at the 15 minute mark of episode 25 there will be a huge DE explosion which will appear to swallow every thing. then as it clears we see kawamori singing "never going to give you up"
Ok since the motives and machinations of the Galaxy consipracy are so poorly developed even by this point in Frontier I have only this to say.
Maybe the reason the Galaxy wants the Vajra controled eliminated is because only the Vajra can see why kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch so much. Makes as much sense as anything else at this point.
seeing the SDF-4 going down like that in the flash back gets me a little chocked up. alto still loves his mommy way too much. nanase's painting of ranka is a creeepy. the NUNS uniform on luca looks too big. it looks like alto and sheryl are crashing in ozma's house.
If Grace's body is full synthetic makes me want to ask another question. If given the choice would you rather have Grace model android or a Meltran clone both programmed with the same mind?
episode 23 will be character development. 24 will advance the plot into the finale, 25 is the finale where a few things will get tied up and the rest will leave you talking on forums for years to come untill the next ova, series, movie.
brera is the cyborg, i think grace is an android with a full synthetic body(explains tentacles, bulletproofness). galactic domination seems small change for the lengths they are going to.
well morpheus Grace's hotness is in direct proportion to her evil factor. The more evil the hotter she gets. If she started punching babies Luca would go "Nana who?"