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Everything posted by geepogi

  1. I agree with you bro. It all boils down to priority. I don't see anything wrong in foregoing or postponing another luxury to get a new toy, which is also a luxury. However, if you are depriving or scrimping on your family on the things they need like food, clothing, shelter and transportation, to name a few, just to get the latest toy or cellphone, then I think you should take a long hard look at the mirror and ask yourself where your priorities lie. I have nothing against those who choose to eat simply or bring food to the office to save money for other things, as I also do that. Just make sure that you are still eating healthy. Your body also needs protein, not only carbs! Same goes for those who overstretch themselves by working long hours in the office or having several jobs. If your doing this to give your family or your loved ones a secure and better future, then my hat goes off to you. Remember that health is wealth. I think the same holds true for time. If you spend lots of hours at the workplace just to get the toys or, for that matter, the luxuries that you want, at the expense of time with your family and friends, then I guess you have to evaluate your priorities.
  2. the dark bird is so nice! i will be choosing this over the low-vis roy anytime. maybe if they also dulled the yellow then it will look better?
  3. In my case, I'm not really foregoing needs. We still buy food that we like. Me and my wife still go out on dates during fridays. Either we watch a movie or we go out and eat. Not fancy restaurants though. But when it comes to my collecting toys, I get it from my "entertainment" budget, which means that I have to forego some items. However, if the soles on my shoes are already falling apart or if my briefs have turned to bacon, then I have to forego or postpone some toys and get a new pair of briefs.
  4. This would not happen if i was single.
  5. What things did you forego just to get the toy that you want? I was planning on getting a pair of Lacoste sneakers and a Levis belt this month, but these had to take a backseat to the vf-11b. Lacoste and Levis are overrated, anyway. Will still be getting these, albeit at a later date.
  6. I don't think the 1/60 v2.0's value will go down if yamato decides on doing a 1/48 v2.0. For one, it will be a lot more expensive compared to the 1/60. You'll probably be able to get maybe 2 1/60's for the price of one 1/48. And a lot of guys here prefer the size of the 1/60. For me, maybe I'll just get 1, maximum 3, just for the sake of having a 1/48.
  7. that is really nice! i want to try! but i'm scared i may get it wrong and i cannot change it anymore.
  8. hahaha. nice one.
  9. and he can act. or can he?
  10. yup. i agree. the 19 is the ugly duckling among the 11 and 21. i kinda like the battroid mode but the fighter mode is a turn off for me. unlike the other 2, the 19 can easily be seen as a transforming toy. and it's too "toyish".
  11. is it limited?
  12. eureka! yamato should tint/coat the canopies of all subsequent vf-0 releases!
  13. I have a 1S and a 1A. I was planning on getting other repaints of the vf-1 but because of the crack on my 1A's shoulder, I may just be getting 1 cf then maybe i'm done with the vf-1 line. Yamato knows how much this issue is keeping potential buyers from getting more repaints and I can't understand why they won't address it once and for all.
  14. actually i also noticed that in some stores her in singapore. previously, i don't remember seing the v1.0 in any store in CSC. however, after a few months of the v2.0 coming out, i saw some of the v1.0's coming out. i would like to think that they are selling these items because it was sold to them by people who are parting with their v1.0 rather than to think that they are selling these in the hope that some noob won't notice the difference. i think they are still selling at around 100 sgd.
  15. totally agree!
  16. v1.0 you're going down!!! As people have already mentioned, the v1.0 does not fill any niche that is not filled by better toys. Also remember that what drives the price is the demand. i don't see any increase in demand in the future so I don't think it's value will go up.
  17. After the VF-0D, yamato should really do the VF-4. Was it not the VF-4 that replaced the VF-1? We already have the VF-0, the VF-1 and the VF-11. They should, no, they MUST make the VF-4.
  18. Will the armor also fit the 0A? Can the standalone VF-0's fit the same box that the VF-1 and the VF-11 came in?
  19. I am also convinced that the next PT VF will be the vf-0D. I hope that Graham would be able to confirm this in the not-so-distant future. So that those who want something else can start complaining. j/k
  20. new molds. vf-0D vf-4 (?) other one is still unknown
  21. thanks graham! will all the valks on short-list be eventually made? so for the meantime, nothing definite is set to be released after the vf-11b? so for those who are not interested in the repaints, their wallets can take a break. or be diverted elsewhere. (hmm. v2.0 mass-"productive" gelgoog or char's?)
  22. when you say on the short-list, does it mean yamato is already working on it? so can should we start saving for a vf-0D this year? i guess the vf-0D is the most likely candidate for the next non-vf-1, not-repainted and not re-issued valk to be released after the vf-11b as it shares a lot of parts with the other vf-0's.
  23. should they ever reissue an OS or an OA with fixes, i hope they clearly differentiate it from the previous release ones. not just the box, like an additional tampo print or something. don't want some unscrupulous sellers switching the contents of the boxes.
  24. no bro. its the gap above the one you marked, just below the canards. as macrossjunkie mentioned, it is the LERX.
  25. Thanks guys. I know they are already working on the SDF-1. I was just being sarcastic. The SDF-1 will be released sometime next year and I was wondering what yamato will be coming up with to tide us over till the SDF-1 gets released. And I want something substantial, logical or definitive to back-up any claims. TIA!
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