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Everything posted by nexxstrait

  1. I completely agree.
  2. I think there was also the Macross II RPG by Palladium (5 books, if I remember correctly)
  3. I wonder what will happen now that Mikimoto will start releasing Ecole Du Ciel episodes again (november). I really hope he puts an end to it in a couple of episodes and that the superb quality of Macross The First won't go down because of this double-commitment. I hate Gundam...
  4. I was just curious to see what was the situation of official Macross-related releases outside of Japan. Here we go! ITALY SDF Macross TV series (dubbed, 9 DVD) Macross DYRL movie (dubbed, VHS) Macross II OVA (dubbed, 6 VHS) Macross Plus OVA (dubbed, 4 VHS/DVD Box) Macross 7 Trash manga (14 volumes) Macross II manga (published divided into 10 episodes in a magazine) Haruiko Mikimoto Illustrations book (english/italian edition)
  5. It seems a glimpse of a traditional-animation VF25 slipped into the MF movie, after all
  6. Anyone knows if the magazine is selling well?
  7. De facto (characterwise) many episodes of Macross 7 (1995) are animated much, much better than Frontier (2009), so it's not embarassing at all. Should I feel ashamed to let my fiends and colleagues see the Fire Valkyrie wall-poster hanging in my livingroom? Absolutely not.
  8. ohh, this brings me memories!
  9. Regardless of what you want to call it, Guld assaulted Isamu and tried to rape Myung. I don't think he succeeded, from what we see he realized what he was doing right after he tore her shirt to pieces. It all happened in a matter of seconds, so probably Guld froze in disbelief for what he had done, Isamu ran to Myung and kneeled to protect and confort her, Guld then refocused and saw them there. He then probably ran away and got drunk or whatever and made up his mind that what he saw was Isamu beating Myung. The story unfolds. That, however, doesn't change the fact that he used violence against her, wether he was succesful or not. That's rape and that's also what drove him crazy.
  10. Back from the week end! On to the Seto post. First of all, I don't watch Star Trek. Second, even if I did intend to include civilians and non-UN in places of power in my first post, I still see no politicians in you list except the already mentioned (by me) Miria. Let's see your list in detail: Myung Fang Lone: she was just a pawn and had no real decision power (re-watch plus) Akiko Hojo: ok Sazapi (sp?): who??? Sara Nome: still had to answer to the elder (strange, for a religious leader). But ok. Mao Nome & Ranshe Mei: we really don't see that much of them in Frontier to draw conclusions Aries Turner: head of a research group... and she was a genius Grace O'Connor: she was clearly following orders (see her as a Mata Hari in space) and goes on executing them naked... Canaria Berstein, Mirya: already mentioned Maria Fokina Barnrose: ok (and this confirms that you have to be non-UN Spacy to lead something) Characters from M7 Trash (really!): re-read the comic and you'll see why there is no reason to even mention them.
  11. Definitely interesting insight. Also thanks David Hingtgen for the link to the article
  12. Despite your assumption that there are indeed female ship captains aplenty outside the main characters's cast, all the background characters in commanding positions (again, spaceship captains or UN headquarters) that I'm aware of and that we actually see, or have glimpses of, are ALL male (unless you are called Mirya and technically you are a civilian - and only if your husband isn't available, of course). Do you want to bring civilians into the equation? Since you asked so nicely, let's see how this strictly out-of-topic and quick research goes. Macross politician (SDF): male. Macross mayor (SDF): male. The Mayor of the city with the micronizing chamber (SDF): male. Frontier president (Frontier): male. SNN boss (II): male. SMS boss (Frontier): male. Snow town headvillage (M7 movie): male Sharon Apple label's boss (PLUS): male Mayan head of the village (0): male City 7 major (Macross 7): female (oh, wait, that's Mirya! Again! Man, she's everywhere). I must add that I do believe that the Macross authors (since this seems to be the case in all canon Macross series to date with II as a possible - non-canon - exception) are somehow gender biased or at least have a quite stong male-centric view of things and portray the Macross world as such. Maybe they don't do it on purpose, but that could be even worse... I hope the future will prove me wrong PS: Seto, Macross II main characters are still Hibiki AND Sylvie AND Ishtar, no matter what you claim.
  13. Agreed. And Chronocidal, the phrase "I'd be wanting to preserve all those essential internal organs necessary for making more humans" brings up (to my eyes) a rather unpleasan parallel woman=flesh machine that makes kids.
  14. Ok, let's broaden the officers status to include also bridge officers (mainly communication and radar officers). With the exception of Misa, we never see a single female ship captain anywhere. Nor a single UN "big boss" female officer: in SDF Macross, when Global and Misa go to Alaska base, the high military council seems to have no women in its ranks. The same holds true for the UN officers Max is talking to when contacting Earth Headquarters. II makes no difference. It's obvuois that maybe there are indeed female high officers and pilots, but it's never clearly shown anywhere (except pilots in II). And that's strange. I wondered if the UN Spacy is, a thing you seem to avoid aknowledging on purpose. This is the second time you try to bring civilian or other military organizations into the equation, but I have always referred only to UN spacy (again, it's stated in the topic), so this has no relevance. I included II as it seems to be the only Macross production to actually have female pilots as the standard. You are the expert here, so if you say its derivative videogames have female pilots I have no reason to doubt it. This is interesting, as the aborted II universe seemed more gender balanced than the actual official Macross universe. How about ship captains and general officers in II timeline? No, but I hope that by 2059 thing will be more evened out. Again, Kanaria and Nora do not belong to the UN or NUN spacy. And that makes me sad (for the Klan part, I mean). Didn't know about the US uniforms thing, so you may have a point here. Then again, in Italy Police and Military forces did that some years ago but now have a standard "unisex" uniform (and we're not exactly an open minded country when it comes to gender equality). Again, if it's fine to have it in SDF Macross and 0, I find it difficult to believe that by 2059 this form of sexism is still the norm. Macross II had 3 main characters: Hibiki, Sylvie and Ishtar Well, I never insulted you, if you feel irritated that's your problem . And the facts I reported in my first post still hold true, as much as you'd like them not to.
  15. So I finally had the time to read your post and, as I said, you somehow missed my point or did not pay attention. But you are right in one thing. In the first sentece I made a reference to lack of female officers, but I meant mainly Ship Captains (as can be inferred from the rest of the post). It is true we don't see any female Admiral or UN Headquarters female outside of a spaceship's bridge. And it's pointless that you bring into the equation non UN characters since I was quite clear I only took UN into consideration (see Topic title). I simply stated the facts: from what is shown, there is a general lack of women pilots and ship captains in the "canon" Macross universe (as far as the Videogemes go, only VFX II - perhaps I? - are included in the chronology). When Global and Misa go to Alaska base, there are no women among the high UN gotha. When Max, as captain of Battle7, contact earth UN highest officers, again there is not one woman among them. In SDF Macross Hikaru clearly states what he thinks of women in the military, and the career of Misa seems to have been an harsh one. Again, she is an exception. And nowadays the trend is to have women and men in the military dressed all in the same way. Female ship operators in zero had skirts, too. I'll go further: in Macross we even have space suits (Klan) with high heels! If this isn't male sexual fantasy! Now you're seeing things: were did I ever wrote this? And how is wearing a skirt making a woman more woman? Which doesn't exclude the possibility for males to wish for less gender role-stereotyped characters. I did like Macross II, but the main fighter pilot was female. Are you implying that II was less successful because the "fighter" was a woman and a male audience could not identify in a civilian reporter? I guess I just wish some things in Macross were less "mainstream" or based on conventional stereotypes, so I apologize if I appear blunt, don't read what I wrote as a personal attack or anything like that! Ok, time to go to bed!
  16. Well, if Basara isn't the main character, then Macross 7 has no main character. More on Seto Kaiba's observations (but it seems he didn't get my point at all) when I get the time to answer more in-depth.
  17. And that's exactly one of the reasons I like II. Also 7 marks the appearance of the first male singer that is also not a standard fighter pilot. I would gladly watch a Macross with a female leading pilot character which is not there just to tease juvenile fans with tight attires and exposed boobs, for a change.
  18. You should have lurked a bit more (just kidding)
  19. Ok, I was just making some considerations on the presence (or rather absence) of female pilots and Ship captains officers in the Macross universe in the UN forces. Starting from the beginning: - SDF Macross: there seem to be no UN female pilots until Mirya shows up (and she is an ace). Misa is, to date, the only female Ship Captain we know of for sure* - Macross II: Female pilots are the standard but there seems to be no female Ship Captains - Macross Plus: no female pilots or captains - Macross 7: no female pilots except Mylene in a special unit and Mirya (again) - Macross 7 Dynamite: no UN female pilots or captains, as Liza belongs to Zolan Patrol defence unit - Macross 0: while we have at least one female marine, there are no UN female pilots or captains. Nora belongs to the Anti Unification movement - Macross Frontier: no NUNS female pilots (Michael's sister excluded) or captains. Kanaria, Klan and her team belong to a private contractor. In the comic adaptation, however, the VF171 squadron captain is female. - I'll throw in VFX2 as it seems canon: there are two female pilots. Paradoxically, Zentradi seem to be much more gender-balanced than terrans. In SDF Macross Laplamiz not only is a ship captain but she wears the same unifor as male ship captains (see Kamjin). Maybe because they lost culture and have stepped out of their roles (in the authors' idea)? I hope not, but evidence is against this: Laplamiz on earth has cut her uniform to resemble a skirt and the terrible ace pilot Mirya, seconds after being micronized, begins: 1) to cry 2) wants to get married (!). Come on!! Why is there such a gap between sexes? I can understand SDF Macross, it was a sign of the times. But given that the other Macross shows are set in the future, it seems absurd that there is no real evidence of UN forces female pilots being the standard and not an exception (Macross II aside) or that women occupy pivotal command posts in the military from 2013 onwards. The fact that they still wear skirts in 2059 says it all. Are the UN gender biased or is it just the authors being chauvinists?I'd like that Kawamori went the Macross II way and gave us a more mixed cast of fighter pilots, instead of having the main female roles relegated to the would-be-housewife that must be rescued by "real men". *(Kim Kabirof being the unknown one)
  20. Myung was telling Isamu she liked Sheryl much more than Ranka, Isamu just cared for the mecha and Guld stormed in shouting Ranka is obviously the best. Easy, see?
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