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Everything posted by nexxstrait

  1. The cover of MPlus TIA shows a vast array of missiles, so wing-mounted were probably used (The drones in Plus did use them)
  2. Hey Seto, look what's there in #43. And, for the destroids lovers (me included) some gorgeous pictures (at least one by Kinoshita, from what it seems) from #41 and #42(?) And behold Macross 13 in the glossary section
  3. Probably coming in #43
  4. Maybe this will help Mylene seems from M7 Tv. Damn... #42 could be interesting: VF1A (cannon fodder?) and VF4. このほかにも、メカニックシートのVF-4 ライトニングⅢや VF-1A バルキリー柿崎機、 ヒストリーシートのリン・ミンメイさよならコンサートなど、 見逃せない情報が満載です!
  5. I'm curious, too: do Bobby and Kanaria appear in the movie and do they have new scenes?
  6. They are also quite expensive.
  7. I'd say 1/72 model kit. They're quite good even without decalcs (but you can use stickers) and a lot of fun to build (no glue needed). Plus, they are relatively big, not too expensive, they transform and probably have the best looks.
  8. I want a 1:48 hasegawa battroid!
  9. The NUNS logo is probably just a new twist on the old UN Spacy kite.
  10. Oh, look where we can find the closed fists! Bandai... grrrrr
  11. Take your time. Your work is always highly appreciated.
  12. Ohhh, I have a bad feeling about this... Is this the same company publishing Macross Chronicle? Let's hope there won't be a Chronicle "reloaded" in the near future, unless it's only made of extra issues covering the movies and, who knows, new series.
  13. You should. Google is your friend.
  14. I personally hate landing gears in toys this small, but I can see why some people are bothered by their absence. I Find the lack of extra hands more annoying, though.
  15. Because they didn't know yet what to do! (see the production sheet change on the fly)
  16. All your M7 hate has finally struck you back. Serves you right
  17. Ok, now I've actually seen it on the magazine. Mikimoto drew away all my attention Well... if you forget about all the published material (chronicle and games included) and look only at the animation, there is nothing that really makes II out of continuity. You may even consider the Metal Siren a powered up VF25 (see the design similarities we were talking above). Except maybe the park surrounding the SDF1. But the city plan could have changed between 2059 and the 2090s. [on a side note: in a newtype magazine (if I'm not mistaken) there is a color pre-production drawing of the SDF1 at the center of the park and it's a TV SDF1, along with Daedalus and Prometheus in place of the DYRL ARMDs. I can scan it if there is anyone interested, but not before a forthnight] The truth is, II is never going to be retconned to fit in the actual chronology.
  18. I've hastily re-watched II, I was sure it was the sleeve but you are right! Nonetheless, the writing appears. If anyone evere wanted to make II an official fictional movie within the current timeline, this would help. I was not trying to label II as the first mecha show to use this designs (see also destroid wheels), but only that the ones used in Frontier were already present in II and that, for Macross, was the first time they were used. Now this is interesting. They tried to stick II to the official continuity?
  19. I was looking at the similarities between MII and Frontier. Maybe Kawamori wanted to pay homage to II... Anyway, here's a list: NUNS was already present in II (it's written like that, just see the sleeves of the uniforms for confirmation) Destroids with wheels (present also in M0) Valkyrie with "angel wings", energy field and melee weapon: Metal Siren Valkyrie with drones: VF2SS
  20. You may be right. Despite being the most recent Macross series and quite a succesful one, MF material got mightly cramped. The official books on the series, however, do not contain a huge amount of lineart or cgs, to be honest. All of it 8or mostly) has been reprinted in Chronicles. I still think that all songs sheets, some Extra sheets (concerts recap I'm looking at you) and some merchandise (vehicles and costumes/shirts) are simply wasted pages that could have been devoted to more detailed mecha and characters sheets. Or gallery sheets, that seem to have completely disappeared.
  21. Wow, talk about cramping things in one page... I hate screencaps crossing the lineart. Grrr....
  22. I don't remember having seen this in any Macross book that I have. It sure doesn't seem like Kawamori doing, maybe Miyatake. Can someone enlighten me? Is there a publication that contains this image? EDIT: Don't bother to answer, I just found it. Mods, please delete this topic.
  23. UH! I totally forgot about DYRL! I agree on the VF1D and maybe A. I also think VT1 and VE1 (even if there is not much lineart to go with, so maybe only a standard sheet) could get a splash page. Hey, I Like the VF19 Fire!! My updated splash page wannabe: - VF0D [done] - Macross 25 - VF4 - Metal Siren - VF2JA - VF1D - VF1A Dyrl - VT1 - ? - ?
  24. Final rush is on, only 10 splash pages remaining. My guesses: - VF0D (done) - Macross 25 - VF4 - Metal Siren - VF2JA - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?
  25. What? No optional hands? Just the one holding the gun and the open left hand? Wow, that's cheap... Anyway, thanks for the comparison pic!
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