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Everything posted by nexxstrait

  1. Sadly Metal Siren was already featured in that way in the old edition, nothing new here. The 2JA got the shaft it seems
  2. I guess the old printscreen function will come in handy then :-) Thanks for the reply Gubaba
  3. there may be 6 new Tenjin illustrations coming until the new run finishes. Rule out VF2ja or VT/VE 1, the first was already reprinted as a 1 page sheet, the others don't need a B sheet.
  4. VF2JA has been already reprinted in its 1 page sheet, unfortunately. I too would have loved a battroid splash page. Let's hope in the Metal Siren
  5. As much as you seem to be excited by this old style animation (I like it too), it is not hand drawn nor 2d, it is CG all over again.
  6. (Also for Jvmacross) Yes it was, I checked. Look here. Issue #18 revised edition The foldout had the same mismatched face color as the old edition 17S. I guess they are issuing a corrected version this time.
  7. Hey, 0A, 11 and 171 were cannon fodder crafts, what did you expect??? They were meant to blow to pieces by simply watching at them! :-P
  8. technically, you didn't "say", you "wrote", so... :-P
  9. Finished and posed. Say what you want, I love this model.
  10. The scene when Murphy realizes he is in a suit and has lost his body is genuinely heartbreaking. Kudos to Joel K.
  11. It is out in Italy too, starting today. I just came back from the cinema. As Gunner X said, it is not the old Robocop nor does it try to be. Heavy stress on the human-side of Murphy (excellent Joel K. performance). Don't expect much flashy action. It was quite a surprise, I liked it.
  12. Yeah. BUT it does not transform and is a floppy mess as the bandai (without glueing). And the 1S head looks way too small on the hasegawa (1J and A, instead, are perfect)
  13. In thje end I decided to stick to the original connectors, as they DO leave space for posing the battroid. All in all (once the legs and hands are glued) this model looks awesome. Comparison pics with other (non transformable) 1/72 models from bandai and hasegawa. Enjoy!
  14. Finally got my hands on one. The gimmicks are amazing BUT this sucker begs to be glued (especially the legs). Once everything is safely glued, you can start posing the model and I must say it looks fantastic. This being said, for all the fabulous design choices you will find in this model, the hip connectors fail to do their job (read: they are too short). I custom made a temporary longer wooden substitute and I must say the overal look of the battroid results much improved. Pre-mod pictures (fighter mode is amazing, battroid ok, gerwalk sucks - no pictures of this mode, sorry) Custom hip connector (wood) pictures Please remembre the model is not finished (some stickers still need to be attached and some parts - like antennaes - to be painted). Enjoy!
  15. From now on, official Chronicle previews will be posted here I think (http://www.macross.jp/news/). Issue #49 is already up.
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