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Everything posted by HangPC2

  1. Selayang Baru, Selangor (Malaysia)
  2. Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myammar, Laos user for Sukhoi And Mig Jet Fighters...
  3. Off Topic !!! Malaysian Aermacchi MB-339 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aermacchi_MB-339 Nice Malaysian Fighters hahahaaa... SV-51 Coming sooon................
  4. http://www.macrosshare.com/search/label/Miscellaneous
  5. Sukhoi User http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-30
  6. SV-51 User - Russia - Israel - German - Czech Republic - India - Poland - Romania - Turkey - Ukraine - P.R.C China - Vanezeula - ASEAN (Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myammar, Laos) - Middle East & North Africa (Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, I.R Iran) http://www.hungrylizardstudio.com/sv51/svpage1.html
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