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Everything posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. oh come on Grace is a porno cliche, put her hair down take off the glasses and remove the buisness suit and she goes from mousey to sex kitten
  2. Since the show has given us no real indication what Macross Galaxy and Grace and Co are up to. I want a thread with short simple ideas of what they are up to. I know there is a plot theroy thread but i don't want and theroycraft here just short simple things. no talk about shipping, or what hippocow ice cream taste like. I just want to know what you think they are trying to do.
  3. Macross Galaxy is a private venture. All of its military power comes from private contractors with some NUNG over sight. Grace and her cyber-consiprators are after something but the Vajra are in the way. Macross Galaxy doesn't have the resources to eliminate the Vajra. Grace and Co come up with the idea to pit the Frontier against the Vajra. The Frontier being a bio plant has the resources to create more Vajra. Being bio based also means that Frontier Ecology/Economy is easy to disrupt to a very dire point. Get the Frontier NUNG to hate the Vajra enough and some shiny toys to help them fight the Vajra and the Frontier will go on the offensive and with some NUNG back up eliminate the Vajra for the Galaxy. The Galaxy is after something, something the protoculture also attempted but failed at. Something so great that they will do anything and sacrifice anyone to get at it. Sheryl appears to be part of a failed experiment program to create biological fold wave transmitters. Purpose of this is obviously linked to dealing with Galaxy's Vajra problem. Sheryl like any others that may have or have not existed is a failure. Galaxy develops a new plan using Sheryl as a pop idol to whip up the people of a neighboring NUNG fleet in to hating the Vajra so much that they will go to war against the Vajra and eliminate them for the Galaxy. Sheryl became very very popular. Her planned death on Gailia 4 which would have been reported as caused by the Vajra is yet another failure. Operation Carnival is a partial failure. Sheryl is now discarded as worthless to the Galaxy. Luck gives a gift to Grace in the form of Ranka. Ranka appears to be a natural fold wave emitter. Galaxy constructs a new plan around using Ranka and Frontier to handle the Vajra problem. Brera stern seems to at least appear to be someone from Ranka's past on the 117th. His existance seems to be both Grace's muscle and Ranka manipulator. Ranka's conflict with Alto and Ai-kun and her use as a tool to kill Vajra have caused her to run off to return Ai-kun. Ranka has led the Galaxy to the Vajra home. Galaxy plans to use the Frontier and other NUN Spacy forces with MDE and Dimension Eater weapons to eliminate the Vajra. With the Vajra out of the way and the local NUN Spacy forces exhausted Galaxy will be able to accomplish their goal what ever that is. Galaxy is after something that stands to make them extremely powerfull. The Vajra are naturally docile but seem to be in the way.
  4. luca has no spine. he also has much to redeem for.
  5. water is corrosive, modern oil based fuels don't by nature try to break down everything they touch like water does.
  6. alto has all ready chosen who he loves most, him self.
  7. yeah leon practically had a hard on when grace was telling him about dimension eater weapons. think grace could tentacle her self.
  8. and for grace's fondling of her self. i'm guessing the prospect that the discovery of the vajra home world and their plan might finally be completed sexually excits a power hungery person as her self.
  9. one word on how grace took out the goons "tentacles"
  10. imo the VF-4 does look like space colony fleet fighter. its a heavy fighter with beam weapons for main armament. this fits well with a limited resource colony fleet. the vf-4 would be in space mostly and beam weapons would allow great endurance. the vf-1 is a multi role fighter. it has no real strength or weakness. the vf-1 also is a huge resource hog to be competitive with zentradi forces. vf-1s needed super/strike packs and reaction weapons, lots of micro missles and ammo for the gun pod. vf-4 reminds me of the vf-17/171 a variable fighter with a design for mostly fighter mode use.
  11. you can keep how much of a retcon mac0 was by thinking of the events of Mac0 as a secret war. Mac0 happens between when roy leaves the base where he first met claudia at the "end" of the unification war and when claudia meets roy again on south ataria island where he was test piloting the vf-1 prototypes. in SDFM the unification war was told as more of a guerilla movement of loosely allied counties and factions. in mac0 the unification war is a world war 3 type of thing with clearly 2 factions UN and AUN. also don't forget the offical story for the destruction of south ataria island and the long dissaperance of the Macross was that AUN terrorist forces had attack the island causing the macross to sortie early and the island vanishing. now we can assume both versions hold true. the unification war might have at first been world war 3 with clear factions. then as the larger richer more idustrial capable UN started winning the AUN could have broken down into more guerilla conflict. small hold outs of AUN power causing mayhem even though they are clearly loosing fight just to fight. the events of mac0 the vf-0 the birdman all being covered up for a long time and so well clear go with the UN gov't agenda of trying to with hold the existance of aliens as much as possible. the earrings being digitally added to mac0 is a clear retcon. the SDF-4 Global. well what do you send out with the megaroad fleets? all the UN Spacy had was ARMD Carries, Macross, and a few puny destroyers. would you send them out with just ships not really fit for combat against the zentradi and ships of the cultured zentradi un forces? of course not you would build more Macross ships since the design is very proven.
  12. we need more grace fanart/fanservice now!
  13. ah yes but that conversation would have only fitted at the end after the conflict was over. unfortunately shin tripped the light fantastic and disappeared with sara.
  14. hiding? its right flipping there on the front of the ship
  15. how could the macross show up at the end of zero? it wasn't finished during the time of that conflict.
  16. as long as we don't get a gundam wing endless waltz ending where everyone just stops fighting and beats the bad guy that way.
  17. to those that complain about the legs. go look at a yamato 1/60 yf-19 that thing is all leg in 4 out of 3 modes.
  18. when alto starts dying from v-type infection a few years we will know -_^
  19. Ranka goes all moe and causes mass extinction of vajra through nose bleeds.
  20. yeah i'm kind of bummed now too. someone needs to take the script pen out of tomino's hand.
  21. i rather we find out that luca was really a confused girl then have him be that waste of flesh of a boy. death to LUCA!
  22. its said that Wilder is a unification war vetern, hikaru and misa would be in their 60s by now so how old does that make wilder? and think how young wilder was during the unification war. plus wilder must have either been really lucky do not get vaporized on earth or was on the macross during sw1.
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