be 1/24 scale. (32inches) 1) $100USD(BBTS) price point. Brave Max was what $200-300(?) when it came out and that was just a recolor of Fortress Maximus. This is a new product. 2) MP seems to be about anime-accurate robot mode. How is a Starscream taller then Prime anime accurate? 3) TF fans are notoriously cheap simply because they have a ton of variants and figures to collect. Most didn't touch MP Prime until he was on the $50 sales rack. Takaratomy is not going to spend that amount of R&D for something that big if they can't recoup their losses.
  23. Which retard decided to put Episode 2 & 3 on Disc 2 and which "FANS" decided these were the top 10? Disc 1 1. Star Sheriff Roundup - Episode 1 2. Sole Survivor - Ep.19 3. Famous Last Words - Ep.22 4. Sharpshooter - Ep. 23 5. The Monarch Supreme - Ep.24 Disc 2 6. Calvary Command - Ep.2 7. Jesse's Revenge - Ep.3 8.Jesse Blue - Ep.15 9.Bad Day at Dry Gulch - Ep. 31 10. Happy Trails - Ep. 52
  24. Okay that's awesome.
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