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Everything posted by Cybergig1

  1. haha very true I was sorta thinking it might not be out anytime soon. and D'oh already sold out at overdrive :\ guess I'll pony up the extra 30 bucks or so to get it from BBTS I need to go ahead and pre-order
  2. Excellent thank you both for the suggestions, I did run across the big bad toys one as well so glad to see theres lots of options. Now if November or whenver they are released would just hurry up >_<
  3. I'm definitely wanting to pick this one up (wow first post in this section) anyways I did some digging but didn't notice. Where do you fellas usually pick up yours from online? storewise I mean. I did some searching and found quite a few places. But with prices for the Alto scheme going from 109 all the way to 230 o_O which was just wild. So just wondering a good online retailer you would recommend
  4. haha jeez epic subject title almost expected a poll between her and hitler anyways agreed I think she is just young and naive to the point of being annoying BUT I wouldn't go near as far as saying she is a war criminal. She's still technically a child and as others mentioning just learning about herself so its sort of hard to expect someone at such an age to always do "the right thing" for everyone. I admit she can really annoy me to the point of pain a lot of times but at no time does it make me think of her as being straight evil. She has her good points too. I just dont like her near as much as Sheryl
  5. Speaking of Macross Plus it would be interesting if in these last episodes with the power struggle and whatnot we got to see some SMS versus NUNS valkryie action! probably wont happen but I mean thats part of what made Macross Plus so bad@$$
  6. exactly what I was thinking when I first saw the posts about who he saw first. and nice avatar btw
  7. thanks for the heads up was just about to get that one too :\ like 2 weeks in a row seriously some morons out there *sigh* and nice screens Graham! definitely they do look sorta thrown together but bad@$$ none the less!
  8. agreed, if they screw us with the ending it'll definitely leave a sour feeling for however many years until we have another ova/series/movie come out. So hopefully that wont happen
  9. haha almost exactly the same here. When I was 18 I ran across "robotech" again and remembered how much I loved it as a kid. Bought all the tapes and after the -macross saga- ended realized I hated the last 2/3rd's of the show. Then going online and finding out it was 3 series spliced together. Just like you I then found Macross Plus at best buy, then the gank edited version of DYRL with the crazy english dub by koreans or whoever. But definitely glad Macross is a lot different from other shows in that yes we have bigger gaps but we're better for it with the quality we get. I definitely agree that we're in a golden age and things are much better now then when I first started getting those copied fansub tapes o_O I still have some of those for Rurouni Kenshin and Initial D lol talk about junk Long live Macross, not just the 30th I look forward to the 50th anniversary and beyond!
  10. Just had to say the part with Klan in Michel's Valkryie and seeing the picture he had under his helmet just tore me up
  11. haha dito my friend, I haven't even seen the episode yet but when I was browing the images and saw that it was a very moment. I mean if you throw that up randomly on the net people would probably ask what hentai that is from hmm that settles it Ranka gets Ai-kun and Sheryl gets Alto
  12. Good to hear Anyways Points 2 and 4 especially are what had me thinking that originally. With them going back to add the earrings into the new Zero release it just really brings up that they must play a larger role then simply being earrings made of the crystals. So looking forward to seeing how that plays out. The whole name thing at first was what got me hyped with the tie in but when she started talking about being an orphan I began to worry how that would pan out. And like you said still kinda up in the air either Grace gave it to her or it really could end up being her name. Also good catch with point 3 I never even thought of that one at all
  13. ah now I'm having a nightmare scenario, Ranka/Sheryl singing with Brera on Harmonica and Alto in Hime mode dancing around the stage O_O gouge out my eyes! x_x hmm then again that could drive the enemy into offing themselves as well heh
  14. Flowery Branch, Georgia USA
  15. makes sense to me. So I guess we can go with the idea of he didn't macronize himself more in line with his whole "I'm too much of a coward to go after real love" attitude as to why he didn't pursue such a choice. But yeah totally makes sense on the whole economical side too as to why he and not many others are running around macronized. Whatever his reason though clears up wether he could or not. I just know I'd seen other threads debating if he was even a Zolan or not. Though he's got to be something with those crazy ears so I for one believe he's at least mixed Zolan or something.
  16. no worries bro I see where your going with it. And wasn't really calling you out in particular or anything I know I've seen lots of people comment that they think Sheryl is somehow related which I sorta did at first but started having my doubts around episode 18 or so whenever Grace and Sheryl had their falling out. And true I was wondering what if Grace didn't just randomly find her and is lying/controlling Sheryl even more. With Grace you never can tell o_o I really do like how they are added things into Zero's BD release to tie things together though. haha guess they can always claim "well it was there its just that without the awesomeness of high def none of you viewers ever really noticed it yeah thats it ^_-" lol
  17. haha you know that would actually work and make it easily explainable! sadly I doubt it'll happen ;_; but like others have said theres still a small shred of hope. But I dont wanna think about it so that if it happens I'll be caught off guard correct me if I'm wrong but could have swore I've read on numerous sources that DYRL was considered "visual cannon" and the tv series itself was the story cannon. Which would mean the whole human being macronized thing was as many have mentioned just for the in universe movie. Just seems to me if Michel could have gone that route he would have long ago so that he could have tried his hand with Klan. He always acted like it was an impossibility though
  18. well if somehow Michel DOES end up having "survived" which I think would cheapen his amazingly emotional death scene I hope they make such a surprise equally as bad@$$ and not just like "hey I'm alive check it!" hah.
  19. thats truly awesome that they added them onto the BD collection although I dont think that proves that Sheryl is any relation to Sara necessarily. Since as Grace stated she found her and made her who she was, it seems more likely to me that Mao from back in the Zero day just kept the earrings and somehow Grace got them. Then with Grace finding Sheryl (if that was even her name) she decided to give her the last name Nome and the earrings as part of her experiment. I also like the comment about how possible the crystals were on earth then and possible part of the bird humans blood or maybe out of its body. A definite possibility and interesting one at that But time will time
  20. ah Kamina, had to remind me of him, now I have to relieve the pain of his death and Michael's all at the same time haha. I still stand by the Michael over Guld statement. I definitely know what your saying in that regard however again my main reason for that (and it may just be because I'm still coming off the shock of his death) it just had a bigger effect on me. When Guld died it was like it was expected of him, as odd as that sounds. And he definitely pushed his body well past its limits. So maybe months from now when I'm not so down about the whole Michael just bought it stick I can rethink and compare them more objectively. yeah and no idea about the GAR thing. First time I ever really saw it mentioned was an episode of ToLoveRu some months back and it had a caption saying "basically meaning manly" and the whole episode the guy was trying to look manly. So never really questioned it. Thanks for the heads up!
  21. haha too good, I know I first saw things about "GAR" in an episode of "ToLoveRu" basically just means to be manly anyways from the time I saw Macross Plus movie edition until yesterday I would have always said Guld. However after episode 20 of MF its definitely Michael. Not to take away from Guld but Michaels sacrifice has just had a bigger impact on me. Gulds had that "wow holy $#it" kinda feel whereas I almost feel like I'm still mourning over Michael this morning coming into work. It just was that painful yet that bad@$$ on his part the way he went down.
  22. I've always been backing Sheryl and wont be changing now. May be my personal preferences to her personality and her harsh background or just the fact I can't really stand Ranka when it comes to her interactions with Alto. I dont hate her character just the idea of her with Alto
  23. agreed after watching that scene again I thought it was a nice throwback to Guld with the sparkle in space, nice touch indeed. although as we've all said so many times. heartwrenchingly sad
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