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Everything posted by shazam

  1. MAX FACTORY Figma Guyver Bio Booster Armor Guyver II F Movie Version Colour Variant EX-036 Arcadia Megazone 23 1/24 scale die-cast model Garland (reissue)
  2. If someone designed and 3D printed a version of this connector/s that would fit and lock the Sentinel Riobot Legioss in place onto the Aoshima Tread would be great to see.
  3. I have to admit that I have bought items and stored them away not realizing that I had them until re-opening storage boxes years later.😅
  4. MAX FACTORY Figma Guyver Bio Booster Armor Guyver II F Movie Version Colour Variant EX-036/Transformers/Ghostbusters Arcadia Megazone 23 1/24 scale die-cast model Garland (reissue) Orguss Masters of the Universe Teela and She-Ra Supergirl DC Batman Arkham Knight/Batgirl Doctor Who Gatchaman/Battle Of The Planets Jack Sparrow/Pirates Of The Caribbean Predator/They Live (John Nada) Anime figures Stuff sitting in the wardrobe
  5. Yes that is right, she ain't cheap and not made of silicon. I do use a Sherly Nome silicon booby mouse pad as I type this message. 😅 I was really satisfied with the Mondo She-Ra figure when I got it and thought the Teela figure looked just as good. We all pay a small fortune for our collectibles. This is no different. Mission accomplished. 🤩
  6. Masters Of The Universe Classics The Goddess Temple Of Darkness Sorceress
  7. Masters of the Universe - Teela 1/6 Scale Figure - Timed Edition ending soon 4/12/2024 at 11:59 AM CT. https://mondoshop.com/collections/all/products/masters-of-the-universe-teela-1-6-scale-figure-timed-edition
  8. The Mandalorian finished at the end of season 2 for me. The Mandalorian season 3 does not exist. There won't be a Mandalorian movie. 😞 What am I looking at here? Don't forget to consume product and get excited for next product.
  9. To each is their own. I think most fans that have already bought into these toys would want to continue so they have the completed range of figures.
  10. Test_Pilot_2 - Yes, it's gorgeous, but could use some help. Tragically, one of the rear stabilizers is missing on the right side :(. Doubt anyone has a spare =/. Great find! 🤩 Those stabilizer fins have a habit of popping out unexpectedly. Probably easier to ignore that it was there in the first place rather than find a suitable replacement.
  11. Looks good! 🤩
  12. Takatoku Toys Macross Diecast Conversion Kit 1/100 scale figure - Phalanx/Tomahawk/Defender
  13. Popcultcha Armored Trooper VOTOMS - ROBO-DOU Scopedog 5" Action Figure https://www.popcultcha.com.au/armored-trooper-votoms-robo-dou-scopedog-5-action-figure.html Armored Trooper VOTOMS - ROBO-DOU Rabidly Dog 6” Action Figure https://www.popcultcha.com.au/armored-trooper-votoms-robo-dou-rabidly-dog-6-action-figure.html
  14. Anakin Skywalker - Employee of the month - Tusken Raider slayer. 😅 I am tempted to get this figure. I know I am definitely getting the Hot Toys Ahsoka Tano (Padawan) figure.
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