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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Applegeeks lite take on X3. http://applegeeks.com/lite/strips/aglite15.jpg Har har!
  2. All Wolverine all the time makes the X-men boring. Wolverine is a drifter, comes in and out of stories as needed. To have him become basically the defacto leader of the X-men....bullshit. Plus he talks too much. But then again I suppose they had no choice since they neutered all the main characters to give Halle and Hughes more screentime.
  3. Passable movie....though I wonder why they bothered callling the movies X-Men since all three movies were about Wolverine. Wolverine spinoff movie? I'll just call it Wolverine 4.
  4. That is so awesome! Definitely forwarding that link to people I know.
  5. Looks like fun. I miss the old LucasArts and Sierra adventure games.
  6. Work: Win2000 Pro. WinXP Approved Browsers(supported): IE Unapproved Browsers: Firefox Home: Mac OS X(main computers), WinXP Mac(s): Safari(99%), IE and Firefox(1% - guests users) XP: Firefox and IE installed. PC not used to surf or email - mainly for work(60%)/games(40%). Only time IE or Firefox is launched is to do system updates.
  7. Buster collapsing engine and buster collider attacks!! Middle right and bottom right.
  8. a-hole, bitch, slurm, frakk, damn, Uwe, pussy, jackass...etc. You get to be Grahams cabanna boy.
  9. Bwahahahahaha! That's right bitches! G1 Prime OWNZ!!
  10. This I can agree with. I was actually talking about the BW show not the toy line. Takara Marketing = failure Aaron Archer deciding that Wheeljack was a badguy name = failure Then they severely underestimate children. Show a child(my nephews) 2 Primes and he can identify them as Armada or Energon. I tell them their the same character and they say stuff like, no this prime is cooler then that one because .....etc. Kids can live with the 1/2 hr commercials like G1 was. It's for the older audience that they try to entice with a storyline/continuity and in that they fail. I can live with that. Actually I agree with you which is why I already deleted that line before you replied.
  11. Actually, bad for Takara.History has proven that whenever Takara decides to assert individuality in Transformers story writing, it ends up being a DISASTER for them, in terms of how the japanese public and the japanese Transformers fandom enjoys the storyline, and how well the toys subsequently sell. Case in point - when Hasbro left Transformers cartoons in G1, Takara took over, bringing a different japanese anime flavour to it. Over the course of several series, sales went WAY down. When the US Beast Wars series debuted in Japan, it was a hit. But due to the complexities of Mainframe's CG animation, the production took too long for Takara's market requirements of 52 episodes per year, so they created Beast Wars the Second - a lighthearted slapstick anime. It bombed. Then they made Beast Wars Neo, an even more slapstick oriented series. It bombed even worse. Then they imported seasons 2 and 3 of US Beast Wars as Beast Wars Metals, EXCEPT marketing decided to drastically change the series to better fit the anime slapstick established in BW2 and Neo. As a consequence iy lost the darker, hard edge season 2 was famous for, the japanese TF fandom hated the series and it bombed. Car Robots was the last straw - it almost killed Transformers in Japan and damaged Takara's finances. The following year Takara prudently began working jointly with Hasbro once again on Transformers, beginning with Masterpiece Convoy and Armada. The fact that G1 Convoy and Beast Convoy, both US characters, are the most popular versions of the various Convoy says something about how much the japanese prefer US-led TF series, and how much apathy they have for japanese-oriented TF series. As for characters not looking much like their previous bodies - well, line refresh that keeps the line looking interesting and new to the market, despite being in the same continuity. Keep changing, or die a slow death like G1. 402407[/snapback] Takara screws up the TF line because they try to adapt it to follow the highly successful Brave formula. Kid leads with sentient robots as backup. Kill off all the kids except for someone like Spike or Chip, who only shows up once in awhile, and they'll be fine. Car Robots was rumored to be the next Brave series but got shuffled over to TF. And you know what, I liked it. Robots were disguised as real cars again not the non-cars of Armada/Energon. Unfortunately see above paragraph. G1 died because of the ignoble death of Optimus in the movie and whiny Rodimus in season three. All the old favorites were gone and were replaced with these no name wankers who can't deal with stuff. All because they wanted to sell a new line of toys. Way to go Hasbro! WOoo! Hasbro killed off the Beast Wars line with their horrible Beast Machines follow up and the designs for the supposed Transtech TF follow up to that were awful. They looked like crap from Shadow Planets. Line refresh is fine. Now give me a goddamn good story reason why the same characters in the same continuity would suddenly decide to up completely switch bodies. That and why they completely forget about the uber powerful Star Saber, Requiem Blaster and Skyboom Shield in Energon. Forced continuity and toy marketing. They should have wrote something about the minicons leaving, TF's needing to reformat for new bodies or something. Nope they all get new bodies but no mention of where the old bodies went. Huge loopholes you can slide a planet through. Hasbro frakks up just as much as Takara. And it's Optimus Prime and Optimus Primal not G1 Convoy and Beast Convoy. American transformers show characters get american names. Japanese shows get japanese names.
  12. That was awesome!
  13. Good for Takara. Write a story that makes some sense instead of blindly following what Hasbro says. Especially when all the main characters don't look like the characters from the previous series for no reason whatsoever. I found the voice over parts for the transformation sequences annoying as hell. Those eye-catches were made to sell the toys so they slowed down the transformations and did all that fancy shmancy light gimmick. An enemy would have shot their asses down if they took that long to transform and have time to gab at each other. I'll give you the Vector Prime speech though. That was an improvement. He's actually sitting on his crotch but he still looks like a prisonbitch. http://www.hasbro.com/common/images/produc...a13d9d_a400.jpg http://www.hasbro.com/common/images/produc...09d_main400.jpg
  14. I can call it anyway I want to because it's MY opinion. Galaxy Force's story is tighter then Cybertrons because it doesn't have to try to force a connection to previous shows like Hasbro does. Hasbro's renaming of the planetary convoys to their english counterparts is understandable due to them needing to protect the names but I still think their choice of names are stupid. Some names changes were good such as Inch Up to Dirt Boss was a good change but Chromia to Thunderblast? WTF? Nitro Convoy suddenly becomes a female character because Hasbro didn't want the only female character to be evil is so PC it's retarded. And don't have me go off on Armada(Pokemon) and Energon(Super Sentai Convoy) because I think both shows were utter crap. Megalo Convoy/Metroplex = prisonbitch convoy/Metro so yeah I'd say that was a "loose" interpretation.
  15. Because the character isn't Metroplex. It's Megalo Convoy (or Prisonshowermate-Convoy ). and he's supposed to be a construction vehicle. Hasbro's renaming scheme for Galaxy Force to Cybertron is stupid.
  16. They're from the same show but bigger individual pics. Go here and scroll down to 2006.05.18 to find them. http://pam.main.jp/ ...because you're a Gunbuster completist? oh and according to TBDX it says complete transformation in the background.
  17. Two more pics have surfaced. http://pam.main.jp/jpg/event/shs45/shs45_75.jpg http://pam.main.jp/jpg/event/shs45/shs45_76.jpg
  18. Marvel had a series about the Infinity Gauntlet leading to Infinity War leading to Infinity Crusade. Check out wikipedia.org for details.
  19. 1) Go check out the Toy section of MacrossWorld. It's got all the info you need. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/1...48revisited.htm 2) Depends if you like the look with the armor. 3) Some of us think it's got a better looking fighter and battroid mode then the 1/48. It's NOT perfect transformation so if that's your criteria then get the 1/48 or Bandai. The 1/60 scale is currently also the most complete Macross line to date. 4) God willing no. I want to eventually resell mine for a hefty profit. (that's a joke.)
  20. Working for me now.
  21. It's being checked. Nothing to see here. Move along.
  22. Sure. I'll be down there this year.
  23. No no. You're thinking about Toynami's packaging skill with their Masterpiece Collection line.
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