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Everything posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. i want to know why no series/episode of macross has been about the ethics of humanity being able to grow full grown adult clones that can have their minds programmed?? imagine the market that could exist for made to order meltran companions.
  2. ranka will come back as the queen of blades and lop off grace's head.
  3. nerds! ah hmm. talking about the small details of various warships when we could be discussing the possiblities of blackmarket made to order meltran clone honies. no need for the otaku of the macross universe to suffer in solitude when they can have their own meltran clone delivered to their door at macross speed!
  4. next episode brera and ranka all alone in space with just the valk. getting to know each other really really well and then bam they both remember they are brother and sister. but anyways... i liked the fast pack klan it was a nice little bit a silly in an other wise dark episode.
  5. Zentradi were/are clones grown in machines taught their specific job and then sent to battle like a piece of equipment. so this gets me thinking. if i could find a zentradi factory satelite with the ez bake zentradi cloning machine, think i could order up a Milia model and educated to serve the role as my wife? its a thought.
  6. you all forget that Q-raus fly their sheer force of thurster alone even in atmospheres. the general galaxy yf-21/vf-22 was designed with q-rau design ideas. a super or armor pack vf-25 could fly in the air through sheer force of their thursters.
  7. ranka is just another "little sister" cliche anime girl. always crying out for oni-chan. always wanting big brother all for her self. hell we know she is capable of calling things from hammer space. i think klan needs to step on her.
  8. well president glass did seem to be one of those incompetent politico types. the coup might be beneficial to frontier if the vajra didn't attack at the same time.
  9. and nekki basara will pop up out of no where singing Totsugeki love heart. BOMBA!
  10. in the near future 1. cyber-nanase 2. ranka peels off her skin to reveal that she really was a vajra. 3. luca gets even more excited by nanase over the possibilities of all the upgrades he can do to her from LAI 4. leon was in conspiracy with bilrer against grace.
  11. Leon death by a Ozma triggered Macross missile massacre?
  12. lol jail bait(by american standards) ranka is now literally bait.
  13. some grace in a bikini pool side conspiring with leon air time daflip? p.s. dear god what is ai-kun doing to ranka in your avatar!(lol j/k i have seen 21)
  14. there is still hope of klan eating leon!
  15. where is the VFgirl klan klan art yet??
  16. it looks like some sort of fold based weapon. matter caught in it is simply folded in on its self.
  17. well using stats from mr. march's M3 a 1/60 monster in shuttle is .5 meters long, .4 meters wide, and .11 meters tall. while definatly a beast of a toy it would be no bigger then your average 20 inch crt tv in gerwalk mode(why would you have a monster in any other mode really??)
  18. why would i want to bump my post count?? but really that bow on the back of ranka's head bugs me.
  19. the bow on the back of ranka's head is an anomaly to me. where is it connected ? she seems to have several different ones, even a black one for funerals. it is just floating there to clipped to her hair or tied around her neck.
  20. if yamato made a perfect transformation 1/60 vb-6 monster would you buy one?
  21. i never suggested using zentradi for cannon fodder. its just that many times have we seen a macro zentradi bare handed man handle vf-1 like they were made of tin foil. build a zentradi armor suit with eca armor and use a non explosive/flammable power source and i bet a zentradi swat team could be more effective then a destroid any day.
  22. every thing looks a little retro on frontier. i bet minivans on galaxy look like hi tech jelly beans with wheels, or not thye might hover on galaxy.
  23. first something that has been stated before i bet. grace will kill leon when he is no longer needed. second am i the only one that wants to see luca eaten by a lobster vajra?
  24. Ranka and Red Lobster Vajra GATTAI!
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