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Everything posted by nexxstrait

  1. About the Macross Cannon and New Macross Battle carriers (7, 25, 21, etc): what's the purpose of having a rifle gun or a transforming battleship? The original Macross had to transform to fire the cannon because during the first fold something broke. Ok. The original plan for SDF2 before Megaroad was to have a non transformable ship. Ok. Battle 7 can only fire the cannon while transformed, and things begin to get murky. I guess it's just cool to have a reeeeally big robot that fires a big gun. In Frontier, however, Battle 25 CAN fire the cannon in ship mode, so why bother transforming? I mean, I do really like the transformig ships, Frontier episode 25 was epic, but is there even a fake reason for them to transform to fire the cannon as in SDF TV?
  2. It's a VF-X-4, the prototype for the production VF4.
  3. He is actually But I agree, it's quite a cliffhanger
  4. Finally got the time to watch it properly. Character animation quality is quite low in certain parts, better in others (not alway on the TV-reprised scenes, sadly) and the clockwork Sheryl (especially the vampire/angel dance-bite moment) is particularly bad and doesn't seem to be like that on purpose. Stiff, as I said. But... Damn! Despite this I have to agree that Frontier movie rocks! Beautifl backgrounds, gorgeous final battle, nice new main characters introductions. I was glad Klan wasn't shown like a sextoy for perverts like in the TV series and that Luca is just a minor presence. Fortunately they changed Brera's ridiculous outfit for the movie. Thanks, my eyes appreciated it very much. Heck, I actually did not want to throw Ranka out of an airlock by the movie's end, and that's something! Sadly, as someone pointed out months ago, still no Battle Frontier transformation sequence. Bad Kawamori, bad. I didn't like the absolutely gratuitious Grace nude scene. All in all, probably the best Macross retelling to date (in my opinion). Oh, and Ozma rules.
  5. If (and it's a big if) they follow TV story
  6. Sheryl's animation in the clockwork dance is stiff, yep.
  7. I just browsed through it and still didn't have the chance to watch it properly, but the character animation is bad. Bad for a theatrical release, that is, but standard fot TV quality animation. The series had average animation quality to start with (it was not Cowboy Bebop, so to speak). As it is, the new animations in the movie blend well with the TV series, that's true, but that's not a compliment. Characters are "stiff". Just look at the first concert scene with Sheryl: she is stiff as hell. Someone compared that scene with Sharon Apple, but the Macross Plus ep. 2 concert was leaps and bound better that the one presented here, both visually (and musically) speaking. That doesn't mean the movie is bad. The new opening scene with Frontier is gorgeous, for example. It's just not DYRL.
  8. Ok, just finished drooling over vol.2 and Ace issue #6. The First is a dream come true, besides being the best comic ever made hands down! (Also best Mikimoto comic ever) The story unfolds with enough new twist to seem fresh and keep you hooked and the old events are re-told with style. I can't praise enough the characters new visuals. Mecha battles are gorgeous (destroids get some well deserved love, too). Run grab your copy!!! Just a few interesting things I noticed:
  9. I don't know why you try to defend the 1/60 so hard, since it seems perfectly good in my picture. It even has correctly positioned shoulders man! Anyway, send an "accurate photo" and I'll be glad to post it along with the 1/100 for a "fair" comparison and... never mind, whatever.
  10. Never mind, I found the answer I was looking for
  11. Fried air. I hope you are aware that the chest piece in the picture is maybe less than 1 mm higher than it should, right? You like 1/60 better? Fine.
  12. Now you made me curious, how is it "mistransformed"?
  13. Just got Macross The First Vol.2. It covers the episodes previously published in Macross Ace #3-4-5 and adds 5 pages of new art. Compared to the first tankobon (which contained mayor tweaks to the art), there is virtually no re-elaboration of the original images to be found here, except for a few (2) shots and the previously mentioned 5 more pages of story. No character art on the back of the issue, too. The superior quality of the paper, compared to the magazine version, really makes the difference.
  14. My copies of #5 and #6 finally arrived yesterday! All in all, the average quality of the comics has improved. Less T&A and more comedy and character-centric episodes (see Grace & Sheryl). Macross The First is obviously the gem of this magazine and it's good to see the art in a much bigger format, compared to the tankobon. I'm enjoing the MPlus adaptation, too. The art is nothing to write home about, granted, but it's not bad either and at least the comic contains some mecha action! I miss the Tenjin illustrations of the first issues, though.
  15. Zero-G love? Ok, forget anything I say today . BOT, Can't wait to see the movie, since I did almost enjoy the series.
  16. DYRL, compared to the TV series, wasn't really a scripting masterpiece either.
  17. I'd also like a "more adult" feeling for the next Macross installment. I'd also like the saga to become innovative again and break new grounds (it stopped being unconventional after M7 Dynamite).
  18. But this is still true today!
  19. You're not alone
  20. #5 and 6 are on the way: will I see a revised 1S head then? (drools)
  21. I've got only Issues 1-4 of Macross Ace and the 1S head seems to be just like the old one Speaking of more color pages, I don't understand why the 1st issue of the tankobon printed the "episode 2" color scenes in B&W. I left myself be carried away. Just a little bit
  22. Was it drawn by Kawamori or Tenjin? By the way, The First screams color! I'd like to see an Akira-ed version of this comic with cell-style coloring. It would almost be like watching the reloaded TV series we all want to see.
  23. Not a cannon fodder unit, It's Alto. For being an "all new story", as it was advertised, there are still lots of re-used animation. And despite this being a movie, it appears there is plenty of crude CG cityscapes (I'm still not so fond of CG valks either, but I guess I'm in the minority here).
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