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Everything posted by nexxstrait

  1. Macross Love Triangles endings (SPOILER follows, be warned) 1) SDFM: Hikaru gets Misa, Minmay sings 5) MII: Hibiki and Sylvie fall in love, Ishtar sings 2) MPlus: Isamu and Guld come to terms, we don't know what will be of Isamy and Myung as a couple but Myung sings 3) M7: Mylene likes both Basara and Gamlin, Gamlin is deeply in love with Mylene, Basara sings 4) M0: Shin loves Sara, Sara likes Shin, Mao sings 7) MF: Ranka loves Alto, Sheryl loves Alto, Alto flies Following this evident pattern, to rebalance things out in the movie Alto should end up singing.
  2. I wasn't really all that happy with how Frontier turned out in the first place (I would have preferred a more adult story), so no, I'm not particularly thrilled by the movie. But I'm ready to be surprised. Maybe a more tight story will... but there's still Ranka, so... Oh, well, as long as it's Macross...
  3. Hey, you are an irrational sheryl fanboy!
  4. Uff, enough with this minmai nonsense! Are there any Battroids in this issue? I'm eager to see them in action.
  5. Well, that's not a bad thing!
  6. Got it, thanks! Ow, that sent shivers of terror down my spine
  7. And "Kira" stands for? I've found "fine clothes", but that doesn't really mean anything in this context. Edit: It also means "to dislike, to hate", right? So, what's the meaning of the whole sentence? (I beg your pardon for my absolute ignorance)
  8. I still own only a PC...
  9. The new operator (I won't comment on her being more or less a child... with a frigging ribbon...) has the old UN kite on her sleeve.
  10. It continues in Macross Ace, I don't remember the exact chapter
  11. As many of you I have seen Frontier in Japanese, the first time around, personally without knowing a damn word of Japanese. To be honest, even without biased lines Ranka is soo annoying I just wish she had been wiped out around episode 12 .
  12. Because he/she would take a hell of a lot of money (as it should be). Are you willing to pay and share?
  13. I hate Misa (seriously). There, now we have everything!
  14. I don't know if the downloaded version has all the book, but in the original many are stand alone illustrations and don't belong to a particular series. If you can grab an original copy of the book, it is well worth it (it's also in big format, so the images are even more astonishing).
  15. I agree. SDF Macross is probably the most complete anding we have in Macross terms. The hero gets with the woman he loves, the enemies are vanquished and a new era for mankind begins. With 2012 we even get to see them departing to the stars!
  16. Nope, it's from the latest Mikimoto artbook, Innocence. EDIT:
  17. I didn't see the same warning about the "tits&ass" period of this thread, but ok.
  18. Yep, got it. By seing frontier I was just having the idea that he knew what happened to Megaroad 01 and was hoping instant fold travel would get him to Minmay before it was too late to [fill in the blanks with your theory].
  19. Uh, I'm a little lost here: where does the young Minmay in Macross F comes from? I haven't found it referenced in previous posts (unless you are talking about the )
  20. Thank you thank you so much, marvellous job!
  21. Awmaigawd, look at these illustrations!
  22. Not to play the devil's advocate, but basara seldomly got hit (if ever). And the Valk is destructible. Besides, playing guitar while piloting a giant transformable robot is just awesome, non matter what everyone else might say. Oh, and..GAMRIN KICKKKK!
  23. I like tha fact that every new Macross series is a step forward, and I also like hints at the past (personally, Frontier would have been nearly orgasmatic if it had Macross 7 instead of Macross 11 at the end, even in a small glimpse). That's why M0 was ok but left me somehow less enthusiastic (altough Roy rocks). And I think it is not correct to say tha Kawamory doesn't like sequels, as each and every Macross series is a sequel: M7 is a sequel to SDF Macross, along with Plus; Dynamite is a sequel to M7, along with Frontier (wich in turn is a sequel to M0). Quick list of returning characters and mecha (along with cameos) in Macross sequels and prequels: M0: Roy fokker MPlus: VF1 Valkyrie, MAC Monster II, SDF Macross M7: Exedore, Max, Mirya, VF1 Valkyrie, VF11, VF19 & 22, Destroids, Megaroad 01, Zentradi Warships, SDF Macross (cameo by Hikaru, Misa, Minmay & Britai) MF: VF0, VF1, SDF Macross, Megaroad 01, M7 warships (cameo by Minmay, Misa, Hikary, Roy, Britai and Mao, Shin and Sara)
  24. Ex-UN pilot who adopted a small child and left his girlfriend to raise her; has a male starship pilot madly in love with him and what seems a very strong friendship bond with Canaria and Captain Wilder; has a love for old rally Italian cars and most of all is a fan of Fire Bomber. Seems an interesting background to me. Too bad they decided to let us only have a glimpse at the surface of things.
  25. A 2 hour Frontier would have been fine by me in the first place, instead of a 25 episode T&A revival extravagance! Only this time they should focus on the real interesting characters: Ozma, Cathy, Leon, Bobby, Canaria and Macross Galaxy's villains. Who cares about a triangle (especially if it includes Ranka)?
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