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Everything posted by nexxstrait

  1. If you liked Firefly and Serenity, you should have a look at the first 2 minutes of Castle's episode 6, season 2. Amazing.
  2. For a moment I thought the VF25G was not the damashi and cried "Wow, Fire Valk in 1/72 scale". Has anyone made a comparison pic with the VF25 1/100 or the 1/60 Yamato to see how big this beauty really is?
  3. #40 contents * ■メカニックシート ・マクロス7 ・VF-17T ナイトメア改 ・マクロス・フロンティア民間車両 ・統合軍兵器 * ■キャラクターシート ・マクシミリアン・ジーナス ・エキセドル・フォルモ ・マクロス艦内の人々 * ■タイムラインシート ・2人の決意 * ■ヒストリーシート ・星間結婚式 * ■ワールドガイドシート ・超長距離移民船団 ・プロパガンダ映画 * ■テクノロジーシート ・デストロイド * ■用語辞典 ・ヌージャデル・ガー~バジュラ * ■エクストラシート ・ゲーム&アドバンスドバルキリー3 ・マクロス クロスオーバーライブ #41 contents * ■メカニックシート ・VF-0D フェニックス ・VF-19 エクスカリバー ・マクロス7 ・バジュラ * ■キャラクターシート ・マオ・ノーム ・ミリア・ファリーナ・ジーナス ・シティ7民間人 * ■タイムラインシート ・ギャラクシー船団の危機 * ■ヒストリーシート ・バジュラ母星戦 * ■ワールドガイドシート ・ゼントラーディ * ■テクノロジーシート ・バリアブルファイター/ミサイル * ■用語辞典 ・ハッサン~バンパイア ・PCS反応~VF-5000B スターミラージュ * ■エクストラシート ・ゲーム&アドバンスドバルキリー4
  4. I'm not. My 1J Yamato GNU is nice (but not great) and falls completely apart when I try to pose it. These new Revoltechs, however (I own the previous ones), are just plain ugly. I said before that these things make even the banprestos shine in comparison (especially if you don't touch them ). Fighter mode hurts my eyes.
  5. I hope not. besides, we already have a spectacular Gamlin Kick
  6. I hope for a VF2SS/AJ type or a VF19 Fire valkyrie.
  7. A small recap of the first 30 issues of Chronicle. Taking into considerations only character and mecha sheets (including splash pages), total page count devoted to each series is: 168 Macross TV+DYRL+Flashback 122 Macross 7+7Movie+7Dynamite 54 Macross Frontier 46 Macross Plus 40 Macross 0 36 Macross II
  8. Wow, this thing makes even the dreaded banprestos look mighty good in comparison (from an aesthetic point of view, of course)
  9. Mmmm, now we have the possibility to make a VF1S Roy TV Valkyrie, thanks to the TV pilot, and we get no TV hands. Grrr...
  10. Tell me I'm crazy, but I still love those V1 1/60s battroids. In fact, I've only bought V2 that complement that collection. I too, like Jenius, can't really get over the 1/60 V2 head placement, even If I must admit that with due care and some adjustments it's not that bad. As for 1/48s, if you have TV hands or GBP hands, chicken hands are not a problem anymore. I just love them.
  11. I think he only meant that the original Macross TV was an "ensemble work", many talents gathered to create something unique that actually became a staple of japan animation. The subsequent twist of Macross (except II) was mainly Kawamori creation.
  12. Well, as few as they may be, this was only the excuse I was waiting for (I knew I would not have resisted the urge). Thanks a lot!
  13. I have only a VF25S Ozma and I like it very much. I don't bother the partformig aspect and the toy looks very good both in Fighter and Battroid mode (best shoulder-arms proportions of all the VF25 toys)
  14. Wait wait wait: Mikimoto actually retouched the pictures or just the dialogue? I'm still on the verge of buying the collected edition and this could be the reason I was looking for.
  15. Of course there SHOULD be some B sheets coming around. SAP Valkyrie is shown in various images and even in the Tenjin splash page (I hope that when this comes out, Sylvie's B sheets is included too, along with a B page for mardooks with emulators and advisors). The starships still missing will (if we're lucky) be 06 b sheet. Mmm, maybe they just did not want to "waste" a full sheet or a b sheet for that mecha. It still doesn't feel zentradi at all, but more of a Gilgamesh upgrade.
  16. A sample of what we are getting. In Issue 41, VF0D and Mao.
  17. Yes that would be interesting to know. Are there any new illustrations and character/mecha sketches and art besides the few ones present in Macross Ace?
  18. Thanks a lot, this clears all my doubts
  19. That's my fear too, but there is still room for hope: Sheet 01 is VF2ss Sheet 04 are Destroids Sheet 06 is Macross Cannon and starships My guess is: Sheet 02 VF2JA Sheet 03 Metal Siren Sheet 05 GERWALKroid + VFXX
  20. I have a doubt about VF2SS color stripes: Blu identifies Nexx's valkyrie Red is Sylvie's Green is cannon fodder? Orange is for the three Sylvie's wingwomen from Fairie Squadron? Are there other colors around? I don't rememeber any.
  21. Uh, my bad! I dit it all by myself. Since Italian names are sometimes spelled incorrectly when they appear or are translated from animes, I thought this was the case, too.
  22. Yep, some really small pics. I still hope to get bigger, beefier images. On a side note, I still can't believe how they could waste so many pages on Mylene's and Minmay costumes (smaller images would have done, too) and the whole songs sheets, while Vf171ex (i.e.) has got one of the crammiests pages I've ever seen, not to mention Mac II destroids and Zentran vehicles...
  23. I really do hope we see some Mikimoto VFX a VFXII character art, at last.
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