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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicles. So far really focusing on Yoko as a babe (not spoilering it) and only sporadic sequences of after the Z.O.T.T. Not sure I really like her origin story but it's Y.K's story to tell and I liked BAA until now so I'll ride it out.
  2. By the lake With an eagle soaring in the background.
  3. Watched it. Not bad. So that’s how MCU is powering her. Nice. Really enjoyed the Rambeaus and Fury’s hint That’d be awesome. Oh and hey, she smiles!
  4. No one should be without the majestic GoLion/Voltron lions. Glad some of you guys got in on him. To whet your appetite
  5. I couldn’t pull the trigger on that one. For $200 bucks and 22cm he’s barely bigger than SoC Getter Robo and Emperors supposed to be a big ass spaceship. I want him to be as big as SoC Voltron, Daltanious, Iron Gear or GaoGaiGar. Pass until it’s cheaper.
  6. Yeah Ramrod/Bismarck is basically a shellformer. Looks great with SoC stuff but could use an update. What we need is a new Getter anime. It's been too long since New Getter Robo and it's time traveling Oni weirdness.
  7. I envy people who are reading this manga for the first time. Hint: read the manga.
  8. Yup to Vehicle Voltron. Gonna love how it's gonna compare to my Matchbox and MMW Vehicle Voltron.
  9. Flan. But yes agree with the rest.
  10. Saw Alita today and as a fan I loved how they intermingled some of the first few story arcs together. Now I'm gonna pull out the old mangas and read them again.
  11. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    Enough. Next person that does not stay on topic and just discuss HMR will get a week ban.
  12. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    Cleaned the thread up. Talk about HMR all you want, that's cool. The other stuff that's been edited, no more.
  13. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

  14. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice good discussion going on here. Great. Just don't veer into:
  15. Had similar happen to me earlier this month. Good thing I video myself opening packages showing the tracking slip and sealed box. Uploaded the video to Vimeo, sent the link to eBay CS and the seller didn’t even fight. Just refunded my money so I’m up a $2 red toy truck. Yah! Still gave the asshole negative feedback. To to stay on topic
  16. New Siege incoming!! https://comicbook.com/gear/2019/02/06/transformers-war-for-cybertron-toy-fair-figures-hasbro/#4 Im getting Skyfire for sure, and maybe Omega during the Christmas discount sale @amazon. Love Skyfires head more than my FT Phoenix default head. My Dx9 Gabriel is easily safe from Siege OS.
  17. I’ve got ToyWorld Bii to cover the chibi “toon” look. Not really that interested. Now when’s MP Hound dropping?
  18. Eh.....PG13. So no gory visceral curbstomping by Alita. Not sure how that's gonna feel like Battle Angel Alita.
  19. The number of Xs in front are me just holding down the X button. I didn’t count the Xs. Last hint I can give. This is the exact old email address. 4letters @ 2letters dot 2letters .com Replace the Xs XXnX@mX.Xr.com All letters are lower case. Can’t give you more then that Good luck.
  20. The x-letters in front of the @ symbol are random. The ones behind are not. Two letters. Dot. Two letters. Dot com.
  21. I can give you a hint about your old email. xxxxxxxx@mX.Xr.com Hope that jogs your memory. Obviously the X's replace letters....or do they? Hmmm....only the REAL Rune would know.
  22. G1 Jazz is a fav character of mine and in the first live action film they jack him up? Hard pass.
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