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Everything posted by nexxstrait

  1. Will these new binders be available from HLJ? Anyway: covers from issues 34-36
  2. Oww man, I really didn't want that image in my brain!
  3. Wait, are we discussing Global's right to be SDF1's captain? Jeez, it's summer indeed
  4. Just to be clear: does the super pack come with the improved VF27 or just some parts to upgrade the old DX?
  5. ooookay, so tonight I went to see Pacific Rim for the FOURTH time, and I must say every time the pleasure grows!
  6. - while it's light on info, I'm left scratching my head how such an iconic, inspiring painting of the SDF-1 was NOT in the original edition. What's on the reverse?
  7. In Italy that scene is definitely in Japanese with subtitles. Mako says something in Japanese to Pentecost and Raleigh responds in Japanese. Don't know why they dubbed it over in English. Perhaps they thought it may have been too much for the "average person"? Bah...
  8. Well, we gave them a lot of funds to develope their skils
  9. They did. You can see all of these Jaegers in the voiced over intro (I watched the movie three times, so I know what I'm talking about) All of them Mark I, all of them killed in action
  10. Why crappy Evangelion? I for one am glad that Del Toro went for something new instead of translating an already existing universe into movie form.
  11. yeah, me too, but I did some retooling on the "old" sheet so that at least now I have the "new" one with the correct color (it looks quite good, unless you want to get a closer inspection )
  12. Now that's interesting: they corrected the VF19 face color. If only they had done the same with the VF17S... But this is a good sign!
  13. Generally, after the initial widespred release, DeAgostini (in my country) usually only sells copies that have been booked in advance, so that they may have a more precise production run.
  14. I think you also missed The Genius Idea of the Anti Kaiju Wall. An X-tall wall (5 years in the making) to keep out monsters. Hoping they cannot fly. Which they do. Oww
  15. As much as I love the VF1 Yammie (but I still prefer the 1/48s over the 1/60s v2), the neck thing has always bothered me along with the huge side gaps later patched with side covers which should have been there in the first place, and some other nitpick things. Don't get me started on exploding shoulders, no one seems to remember that thing was an ominous design flaw (when and expensive toy bursts into pieces after the first transformation, praises are the last thing that comes to my mind). When the VF1 hi metal came out, I had hopes for a 1/60 version as I liked it much more than the Yammie (proportionwise). So, to everyone its own, no nedd to fight among us! I like to build Macross models and I'm eager to get my hands on mine and start building it.
  16. Sigh the 2JA won't get a Tenjin splash page. I'm a sad panda now...
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