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Everything posted by shazam

  1. Order Stop already. Wow, just wow!!!
  2. Just ordered now after emailing them for days. No sign of the YF-29 Durandal though.
  3. I would love to see a 2 day Mac Aus Con on the Gold Coast. You can catch a plane to Coolongatta (spelling) airport from interstate. There are so many affordable hotels on the Gold Coast and there are many places to hold the con there. There are many good hotels that cater for functions that are world class and the Gold Coast seems a great place to hold the event. You can also use the train to get to the Gold Coast from Brisbane. If you can have Mac Aus Con in the same place you intend to stay without leaving for the night is a better way to conduct a convention. The Gold Coast is a great place to go out in the evening after spending a day held up in a venue. I know I can bring a lot more stuff to display next time if we hold the con on the Gold Coast.
  4. It can be either Klan Klan or Klan Klang. It seems to vary from website to website. And please post up some of those detailed photos of her. The pics of the masacred cake make as though we pigged-out on it. Truthfully that is how it was. So tempting and tasty. Loving the photos.
  5. Great to see more photos coming our way. Loving all the photos that have been submitted. If it's not computer problems (like my games not working on the day), it's internet related problems (modems). I have all the games working fine now. Next time I will bring along my back-up disk if I need to re-install the games. Warpaint22 & Neoculture please post some more photos if you got them. Looking forward to seeing the close-ups of the models again. Aikurisu, the image of the Valk girl looks great on a white background compared to a black background. It realy stands out and would look superb on a white t-shirt. Cudos to you Kris. I have to admit the cake looked great and tasted great. The cake was so big that we did not get a chance to finish it off. I think the more people that attend next time will have no problem in finishing off the cake. I have already set to working on a display for next times con. I don't think four tables will do us next time. lol
  6. What more can I say that has not already been said. It was a truly awesome con with great people in attendance. The modeling displays were brilliant. I hope to see your models pictured in magazines. It is a true credit to you all. I never play favourites to anyone's models/displays for the simple fact that I do like everything that you have displayed. I can say that it was a real die hard effort for everyone to haul their displays to the con, set up for the entire day only to pack everything up in the evening. Many, many boxes. lol We all had a lot of faith that the con would be a success and it exceeded our expectations. The total amount of prizes from our sponsors was overwhelming. Everyone cannot thank you enough. Very sorry to not meeting up with Scream Man again on the Sunday. Thanks Chriss for the artwork. Your artwork is so much better than what others give you credit for on Deviant Art. I am very impressed with it. I can't wait to see all the photos you have taken. I like to thank Steve and your wife for coming in and giving praise to the con. I would also like to thank Jamie and crew for dropping by and chatting. We would love to have you guys come back and join us for next years con. Please post, we would love to here your own feed back from the con. With the success of a great con has sown the seeds to something better. I hope to meet up with you all before the next con. There is so much to discuss. Last but not least I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to Matt for everything you have done for everyone. You are a true gentleman. I cannot praise you enough my friend. Thank you all and sorry if I have left out anything. Mac Aus Con is here to stay.
  7. Here we are only hours away from the con. Matt and I have looked though the cineama this afternoon and we will all have plenty of room for our displays. The projectionist should be arriving at the Regent at around 8.30 am. I will try and pick up the cake at 8.00 am and meet everyone at around 8.30 am. I did a check of the bakery "Sweetums", but is it located at: Sweetums 6 Rialanna St Kenmore QLD, 4069 Australia Contact Details Ph: (07) 3378 2645 http://www.whereis.com/QLD/Kenmore/6_Riala...St#session=MTE= ??? Directions to offload your displays: If you go down Elizebeth Street just past the Myer Center, The entrance at the back of the cineama is just past the construction site on the left hand side. Look for the black Honda Jazz with the number plate MYF19. I'll try and email everyone this evening. If you have any other details post here or email me: jasonc_88@hotmail.com Otherwise see everyone tomorrow.
  8. Just an update about starting times for the Marathon. The start time will be around 9.30 am and finish up around 9.00 pm with drinks after the event. Sundays event will be decided on Saturday among attendees. Neoculture, Matt and I will be in the city around 3.00 pm on Friday. You can meet up with Matt a bit earlier if needed at around 10.00 am when he hands over the DVD's to the projectionist. You can email Matt @ mlove@curragh.com.au or vf1custom@live.com.au
  9. The Macross Marathon starts at 10.00 am and goes to 10.00 pm Saturday the 16th. I guess we will be meeting up about an hour before to set up displays before everything starts. We are going to have a walk-through on Friday evening to see where we can put everything. I will state there are now even more prizes heading for this weekends con. Matt will give everyone the chance to bring home something. It may be the case of pick and choose. All will be revealed on Saturday.
  10. Firstly some good news; Ben Burns from the Regent (Birch Carroll & Coyle) in Brisbane has lowered the cost of the theatre to $1000. So everyone that has paid for their tickets has secured the con. A BIG thanks to Ben. The Macross Digital Mission VFX 1 game will also come with a cheat disk. Disk face pictured below.
  11. All of frantic model assembly and finishing touches has got me looking forward to everyone's displays. I am going to be taking plenty of photos myself. I read through all your emails today. I will buy the MACROSS GOLD BOOK from you to help ease the financial side of the con. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=747997 Please bring it with you and I will give you the money ($250) for it when I see you. All of the MP3 CD's are ready (10 of the Macross MP3s and 10 of the Anime MP3s) with the images on the face printed plus the CD's are housed in their own covers. Do not worry about paying for the printing, it is on me. I am working on the Macross Digital Mission VFX Game for the con. It is Macross Digital Mission VFX #I only (forgot to state that I did not have #2) and there will only be 5 copies available to anyone wanting them. All of the other games will be supplied to those that have paid for the 12 hour marathon on the Saturday and bring their laptop and/or hardrive with them. Please don't postpone the con. Keep it as it has been intended. I think we will scrape through with the money needed even if we don't have the numbers required. For everyone that has put in the time, effort and money deserve to have a great con. We have been looking forward to this for over six months, so let's do this thing.
  12. We are looking for ways to try and make the difference in cost for the theatre for the 12 hour marathon. A possible revenue raiser for the con: I am offering 2 x CD's cram packed full of Macross (including Miss DJ, Minmei Vocal collection and background music from the TV series and DYRL), Macross 7, Macross Plus, Sharon Apple, Megazone 23, Mospeada, Southern Cross, Robotech, Robotech Shadow Chronicles, Evangelion + a couple of other anime titles that will also feature images CD's. The CD's will be supplied to Matt and he will take payments as a donation per CD. These CD's will be offered on both Saturday and Sunday. The images that are being used on the CD face belong to POLIDREAD. The images are also sharper than what is featured as Gifs and look great on the CD face.
  13. We are looking for ways to try and make the difference in cost for the theatre for the 12 hour marathon. A possible revenue raiser for the con: I am offering 2 x CD's cram packed full of Macross (including Miss DJ, Minmei Vocal collection and background music from the TV series and DYRL), Macross 7, Macross Plus, Sharon Apple, Megazone 23, Mospeada, Southern Cross, Robotech, Robotech Shadow Chronicles, Evangelion + a couple of other anime titles that will also feature images CD's. The CD's will be supplied to Matt and he will take payments as a donation per CD. These CD's will be offered on both Saturday and Sunday. The images that are being used on the CD face belong to POLIDREAD. The images are also sharper than what is featured as Gifs and look great on the CD face.
  14. Mac Aus Con 09 has been in the planning stages for well over 6 months and we need your support immediately. We are now only a week away from the con and people are still hesitant about coming. "COME ON" and make Mac Aus Con 09 happen. We need a minimum of 16 attendees to pay for the theatre. Don't expect Matt to pay the rest out of his own pocket after doing all the hard work in getting the con together to start with. Matt has already contributed a lot of his own time and money so everything would be set up like a true convention should. Plus all the other attendees have made there own contributions in the best interest of the con such as preparing models and displays, plus paying for travel and accommodation for the weekend. So "COME ON" , you know you want it. Now prove it.
  15. Ladies and Gents, reservations are due this Tuesday [5th of May] I was going to suggest the same thing this week for everyone to show there hands in participating for the Marathon. You know you can count me in. I am going to bring a few extras as well. If I can get off work early enough on Friday I will help set up early for the Saturday.
  16. Not long now that another weekend has gone by. Ha, for all that has been going on I totally forgot about the cake. Chocolate cake with a Macross emblem...hmmm..chocolate. Once again the sponsors have done a brilliant job in supplying prizes. For a little known convention and the first of it's kind it is truly appreciated. Those customs sound awesome and are well worth waiting for. They will be a huge asset to the con.
  17. Not a bad option mate. I'll see what I can do between now and then. When do we all get to see those wonderful T-shirts for the con. Do they come in Black and/or white?? Also, when do we get a looky at the "OFFICIAL MACROSS AUSTRALIAN CONVENTION FLAG" ??? Keep those surprises coming!
  18. Holly crap that is a SWEEEET deal. I'm impressed. Thanks again to Kirin Hobby for helping make Mac Aus Con the best it can be. Well done Matt and warpaint22.
  19. ruskiiVFaussie, thanks for the information on the parking to offload my gear for the con. Also thanks to warpaint22 for looking into the parking. It will make things a lot easier to transport back and forth. Welcome Vepariga. I hope you can make it to the con. I have also added some pics of my collection in the Gallery section. I am currently working on taking newer photos which I will post in the coming weeks. Shazam's Macross Album Collection http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...m&album=325 Happy Easter!
  20. Hey guys! Mac Aus Con 09 Board Meeting 20th Friday at 12 Midday at the Regent, would be awesome if all of you can attend, Matt, Andy (during his lunch break) and myself will be coming. This meeting will be important for us to work out where all the displays will be going and the seating arrangements. We will be testing all of the DVD's we intend to show on the day. So! Make time aside! LONG LIVE MAC AUS CON .
  21. Don't forget everyone that Mac Aus Con goes over 2 days. Saturday is the 12 hour marathon. Sunday is a get together which will include a swap meet. If you cannot attend on Saturday, but want to attend on the Sunday please show your intentions. You can post here on the boards or email Matt which is listed within the Mac Aus Con 09 thread. The swap meet with consist of models, toys, video games and dvd's on offer.
  22. A W E S O M E ! ! ! A W E S O M E ! ! ! A W E S O M E ! ! ! That is an awesome sponsor. Way to go Hobby Link Japan. We can't thank you enough. All of the sponsors are helping make the con as special as it needs to be. The sponsorship is greatly appreciated. Everyone who nominated to attend please show you support. You never know what other sponsors may jump on board.
  23. Matt, I passed over my SOB's cousins wedding and will still be attending MAC AUS CON 09'. All the details have been sent to you via email.
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