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Everything posted by shazam

  2. This Hot Toys Hera figure looks amazing.
  3. http://www.medicomtoy.co.jp/list/18912.html
  4. Loved it! 🤩
  5. The video has now got 100K+ views in just 2 days. Amazing!🤩
  6. My eyes rain! 🥲😂🤣
  7. I purchased Grump/Gears by Bad Cube a while ago and think it still looks great. The Fans Toys Variator/Gears vehicle mode is closer to the animation where Grump/Gears by Bad Cube vehicle mode looks like a normal vehicle.
  8. Robotech Masters Saga Hovertank Prototype sold for US $2,025.00 😲 https://www.ebay.com/itm/276018561506?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=50s2egejR92&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ZxaL2R1kSb2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. Yeah I know. It is more about when this figure is being released and not the photo of the figure.
  10. This figure has currently 32 bids and 10 bidders. It's currently fetching $820 with just under 2 days to go until the auction ends. Someday there will be a fully transformable Hovertank for the masses. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/127580?o=4 Estimated to arrive in September 2023. Perhaps this figure might be out in time for Xmas. 🤔
  11. The Hovertank started at $50 and went up to $405 with 6 days to go. It will be interesting to see how much this item fetches.
  12. Yes with the dozens of offerings for the VF-1 line that people still think they need, it would be nice to see a fully transformable Mech like this one ready for sale. I would buy one even if it had that ridiculous ROBO-DOU name attached and marketed as Super Dimension Calvary Southern Cross.
  13. Sideshow Shaak Ti Premium Format Statue 1/4 scale
  14. Goccodo Kiaida-kun Luke Skywalker
  15. August is here and the Dana Sterling figure is estimated to arrive this month. Sure! 🤔
  16. We have now entered the valley of the uglies.
  17. 9:30
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