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Everything posted by nexxstrait

  1. Someone asked for a separate thread, so here it is! Cover Preview images
  2. Light zentradi cygarettes
  3. I don't know about the data, but there is enough lineart to fill the splash page (fighter, gerwalk, battroid with/without missile packs on the back). Throw in a juicy extra report (dreaming: VF1R?) et voilà, you have you Nice 2JA double page. Besides, is there enough material on Mac I to cover even a single sheet?
  4. Those flying veritech DO look a bit too much like VF2SS to me, too.
  5. Since someone reported this infamous camrip has decent audio, I really hope subtitles for the real thing will be ready when the DVD comes out!
  6. Oh, I really hope it's a 2JA (Battroid) double-page, then. To be honest, since #50 should be "packed" with stuff, I really hope it will have some extra pages (that is, more than 32 pages) to make Chronicle end in style.
  7. Is it? If the answer is yes, then let the moderators take the picture down, no problem.
  8. Technically not a character pic. Directly from Chronicle! (should we start a Macross Mecha appreciation thread?)
  9. We'll see if this thing is going to replace my beloved Chunky-Fire
  10. I like the way you think
  11. Cool...
  12. Oh, I remember when I finally got my hands on the last VHS after the longest cliffhanger of anime history. Pure awesomeness.
  13. Hey, look what we've got here It seems to me it could transform
  14. Remaining Varauta fleet is in #49. Unless there is more than 1 history sheet in #50, I fear MII won't get covered. Anyway, the last issue must be packed with goodness! Oh, and thanks Sketchley for the review!
  15. I'm curious, for those of you who have seen the movie: is there any new VF171 Battroid footage in it?
  16. Here's the text from MF Blog (May 13 entry). No pictures shown. 商品は、これが初商品化となる、やまと 1/60 VF-Xです。 価格は税込11,340円(本体10,800円)と送料・代引手数料、
  17. nexxstrait

    SCOOP thread!

    Yamato to release a VF-X 1/60. Macross Chronicle exclusive (you have to send the postcard you find in #49)? Here's the text 商品は、これが初商品化となる、やまと 1/60 VF-Xです。 価格は税込11,340円(本体10,800円)と送料・代引手数料、 Image added http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33059
  18. Criptic preview for issue 50 (from MF Blog) そして、6月10日発売の50号で、本誌は完結となります。 50号では、マクロス・シリーズを通したVFの開発系譜を、 天神英貴氏描き下ろしの歴代VFイラストつきで特集するなど、 盛りだくさんな内容を予定しております。 今後もマクロス・クロニクルをお楽しみに! 詳しくは、ホームページをご覧ください。 From the images posted, #49 has M7 Dynamite Gamlin, as expected.
  19. Wasn't there a CD Sheet already (the one with the Galaxy Network songs and MF singles)? I'm still hoping for a VFX Ravens characters sheet in the extras (ala Milky Dolls).
  20. Now we (well, I) can only hope #50 will be a Macross II themed issue. There are still the VFJA (crosses finger for a battroid splash pake by Tenjin) and History sheets missing.
  21. I expected it. Remember there is only one more number to go then it's over. Maybe the whole Movie timeline is the Macross II timeline?
  22. #48 images are up on the official site. Gorgeous Macross II worldguide illustration! #49 contents are: * ■メカニックシート ・VT-1 オストリッチ/VE-1 エリントシーカー ・Fz-109 エルガーゾルン ・バロータ艦隊 ・クァドラン・キルカ ・民間車両 * ■キャラクターシート ・エミリア・ジーナス ・ガムリン・木崎 * ■タイムラインシート ・マルドゥークの侵攻と和平 * ■ヒストリーシート ・マクロス・シティ防衛戦 * ■ワールドガイドシート ・反統合同盟 ・バジュラ * ■テクノロジーシート ・無人機 * ■用語辞典 ・リン・ミンメイ~ワレラ25258 * ■グッズシート ・マクロス関連ゲーム * ■エクストラシート ・ゲーム&アドバンスドバルキリー8/スタンピードバルキリーほか I've done a bit of googletranslation Mechanical: VE1 and VT1 (splash page) Fz 109 [???] Vehicles Character Emilia Genius Gamlin Kizaki (Dynamite perhaps?) Timeline Macross II !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Seto Kaiba will be happy/unhappy about this) Technology Unmanned vehicles
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