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combined arms

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Everything posted by combined arms

  1. Wow, this is a gorgeous piece. I think I need to start saving up for it now. Being a poor grad student really sucks. Chris, you should turn that photo into a desktop wallpaper.
  2. I have two of those Robotech joke machines: the "Max Sterling" VF1J and the "Rick Hunter" VF1S. They're my all-time favorite toys. As a little kid in the early 80s, I bought them with my allowance money. They're beaten up to all hell, but they've held up surprisingly well over 20 years. In fact, even though I collect a lot of Macross, Gundam, Stikfas, and TF toys now, those are the only toys a really "play" with anymore. They sit on my desk and get transformed over and over while I talk on the phone or do my grad school readings. If Bandai reissued them today it would make me happier than when I unboxed my 1/48 Yamato. Neil
  3. My vote goes to Smokescreen. I love the rally WRX. Of course, I still haven't seen a few of the releases, like the RX8s and Mustangs. I only have a limited number of Alternators, because Hasbro is slow as molasses getting the darn things out in the stores. Now that I am in grad school I can't afford to do all of the toy collecting that I used to do, so no BTs for me. Neil
  4. Ok, i know it's sort of a newbie question, but i am trying to avoid all of the plot discussions in this thread since my only exposure to Seed is on Cartoon Network, so please forgive me. Are the Gundam Seed DVDs that I see in my local Best Buy the kid-safe CN versions, or are they the unedited versions?
  5. gracias. I'll p.m. rohby.
  6. So I've been off the forums here for a long while and just found this thread now. Are there any BP8 recasts still available out there? Preferably in low-viz gray, but any color will do. I broke my low-viz (see this old thread) a long time ago, and it's been sitting in its box since. I'd like to get it back in action if possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Neil
  7. mikeszekely, do you know if there is any way to get that zelda bonus disk without buying a gc console (since i already own one)? neil
  8. I know what the difference between tv and dyrl pilots are. I just didn't know what the difference between the early Yamato 1/48 pilots and the later ones are now. Does anyone have decent photos for comparison? I couldn't tell from the pictures in the toy section of MW.com Neil
  9. what are the differences between the pilots?
  10. I just saw the how high & from the ground up episode tonight. very cool stuff. i haven't built a model rocket since i was about 10 years old in summer camp. i'll have to catch the other two episodes later. neil
  11. Hurin, That is exactly what happened to me, except both broke off.
  12. Thanks for the advice everyone. I am going to try to contact Yamato directly first for that one part, before I decide on whether or not to replace the whole thing. If this is a known issue, good business practices would be to make amends. It is quite different than people "abusing the system" to make customs. For the record, the FAST backs were off when I was transforming it.
  13. combined arms

    man down!!!

    so i got in my 1/48 FAST packs recently. after putting them on my low-viz and admiring it that way for about a week, i decided this past weekend to check it out in battloid mode. as i was transforming it (for only like the thrd time ever) the backpack came off in my hand. i almost freaked. upon examination, i realized that it was the hinge on the back that broke. the two rings that held the backpack on sheared off cleanly. what a ridiculously fragile design! anyway, i was searching around the forums for advice and saw that replacement parts thread. has there been any further word on that? the thread ended abruptly with no update quite a while ago. also, is this a common problem? not that i could afford to, but i can't even buy a new low-viz if i wanted to, since every store that i know is sold out. any input is welcomed. neil
  14. According to the guide on my Tivo, Cartoon Network will be airing all the episodes in two half-hour blocks on Friday, Nov. 21. Chapters 1-5 will be on at 7:30 pm eastern. Chapters 6-10 will be on at 9:30 pm eastern. There is no info about this (that i could find) on the CN website though.
  15. I saw it after work last night. It was good, but definitely not great. There were several scenes/lines of dialogue that had the audience laughing, and not in a good way. Unlike in "Reloaded," the CGI was pretty darn seamless. There were no blatant moments where I thought, "now that's a cartoon." (Unlike the entire Neo/Smith brawl in "reloaded"). The defense of Zion battle is pretty sweet. The coat room gunfight we've seen already. The Neo/Smith showdown at the end was well done, but at that point I wasn't enthusiastic anymore. i wasn't bored or tired of it, but i no longer bought into the whole premise. That had to do with a number of plot/story choices that the Wachowski brothers made for this film (set up in Reloaded) that i just don't agree with. I'll go into that and some of the glaring plot holes on Monday when the spoiler embargo on the forum is lifted. In all, Revolutions is a solid action movie that slipped into cliche occaisionally and didn't live up to the depth that was promised by the first film (and even Reloaded as well). It answers most of the questions posed in Reloaded, leaves several open to interpretation, and just plain ignores a few. Revolutions was not worth the $11.50 i spent here in Manhattan to see it on opening night, but I would've been fine with a $6 Saturday matinee.
  16. new york city - $10 to $11 (where I work) NJ suburbs $8.50 to $10 (where I live) some theaterss have matinee pricing, some don't. usually that is $6.
  17. I just got my 1/48 FAST packs. (thanks, Valkyrie-Exchange). I have never been one to put the stickers on any of the valks in my small collection, but I think the armor looks a little bare. Should I just use the stickers that Yamato provided or should I invest in the custon decals that i have seen pictured here in the boards? What are the pros & cons of each? Any advice is welcomed. Neil
  18. It's not an anime, but i would like to see Lone Wolf and Cub made into either an anime or live-action film/mini-series. i know it was done in Japan in the early 70s, but i'd like to see it done with a modern budget.
  19. WDC, Very nice. You should definitely continue with some other valks. And, like waylandcool said, it would be pretty cool to see some VF1s colored in other Transformer schemes - starscream, thundercracker & skywarp. Someone with some artistic talent (which means not me) should take a crack at that.
  20. Devils Due comics just recently announced that their Voltron series will now be an ongoing title (not just a mini-series) and that they've picked up the rights to the vehicle Voltron as well. I would think that if the comic does well, and their new lions toy sells, we will see Toynami do a vehicle Voltron. If Toynami's lions release is a good, solid toy, i'll pick it up as i never got the lions Voltron as a kid. I actually won't be buying a vehicle Voltron, because my childhood one is still in excellent condition (shockingly). I definitely prefered it to the lions. Neil
  21. 27 in less than a month. Neil
  22. surf the site. there is some amazing work posted. also, they did a macross mecha contest in august 2002. here's the link: macross contest i think that it is only the winners, and not all of the entries though.
  23. are you sure that those are bootlegs? after the original, seven-set release, HG repackaged the same dvds into a 3-set release of "macross" saga, "southern cross" saga and "new generation" saga. the only difference besides the packaging was that the second release didn't inculde any of the extras discs.
  24. If my avatar didn't give it away already, my #1 favorite is of course the A-10. It's a gun with wings! So ugly that it's beautiful. #2 is probably the p-51 mustang. Classic!
  25. i kinda like the color scheme too. and if it is similar to the yf-1r in battlecry and the super poseable, the color will be more maroon/brown than low-vis grey. ugly head though. and it's still a crappy mpc.
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