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Everything posted by nexxstrait

  1. Except that the Bandais do transform.:-P
  2. Would you prefer something more bombastic? Were there too few explosions? The trailer looks beautiful to me.
  3. Am I the only one who hates how the wings fold in battroid on the last few VFs (25-27-29 &30)?
  4. I certainly hope so! Where is it stated that the revised edition only had 30 new Tenjin paints?
  5. Exactly 30 new Tenjin double pages (not all of them covers). 32 if we count the "variant" VF19P and Spartan images.
  6. A little VF1J Tranformable Love (the big 1/48 is wearing some pieces from the armor - intake covers, back boosters, shoulder and arms "armor" - and some from the SP)
  7. Yep, but Plus was also released by Panini on dvd some years ago.
  8. let's hope they have somehow corrected some of the Hikaru's 1S flaws. Wishful thinking? Doesn't look half bad in these pics
  9. Yeah, you assume well. No need for reviews as I was there. As a rule, I read reviews (or exchange comments and opinions) AFTER I've seen a movie or theatrical show. Bad habit, I know. Anyway, now you made me curious about Keith's view on the matter. Once HE has seen the film, obviously. Cheers
  10. You said you didn't see the movie, so where does this info come from? The movie has some flaws but is far from incoherent, is visualy stunning and the story doesn't scream masterpiece but is waaaaaay above everything else (SF speaking) around. In Venice, the most recurrent comment after the screening (by non-anime, non-Harlock fans mind you) was "impressive". Again, go see the movie so you can share your thoughts (good or bad) on the subject : )
  11. I really hope they do!
  12. Against the review - spoilers below (highlight to read): 1) the cannon fires but in the movie it is clearly implied that the first shot misfired due to the long years the cannon has been sitting idle 2) the whole point of the movie is redemption and finding our own way even after terrible mistakes. Frankly, having heavily faulted characters just makes them much more real and Harlock was never about black and white. Plus, the "mythic" aura of Harlock is IN the movie as part of the story. Despite all the explosions and action sequences, this is not just another "american-style" blockbuster movie, so beware.
  13. Back from Venice! Harlock comes back with a visually stunning movie, several scenes that gave me goosebumps and a story that serves the characters well even if it drags a bit in the first part. There are many references and nods to previous series that make the movie a sort of treasure hunt for those familiar with Matsumoto and his universe (pity I couldn't see the Master himself). 3D is really good too. Harlock on the big screen stays true to himself, and it's a pleasure to see an old friend soar the vastness of space once again in this new incarnation. Go see the movie when it comes out (and stay until the end of the credits - no "secret" scene, but there is something you'll probably like).
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