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Everything posted by nexxstrait

  1. No it doesn't. Macross is a different beast. Robotech did not only butcher an awful lot of sequences (worth two whole episodes of screentime), but completely changed the way many characters are portrayed. There is certainly no shame in liking Robotech as a "first love" thing, but you should really watch the real Macross. There's no turning back after that.
  2. Ahrrr, for a moment I hoped...
  3. So is the Hikaru VF4 Battroid is in full color?
  4. Some interisting bits from numbers to come #44 The VF1A sheet is a TV one and contains VF test and Launch-Ceremony-Acrobatic-VF (can't remember the correct name!) Small, small pictures of the Metal Siren, but it's a splash page! #45 Battle 13 in full detail and color in the extra sheet! Roy Fokker TV B sheet! VF1D #43 Uh, am I really seeing this? Back lineart of the Phalanx is transparent (see image, top right)??? I hope this is not the final page! Sketchley, can you confirm?
  5. Yay! Sylvie B sheet and Metal siren! It seems (judging from the cover) that we are getting two Hidetaka Tenjin splash images: Metal siren (fighter mode, I was hoping for battroid but, oh well...) and... VF9 and VF14?? Extra valkyries are getting the luxury tretment. I wish there was a game characters section, too. I still can't believe they haven't coloured the Hikaru VF4 Battroid in #43.
  6. I love 1/60s (both old and new), but nothing can beat 1/48s and the old 1/55
  7. Doesn't seem all that different (proportions wise) from Toynami 1/100.
  8. I think I've just found my spare 1/48 Roy TV pilot figure to go with my Yamato 1S
  9. No need to seacrh in PSP games: in Macross Frontier episode 25 a ton of VF27 Green type can be clearly seen around the Vajra Queen (Brera even shoots down one or two - but you have to watch reeeeeally carefully)
  10. Glad you're back!
  11. Uh... that the VF2SS is waaaaaay sexyer than the VF25?
  12. It has already been done. To add insult to injury for the VF1 lovers: there could be also a VF1A United Government variant (green) sheet somewhere down the line Oh, by the way: I hope the Orguss Valkyrie be covered somewhere! EDIT: OW the pain! They did not even bother to color the frakking main hero battroid!
  13. And again, thanks a lot. I'm wondering what this VF-19 Basara thing is: perhaps the closed-face variant + mega sound speaker launcher? I can't think of anything else, since in M7 movie there are no new elements added to the Fire Valk and D7 has already been covered. Maybe it's a goods sheet for the VF Hi metal.
  14. Some more info (from MF Blog): #43 VF1A on the front has Kakizaki TV valkyrie (the reverse will probably be cannon fodder) History sheet confirmed to cover Flashback 2012 #44 will have M7 Basasa character sheet and このほかにも、エクストラシートのVF-9 カットラスや、 メカニックシートのVF-19改 エクスカリバー”熱気バサラスペシャル”など、 Does this refer to game valkyries?
  15. Thanks Seto! Wow, only two character sheets and no Sylvie B sheet, I guess we will never see it. Man, with 7 numers still to go, they better start filling all those missing M7 citizen sheets soon! History sheet, judging from the cover, should cover Flashback 2012. PS: Gadget Chiba? Is really Gadget his first name???
  16. Contents of #43 posted: VF4! * ■メカニックシート ・VF-4 ライトニングⅢ ・VF-1A バルキリー ・SDR-04-Mk ⅩⅡ ファランクス ・ノプティ・バガニス5631 ・VF-11B サンダーボルト ・マクロス7船団 ・VF-2SS バルキリーⅡ * ■キャラクターシート ・マクシミリアン・ジーナス ・ガジェット・M・千葉 * ■タイムラインシート ・ランカ・アタック * ■ヒストリーシート ・リン・ミンメイさよならコンサート * ■ワールドガイドシート ・地球統合政府 ・バジュラ * ■テクノロジーシート ・宇宙服 * ■用語辞典 ・VF-1 バルキリー~ブリタイ0718 Could someone translate it?
  17. anime accurate is white
  18. Nope. Macross The First uniforms. Also, there's a new Macross The First VF1D battroid coming.
  19. Finally got my hands on Macross the First Vol.1. There are indeed many subtle changes to many pages compared to Ace episodes (some are completely nw, some are reworked, others retouched).
  20. Wow. A Fire Valk Mp3 player would mean to add a touch of trash to an already exaggeratedly trash robot... and I WANT it!
  21. I'm at a loss too. Maybe Zentradi citizens/City Police Forces/Government personnel/The farmer boy I guess it' the pixie's squadron we are missing here (albeit I think there is not that much lineart for Raramia and the other weird haired zentran.
  22. I've updated the series breakout. This time it includes numbers #1-40, ordered by number of sheets devoted to each Macross installment, from the highest pagecount to the lowest (spalsh-pages are counted as two pages). I'd like to note that many M7 TV character sheets contain some hard to find or previously unreleased pictures (Encore i.e.). Macross TV: (30 Character sheets - 29 regular size mecha sheets 10 double page mecha sheets) Macross 7 TV: (34 Character sheets - 18regular size mecha sheets 8double page mecha sheets) Macross F TV: (24 Character sheets - 10regular size mecha sheets 9double page mecha sheets) Macross DYRL: (12 Character sheets - 12regular size mecha sheets 4double page mecha sheets) Macross PLUS: (12 Character sheets - 8regular size mecha sheets 3double page mecha sheets) Macross 0: (11 Character sheets - 7regular size mecha sheets 3double page mecha sheets) Macross II: (12 Character sheets - 7regular size mecha sheets 1double page mecha sheets) Macross 7 DYNAMITE: (6 Character sheets - 8regular size mecha sheets 2double page mecha sheets) Macross FLASHBACK: (2 Character sheets - 1regular size mecha sheets 0double page mecha sheets) Macross 7 MOVIE: (3 Character sheets - 0regular size mecha sheets 0double page mecha sheets) Sticking together the various Original SDF (TV. DYRL and 2012) and 7 installments (TV, Movie, Dynamite), poor Macross II remains all alone at the end of the list.
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