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Everything posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. Hey! i liked all those books. They fit the world and dind't muck up the existing works any. What Lucas did that star wars took some of the magic away.
  2. i have no doubt that the ending will be great but i wonder how the writers will handle the fleet finding a new permanent home?
  3. final episode - the gallactica fleet and the cavil faction cylons get sucked back through time crash land on a primative Kobol and Lee and Kara have a child named Vor.
  4. i demand they remake the 3 star wars prequels but with what was canon untill lucas changed every thing with jarjar midicholrines and emokin skywalker
  5. well gundam is split into 3 areas. 1 is the one year war, every thing is gritty and more grown up and focused on the horror of war. 2 is the super robot action show with angsty teenagers, seed, 00, wing. 3 is the silly G-gundam, super deform, and that one with the white gundam and the invaders from the moon.
  6. the gallactica is held together with paper machee(sp?) made from all the writing they tossed out about the whole cylon story arc of "we have a plan"
  7. i think the fleet should give up on finding a habital planet. they should just find a star system with some easily mined moons and asteriods and build a gundam style space colony
  8. Milia was a tiny little thing. maybe she just sat behind the pilot's seat on a milk crate.
  9. This question doesn't have to be limited to a particular VF and any mods like super packs. Just put out which mode you prefer.
  10. Some thing that irks me is that Hollywood seems to use almost nothing but chinese and koreans to play the parts of japanese people with some minor exceptions. One being the excellent movie The Last Samurai. Memoirs of a Geisha? all chinese actresses, Stormshadow in the coming GI joe movie korean actor. i just want to know why hollowood does this so often? blahweoir@#$@ /runstocornerandcuddleschunkmonkey
  11. Hikaru, Max, Milia. They are aces and death proof and one is damn sexy too boot.
  12. OK so humanity started on Kobol. So did human looking cylons. The human looking cylons a.k.a the 13th tribe left Kobol well before the rest of humanity left Kobol. 2000 years before the start of events in BSG, the 12 tribes of kobol left when a great disaster stuck the plaent. Also 2000 years ago the palent they call earth got the bejeezus nuked out of it. the 12 tribes settle in the colonies and all is good untill they recreate the cylons or what we learn later is the 13th tribe.
  13. Ok i just caught up on my Negima manga reading. I really like this series even if it is sort of phoning it in for Ken Akamatsu.
  14. Yuri is the solution to everything.
  15. mobile suits weren't the back bone of the federation forces during the one year war. how about an ova about the crew of a fed space destroyer? you can have them suffer during the initial beginning of the one year war then perk up as they counter attack the zeon forces and then tomino can come in and kill them all and make everyone emo and moppy.
  16. status of the supervision army as far as we know by the time of the space war 1 is that the supervision army is pretty much destroyed and that the zentradi are runnign rampant through the galaxy mopping up. if you manage to watch all of 7 you will get some insight into this. the supervision army is not important except for the fact that the macross was a SA gunship before it crashed.
  17. mylene's stage outfit. nuf said
  18. the sv-51 is a big fat heavy cow in comparison to the vf-1
  19. harmony gold needs to die in a fire
  20. oh this thread is getting to close to the bottom of the first page so in a shamless bump i give you 2 nerds http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=40.458262,-...375837805207798
  21. ok so there is this manga/anime called Kiss x Sis. its about a teenage boy that lives with his parents and his identical twin step sisters. the sisters are seniors in high school and he is a junior. the sisters like to flirt/seduce their younger step brother. his parents are encouraging him to pick one of his sisters for a relation and see nothing wrong with it since they are not blood related. now can anyone help me find this odd manga series in english?
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