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combined arms

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Everything posted by combined arms

  1. combined arms

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    damn you yamato! every time i think i can give my wallet a rest, you give us more magnificent macross goodness! i think i need a second job... neil
  2. Warriors of the Wind, crappy adaptation as it may be, and robotech were what introduced me to anime as a little kid. HBO used to play w.o.t.w. A LOT, and i was mesmerized by it. i would stay up late, wake up early, whatever to catch it on tv. mind you, i was maybe 8 or 9 years old at the time. since then, i have developed a greater appreciation for the entire spectrum of anime, but i haven't seen w.o.t.w. (or nausicaa) in almost 20 years. I'd love to see the full, original version.
  3. Is there any way to get these in the US, other than Ebay? I don't think that i have ever come upon an online store (like Valkyrie Exchange, BBTS, etc.) that has carried them. I'd love a complete set, but i'm not travelling to Tokyo to get them. Neil
  4. As for the SciFi Channel's new BG mini-series, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. There are a few plot details that have snuck out that i'm unhappy about. (Like the fact that the Cylons will be former servants of humans. Hasn't that been done enough already? Matrix & Terminator franchises, among others) The female starbuck character does not bother me (yet). We'll see in December. I do wish that Richard Hatch (Apollo) was able to get his BG movie made. It would have been a direct sequel, 20 years after the original series ended. (Galactica '80 was to be forgotten.) He made a short, "proof of concept" film that was shown at a 'con a while back. Unfortunately, due to licensing issues, it isn't available on the web and won't see the light of day again any time soon. C'est la vie.
  5. I will likely buy that boxed set, but I hope it comes also in a regular (flat) box. The cylon face looks pretty, but it's a little impractical on a bookshelf.
  6. Battlestar Galactica was the greatest tv show ever! Well, at least it was to me as a five-year old. I think it has stood the test of time relatively well. It's storylines were better then than a lot of tv is now. Yes, the sfx are quite dated, but i would still rather have a show done with models than with all CG (a la Babylon 5). Galactica 1980 was a steaming pile, though. In fact, to demonstrate just how well i had blocked it from memory - for the most of my life i had a vivid memory of a nightmare involving Cylons, a Halloween Party and Wolfman Jack. At least i thought it was a nightmare, until I caught that episode of G'80 on SciFi one afternoon while I was in college.
  7. GBP armor all the way! I'd like to slap that on my low-viz. Then i'd need some villian toys for it to beat down on.
  8. 1/72 - 2 1/60 - 1 1/48- 1 and more to come for the holidays, i'm sure. Neil
  9. Very cool. My dock needs some Macross love. PM on its way. Neil
  10. First post after lurking for a couple of years! My prized possession(s) are my two joke machines, due to heavy nostalgia value. A Max VF-1J and a VF-1S. Both are Matchbox/Robotech versions, that I bought with allowance as a little kid back in the 80s. They've survived the years pretty well considering how much i used to play with them (and occaisionally still do). A close second is my Yammie 1/48 low-viz. Good lord is that thing amazing! Glad to be here, Neil
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