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Everything posted by sktchrtst2002

  1. No, this isn't a set up for a joke. This goes out to chinese people or those of chinese decent that visit this site. The question came to mind because I woke up this morning ( well, more like 1pm this afternoon!) after a wild night and I guess at some point I had bought chinese food!. Being lazy, I ate that instead of making actualy breakfast. But it got me wondering- what do chinese eat for breakfast? Surely its not tangerine chicken and chow mein! Just want to be the 411 on that.
  2. Hmmm, never expected this thread to take off! Thanks for the info on the KH versions as well as the MAKING OF dvd! Guess I'll start searching this weekend.
  3. Yeah LEI... U know It was by the same guy. That was one of the reasons I wanted to check out CW-0 Something about that *old school* style that interests me. They did the same for the newer MAZENKAIZER and ASTROBOY series.
  4. I was watching COSMO WARRIOR ZERO the other day and the character designs reminded me of STARBLAZERS. While I have a faint image of the cannon in front of the ship firing, I can't remember of this series was any good. I know it had a lenthy run. So does anyone remember this series and if it was ever good? Is it available on DVD?
  5. Just please, don't use the REMASTERED audio!!! VERY VERRRRRY NICE!!!!!
  6. Very, very nice! Does this talented guy have an online album of other works he's done?
  7. I just bought the COWBOY BEBOP figures and would like to preserve the cards they came in, My question is how can you remove the figure without messing up the blister card??
  8. Um....so was Kawamori drunk when he designed these??? They kind of bring back memories of BATTLE OF THE PLANETS Well the Eagle does!
  9. Yeah! I was phyched to see what you guys are talking about but the link goes to OBJECT NOT FOUND LAND!
  10. Heh, makes it feel like MACROSS was around back in the 60s!
  11. Hey, Promethuem5 Regarding the unsavable pics- BATTROID http://www.n2n2.com/OTM/mecha/mech.php?rqr...3&mode=glly&p=0 FIGHTER PIC 1 http://www.n2n2.com/OTM/mecha/mech.php?rqr...3&mode=glly&p=1 FIGHTER PIC 2 http://www.n2n2.com/OTM/mecha/mech.php?rqrf=vf-x3 remember WHERE THERE'S AN INTERNET, THERE'S A WAY!
  12. oops! ok, heh Could someone please lock n delete this thread then? Thanks
  13. I'm here to tell you guys that yes! it was MGREXX under MEMO's name, that tried, unsucessfully to start a gang war. I know MEMO personally and those here who do also know he tries to bring fans of both versions together, not start crap between the two. The major tip off is the spelling! As much as I love the guy he typos often, heh, oops! I meant to say HEHEHE I posted this thread because those that don't know MEMO will get the wrong impression of him. We all have our likes and dislikes, sad to see some are overly *passioanate* on their views, so to speak. I also include the RT fanatics, not just the MACROSS fanatics. I say let's get along, and if you can't, don't poop on it for the rest.
  14. I'm here to tell you guys that yes! it was MGREXX under MEMO's name, that tried, unsucessfully to start a gang war. I know MEMO personally and those here who do also know he tries to bring fans of both versions together, not start crap between the two. The major tip off is the spelling! As much as I love the guy he typos often, heh, oops! I meant to say HEHEHE I posted this thread because those that don't know MEMO will get the wrong impression of him. We all have our likes and dislikes, sad to see some are overly *passioanate* on their views, so to speak. I also include the RT fanatics, not just the MACROSS fanatics. I say let's get along, and if you can't, don't poop on it for the rest.
  15. Hahaha You're getting worse and worse when it comes to lying.
  17. Just so everyone knows, the 5th episode is due out on August 26th, 2005 Here is the offical japanese site. http://www.faf.jp/
  18. Spin off series??? Did it include Kintaro??
  19. And was the MANGA ever released in the U.S.??? I have been looking online and can't find if it has. I have seen pages from an Italian website ( I think) and they look nice. Anyone know?
  20. Heh I feel your pain Jemstone! A week after buying THE SIXTH SENSE they released the 2 disc special edition! Good thing is you can always sell the old versions to small shops. Sure they won't give you much but still you get some $$ back.
  21. Well Axelay, ADV was nice enough to put all six eps on a 2 dvd set and it's cheap too!
  22. A friend hooked me onto this funny as hell anime and I noticed that this year marks its 10 anniversary! This is the closest you'll get to a Farelly Brothers like anime! Plus the character designs arent half bad. It's the same guy that did the C designs for COWBOY BEBOP so to see another girl besides the sexy Faye in that same style is a bonus.
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