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Everything posted by geepogi

  1. geepogi

    yamato's next move

    i hope they would change the canopy to a clear one so that it will look more realistic.
  2. how about buying one of those fancy vacuum cleaners with water filters that doubles up as a air purifier too? i think rainbow is the brand. but its too expensive for our taste so we bought a cheaper one.
  3. geepogi

    Passing the torch

    my 3 year old son likes my yamatos and gundams. good thing he's currently into ben10 and power rangers. he knows that the valks are "daddy's toys" but i let him touch them and hold them a little bit whenever i take them out of the detolf. but i have to constantly keep an eye on him. we bought him a small animated starscream before and he proceeded to remove all the arms and feet, just keeping the body with the wings intact. i guess he wants it to look like a "proper" plane.
  4. or a stealth
  5. aha! same thing that happened to my 1A! at first i thought that the coating was something like a tint or sticker and when i thought i saw some "bubble" i proceeded to flatten it with my fingers and some of it came off! same thing when using a cotton bud. i'm leaving it in battroid. can't bear to remove the whole coating.
  6. NB4M, Thanks! Will try it when i find some time to operate.
  7. thanks for being so helpful guys! seriously, i have only transformed it to gerwalk once. battroid never. anyway, i am temporarily using the stand to stabilise it. i used to pose it by itself but everytime the display case was bumped, it's legs will splay and it will fall over. was thinking of applying nail polish to the joint.
  8. anyone here got the v2 mg zakus? i must say that i feel like throwing away my old one now that i have the new v2. they are just fantastic! got the F type. am now planning on getting char's S type. i really love how the hands are big and the fingers are so articulated.
  9. those are small legs right?
  10. help! my sv-51 is so floppy at the legs, at the thighs, to be more specific. just a slight bump to her glass cage will send her gerwalk mode to "squat" mode. is there anyway to tighten the joint at the thighs? i see a screw at that location. just don't know if tightening or opening it will do more harm than good. anyway, anyone ever fixed their sv-51's? TIA!
  11. i have trouble posing my 1A with the FP's. i just pose it with the arm and leg parts.
  12. it has been mentioned in the 1/60 cannon fodder topic that this scheme may not be made. was also hoping...
  13. how can one know if it is the reissued vf-0S? this is stand alone right?
  14. geepogi

    HLJ Virtual Tour

    i don't see myself having the same problem as you guys. i'll be bringing my wife.
  15. geepogi

    HLJ Virtual Tour

    wow! just wow! better than going to toys r us.
  16. my cannon fodder is a little bit loose on the joint at the thigh, the part which helps to splay the legs, just above the knees. any advise on how to tighten it? gerwalk mode is my favorite. i also like the ivanov but the problem is how to be sure you are getting the fixed version as they both come in the same packaging, without any differentiating marks, IIRC.
  17. sorry bro. got carried away. was commenting that there are a lot of filipinos here at the forums.
  18. eeekkk! ok. enough pics! solid gold?
  19. enough discussion. more pics!
  20. haha. yup. the bright white clashes with the weathering and it's too uniform. hikaru must always be doing somersaults and roll overs.
  21. how about the zeong? it's ugly but i still like it!
  22. it already did.
  23. what turned me off from this line is that there is no articulation in the hand, that is, it's fixed pose. am i right? otherwise, it really looks nice.
  24. wow! dami ng pinoy ah!
  25. my oh my! look at those v.1 hands! just horrible! good thing i didn't have money to spare when these v.1's first came out. i'm sure these things looked great when they first came out. i wonder how i would view my v.2 a few years from now? i don't expect there will be anymore significant changes. the v.2's just look awesome! just wishing for fully articulated fingers and no breakages.
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