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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Honey, lets play Macross Delta tonight. I'm going to be the Elysion....
  2. But his avatar is that of the Navy squadron he did. I hope to do one in VF-103 too but will prefer to go for the low vis scheme.
  3. That looks fantastic
  4. Here are some full colour pics. The green looks a lot better in sunlight.
  5. Thanks, yeah I'd like to drill holes on the speed break.The red boxes would have been a great idea. I decided not to do it because of the amount of masking involved to paint them and I thought they were 'areas you could step on' which may not be the same. But if I could make/find some decals to do it, I sure would add them on. One thing I do regret, is not being able to find some tail marking decals of some of Japan's top zero aces, like Saburo Sakai and Nishizawa. I would have loved to put some yellow numbers/letters from their aircraft on the tail. But because I couldn't find them, I just resorted to the F-15J Senkyo 2002 tail art. I'm hoping to do a VF-0A in F-14D scheme of VF-2 as the next model. At some point, I also would like to do one in a British Harrier scheme, but more like the modern RAF Harrier colours.
  6. The green turned out darker than I expected and makes the panel lines harder to see from a distance. Though because I want this to represent a newly painted once off scheme, I kept panel line washes to a bare minimum (under the nose and underneath mid fuselage ) and no weathering.
  7. Thanks guys, This would be one very expensive Kamikaze should it ever had to resolve to that! Here are some more pics closer to finish. I still have to finish the gunpod, do the head, add on a coat of clear acrylic and then add on the lights.
  8. Almost finished this VF-0S in Japanese colours. Took some pictures and thought might as well put some up here. Anyway, I was inspired to do a scheme that is similar to the Japanese WW2 A6M5 zero, an iconic Japanese aircraft that the Japanese took great pride in. Since one of the companies that contributed to the VF-0 was Japanese and the VF-0 sharing similar name to A6M5 Zero I figured it should be fitting that the new Zero mark the occasion with its predecessor's scheme. Decals used were from the VF-0S and F-15J squadrons that took part in Senkyo 2002. Amongst other things, I still have yet to do the head and haven't finished the gun pod. I've also decided to leave the conformal fuel tanks off and display it with the FAST pack later. Also modified the pilot by re-attaching the arms and legs and using the head of a standing pilot from the Fujimi 1/72nd Kit. I learnt many things doing this one. Tamiya Masking tape leaves quite a bit of residue on gunze gloss paint that i couldn't really get rid of despite trying out Zippo lighter fluid and WD40. In the end, I had to repaint the surface masking off the flat colour(white). Anyone have any alternatives to this? Also I'm not sure if other people experienced this before but when I tried to paint flat paint over gloss surface, the flat paint cracked. In the end, I had to use thinner to rub down the gloss paint so it gets back to the primer level and paint flat from that. Any tips in that area? Anyway, here are some photos.
  9. Thanks! I've put my pics on my photobucket site. there are just a few extra ones. VF-0A Phoenix Normal VF-0S Phoenix Commander Version I'm hoping to have these displayed in a diorama of them flying formation. Though i'm looking for suitable diorama bases that depict the Pacific Ocean. Worst case, i'd have to try and make my own with resin
  10. Thanks! It was a different grey. Well, not even grey really. I tried to get as close to the instructions and as close to the box photos as possible. Which, according to the instructions, was 70% white and 30% hemp. But i think i ended up using a bit more on the white ratio and less on hemp. Though the VF-0S was just H311
  11. Thanks! The scheme is straight out of the box. Though they added the white rabbit in the area just behind the cockpit. I thought it would look better with it. If only these characters had a bit more story instead of just getting shot down lol
  12. I just finished the VF-0A though I still have to do the Tail Lights and the Gun Pod
  13. Great work, though the problem you have with the front landing gear is that it cant take off using catapults anymore. How did you do the leading edge?
  14. Great Work! Just a question about the wing lights, did you spray on the clear colour? or do you hand brush it?
  15. That looks fantastic!
  16. I painted the VF-0S in mostly the colours stated in the instructions. Though I was rather surprised the colour sort of comes out as a creamy white. Not exactly the same as what it looked like on the animation. I was expecting a more white or more grey colourm which I would have preferred. I've got another VF-0S which I'm going to do in just plain white paint.
  17. great work so for the the cockpit
  18. Hi, here are some close up shots of the cockpit. Does that help? the interior is rather dark. And there is a little bit of compound residue on the frame which i was easily able to wipe off.
  19. Thanks guys. Yeah i was careful as to not to apply too much weathering as it should be a 'relatively' new plane, unlike the USN hornets. I'll try to get a pic of the cockpit tonight. Though 1 of the instrument screens got 'ripped' off when it accidently came into brief contact with some masking tape. And i found i had to really trim the instrument decal for it to fit right. Perhaps would consider painting it next time for the next VF-0s
  20. I just finished my second attempt at the VF-0S and first completed Macross model. I botched the first attempt and relegated it to being a paint/decal test bed. I find the kit alright to build but I really find the lower fins really annoying to deal with because they are so thin and the stubs to attach/align them are really small(almost non existent). I tried to use as little decals as possible. I think the VF-0 is one of the better looking valks. I hope to do more VF-0's later and customized schemes. I have one in mind to paint up a VF-0S in colours similar to A6M5 Zero. I figured it would be fitting since both are 'Zeroes'. Anyway, though i'd share these pics.
  21. That looks great! What colours did you use for it?
  22. That looks really great! I've got a VF-0D to do but its waiting in line.
  23. Thanks guys! I'll try some of them. Does anyone happen to have any HK hobby shop website links?
  24. Hi, does anyone know or know where i can get info of any furute re-releases of Hasegawa 1/72nd VF-0A's or B's?
  25. Thats looks great! fantastic stand too! What blue did you use?
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