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Everything posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. still none of those cars are better then my Nissan Silvia.
  2. at least 0080 and 0083 don't have the sins of recent gundam, teenage boys filled with angst screaming at each other in space. an ova about Cima Garahau from 0083 covering her involvment from the gassing of the colony to exile and life as a pirate at the end of the one year war.
  3. at least Isamu was a bat poo insane pilot who actually blew things up.
  4. Sorry but they all fail in comparison to my beloved S14 Silvia.
  5. i live in kanagawa and the age of consent in japan is 20. any relics of pre meiji era japan and the regards to younger women and older men is now just the stuff of manga and hentai.
  6. Well for Zentradi size, weight, and denisty consider this. They just wouldn't have been denser to allow their 8-15 meter tall bodies to support them selves and allow for normal but to scale levels of strength. The bone and muscle and all connecting tissues would have been deisgned to be even deniser then needed to make bodies incredibly strong in both performance and the ability to withstand damage. The Zentradi with their super dense bodies could also have had latent super dimensional energy running through their bodies (how else does a dog eared loli emit fold waves? the Vajra microbes might have been the radio but she was a power amped antenna) and with the extra mass in their bodies and super dimensional energies the Zentradi could have the ability for limited resizing of their bodies. Green and blue skinned Zents were all first gen clones. The Zentradi didn't know how the tech ran, they just push buttons and the machine spits out people. The machines from what we saw in SDFM were starting to decline quickly. The Clone O'matic might be on the fritz and started putting out greenies and blue people. This defect could be shallow enough for simple Zentradi Meltran pairing or Zentran/Meltran and human pairings to eliminate the defect but leave in funny colored hair (who doesn't love a purple haired hotty?) P.S. I don't even see how a 8.5 meter meltran fits in a Q-rae with out removing her legs. Maybe Mr. March can dig up some line art showing how a Meltran sits in it show where the legs are supposed to be.
  7. I'm dissapointed by the lack of Grace fan art. then again most of it might not be appropriate for this forum. BOOBIES!
  8. a 1/48 monster would be the size of a small desk, even a 1/60 would be rather large.
  9. if its just going to be a retelling can we get a more adult version of what happened with alto and sheryl in the satome mansion when the sms when pirate?
  10. a new 1/60 milia and 1/60 q-rau. 1/60 monster
  11. i love my 1/55 chunky monkey thank very much
  12. possibly the greatest moment in mecha pron ever!
  13. http://eng.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1096 this could be sheryl's twin sister
  14. as far as you know -_^
  15. i get the feeling the quarter is an old prototype that didn't get bought by NUNS so it was sold off to a private military contractor.
  16. max could take an vf-0 and shoot down everyone but miria
  17. hmm when the Macross and the Quarters are all in ship mode they would have to mount the quarters in such a way so the quaters main thursters pointed towards the rear. would you leave the quarters in cruiser mode when the macross goes to attack mode so the macross can have arms? or would you have the quarters transform to attack mode too? or maybe the macross in cruiser with the quarters in attack mode? OH THE POSSIBILITIES FOR MECHA PRON! /NERDGASM
  18. Battle Lolicon with Captain KlanKlan
  19. ah SDF Macross no other thing in this world can make a combat vet in this late 20s get all weepy. sniff
  20. yes but battleships are sexier
  21. Macross will always be my favorite. but i also like Gundam as long as its UC gundam not not any of that angsty alternate universe junk or /spit gundam wing. Patlabor Ghost in the shell Any thing Rumiko Takahashi Any thing Clamp Any thing Ken Akamatsu Outlaw star Cowboy Bebop I exetremly dislike any popular animes that instead of telling a story and then ending keep going and going and going to make more money. Naruto Dragon Ball
  22. Kaifun, Leon, Basara 3 most annoying people in Macross and i will send my ghosts to their deaths every time i go on a mission.
  23. just watch any episode of M7 and pretend. lots of NMC transformation.
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