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Everything posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. at the 15 minute mark of episode 25 there will be a huge DE explosion which will appear to swallow every thing. then as it clears we see kawamori singing "never going to give you up"
  2. why is my bandai 1/55 VF-1A "chunky monkey" smaller then my 1/60 YF-19 from yamato? shouldn't something that is 1/55 be larger then 1/60 things?
  3. Ok since the motives and machinations of the Galaxy consipracy are so poorly developed even by this point in Frontier I have only this to say. Maybe the reason the Galaxy wants the Vajra controled eliminated is because only the Vajra can see why kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch so much. Makes as much sense as anything else at this point.
  4. http://cdimg3.crunchyroll.com/i/spire2/091...ffd2a0_full.jpg not quite sure about this one but i think its funny
  5. we can only hope that for the sake of the future of humanity that any child of alto and sheryl that the alto genes are all dormant.
  6. Alto wins hands down imo. Hikaru sort of got it, and Basara just wasn't interested in Mylene.
  7. seeing the SDF-4 going down like that in the flash back gets me a little chocked up. alto still loves his mommy way too much. nanase's painting of ranka is a creeepy. the NUNS uniform on luca looks too big. it looks like alto and sheryl are crashing in ozma's house.
  8. come on mr. march we know grace is more machine then man.
  9. Mr March you need to add Grace and Breara to the M3.
  10. If Grace's body is full synthetic makes me want to ask another question. If given the choice would you rather have Grace model android or a Meltran clone both programmed with the same mind?
  11. the Macross Quarter gone pirate gives me ideas of an OVA about the adventures of the Quarter and its crew.
  12. Grace O'Connor we have seen her do some amazing things. So this begs the question do you think she is more? mecha or person
  13. more roy fockers less hikaru ichijos and we won't have any messy triangles
  14. leon cooties can be killed with lots of manly loving from fire bomber fanatics.
  15. episode 23 will be character development. 24 will advance the plot into the finale, 25 is the finale where a few things will get tied up and the rest will leave you talking on forums for years to come untill the next ova, series, movie.
  16. the yamatao yf-19 has floppy arms. my good ol' bandai 1/55 vf-1 can hold a pose till the end of time
  17. i think a more modern alternate candidate for alto's heart BOBBY!
  18. a vf-19 with out floppy arms please!
  19. maybe ozma knows about luca being a worm that is supporting leon. luca did fire first.
  20. Sheryl is hot in the Basara look. BOMBAA!
  21. Ranka will sing a song to calm the vajra, Sheryl will sing a song to stop the Frontier from fighting, and Bobby will sing about how much he loves Ozma
  22. brera is the cyborg, i think grace is an android with a full synthetic body(explains tentacles, bulletproofness). galactic domination seems small change for the lengths they are going to.
  23. 3/4 vajra 1/4 zentradi with an extra 50% fast pack.
  24. well morpheus Grace's hotness is in direct proportion to her evil factor. The more evil the hotter she gets. If she started punching babies Luca would go "Nana who?"
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