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Everything posted by geepogi

  1. it may be the tv version.
  2. has there been any reports of breakages for the rereleased roy 1S? got mine only this year as there was no more stocks last year. anyway, the store owner said it was already a rerelease. thanks!
  3. actually my 1A wasn't floppy to begin with. after several transformations to gerwalk, i noticed one of the knee joints becoming loose. the looseness is side to side, not front to back.
  4. same as my 1A. seems like one of the springs that holds the ratchet joint in the knee is a little bit loose. opened mine and put a piece of toothpick inside the spring so that it will not move. seems to have helped.
  5. same here. am only waiting for the CF 1A and the stealth 1J. how about a low vis? isn't it also a shade of grey? i want something which looks more "real world".
  6. i also prefer the dyrl version. it looks more alien. leaning more to zentraedi-organic than human- artificial.
  7. aww shucks!
  8. it has not been mentioned but it was done in 1/48 and all the 1/48's will be made as 1/60.
  9. no news on the 1A CF yet? am soooo waiting for this. and also the stealth.
  10. oh my! 500+ dollars for a pair of shoes! my budget is only 50. keep the pics coming guys!
  11. geepogi

    Yamato stands

    and it seems to be darker, which i prefer.
  12. geepogi

    Yamato stands

    thanks cent! so only the vf-0S + ghost combo does not droop, as the vf-0A shin is the one pictured, right?
  13. geepogi

    Yamato stands

    i'm starting to like the vf-11b. why does the vf-0A seem to droop starting from the cockpit?
  14. nice watch pete. i generally dress well. just not those expensive signature stuff. must be because i have a nice body and that i don't need clothes to complement it. hahaha. who am i kidding. i also prefer the dyrl version. i prefer the large boosters at the feet. but i prefer the tv version's arms.
  15. how about my style? instead of buying some nice clothes, shoes, cellphone, psp and other similar stuff, i make do with my old stuff and with the money i save i buy my valks. my wife wants to buy me a very nice watch but i told her that my old cheap one still serves its function. i guess that with the sdf-1 i may have to wait another 2 years to buy some nice clothes and stuff. hehehe.
  16. but i like it with the coating.
  17. thanks for the reply bro. i don't remember it coming into contact with any chemical agent. as it is in the underside of the canopy, getting into contact with it is quite hard. will try to post pictures as soon as possible. anyway, is there a spray or something which can duplicate it? had also some looseness in one of the legs. i opened it up and put a piece of toothpick near the spring to prevent it from moving. seems to be fixed. for the meantime.
  18. so any guys who have the same issue? will really appreciate any advise on how to fix it. it's not that noticeable but noticeable enough to make me want to fix it. thanks in advance!
  19. "cheap" is really relative. Back when I was still living in the Pearl of the Orient, I would never have thought of buying a 100 dollar toy which was about half of my monthly salary. Now I have 3 valks! And I'm just starting. I think the price is quite steep. But for the price of 3 to 4 valks, I think it is quite cheap.
  20. Guys, What do you call the thing that gives color to the canopy? Anyway, whatever it is, it is peeling off from my vf-1a! What should I do? It doesn't look like a sticker. Thinking that it was some sort of sticker, upon seeing some portions which were detaching from the canopy, I took a cotton bud to smooth them out and to my horror the thing was peeling from the canopy in small pieces. Now there are some portions which are clear. Anything that I can spray on it to make it like the original? Thanks!!!
  21. sorry for the noob question but is the vt-1 the equivalent of the tv vf-1d as there is no vf-1d in dyrl? thanks!
  22. i also like the vf-4 in all modes. i think i am among the handful that especially like the battroid mode. and among the handful who hate the vf-11b gerwalk mode. imo, it looks like the head was shoved up the fighter's behind. but the battroid mode rocks!
  23. what other color schemes can be done for the 1S aside from roy's, hikaru's and max's? the 1J has a cannon fodder and stealth while the 1A has a lot of other schemes. i don't like the color scheme of the roy, hikaru and max and i was wishing there was something else.
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