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Dangard Ace

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About Dangard Ace

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    Dangard Ace

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    Go Leafs Go! (hockey town)

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  1. I haven't read the Solo Leveling webtoon since episode 1 aired. Guess I'll re-read it from chapter 100. That's where last weeks anime ended. Yup. It's fun!
  2. Nothing new shown. Name Reveals/Drawing of Battle Armor Cobra Commander, Monkey Wrench, Major Bludd, and Renegades.
  3. Is it as good as Campfire Cooking in Another World? MCs basically have the exact same power so I've been skipping this show so far.
  4. Sentai Red had an …. Interesting cameo in the latest episode. Infinity Punch!
  5. Bismarck fights are better, less edited but that's to be expected. The Bismarck OP song gets to you after awhile. Dale Schackers opening is awesome but Call Me is pretty good too. The star is Fireball not Sabre. That took a bit of getting used to.
  6. Finally got around to watching it last night. Colours popped and the 5.1 sound was great! No regrets buying it.
  7. New rules for this thread for the New Year of 2025. 1). Maximum uploads of 3 pictures of a toy even if you bought two. That means if you bought DC Batman you can post a combination of boxed and opened pics of up to three here. Anymore than three will get the post deleted. If you bought another copy of the same DC Batman toy that does not constitute as a different toy and does not earn you three new photos. The moderation team considers that spamming and will be deleted. Text link to an external photo gallery if you have more than three pictures to share. 2). Image size: Height maximum per toy will now be set to 2400pixels for 3 pictures combined. That means one high resolution picture at 2400pixels or three decent resolution picture of 800pixels each. Choose your picture(s), less is more. m0n5t3r: your one image is 2865 × 3153. Slightly too big. Resize and reload it please. As I also didn't find a pic of the Hasbro toy I'm going to assume that this is the first pic of this toy (SS Springer) you posted. Thom: you're at 4 images. Select the 3 that survive the cut and boot the 4th off the island.
  8. Love the Locust, prefer the Jenner. BUT unfortunately your image is above the combined 4000px height per post. (4284 × 5712). Please reload a smaller image. Thanks.
  9. So FansHobby decided it was a good idea to put up their version of the AweStriker when Hasbro just revealed their official version? Someone doesn't remember what happened when Zeta/Studio Cell tried that with their version of Unicron and HasLab Unicron campaign was just starting out.
  10. Much as I love Doctor Who image is slightly too big at 3000px high. Please resize down to 2400px.
  11. Started a rewatch of Mac7 because of this toy. I still enjoy Milia flying circles around Basara in her "old" VF-1. I'll most likely get this to go with my Prime collection. Rocker Convoy is what I'll call him.
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