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Everything posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. We could borrow something from Mospeda and have male cross dresser as the female pop idol of the triangle. I think you could do a serious lesbian relationship in macross and still keep it open for humor. I've been reading this manga called KashiMashi Girl meets Girl(thank you onemanga.com). Its a comdey work but manages to keep the relationships from being silly.
  2. because throwing a lesbian into the triangle is one of the combos we haven't had yet. do you want another guy loves girl A, girl A thinks of guy as friend, guy keeps getting alone time with girl B, girl B loves guy, guy is clueless till end of series?
  3. need to steer this thread back on topic. like has been said for macross you need pop idol, ace valk pilot, love triangle, and a scary inhuman enemy. so far for love triangles we had a guy going between two girls. 2 guys going for a girl. a guy going for a girl that is going for another guy that is only interested in music. 2 girls going for a guy that never makes up his mind. we have had 1 pilot 1 idol 1 bridge bunny. 2 pilots 1 idol. 2 idol pilots 1 pilot. 1 pilot 2 idols. for the triangle combos the enemy list. zentradi, AI, protodevlin, vajra/cyborgs so i think a fitting new story would be a 1 guy 2 girls triangle where the guy love girl A and girl B also loves Girl A. Guy would be a Space war 1 vet that became a rock star for a while and then went to a colony world to work as a valk mechanic on the UN Spacy base. Girl A would be a Meltran variable Glaug pilot for the un spacy unit on the planet. Girl B would be a half meltran who is gaga for full meltran because she desires to be strong and bold like them instead of meek and mild like she is. the planet would be mostly zentradi(macro and miclone) with full humans a minority. the bad guys could a group of human rebels that are still resenting the zentradi for the nearly wiping out man kind and we could make the head bad guy pseudo facist that hates the cross breeding of humans and zents. so guy has to take to the skies again in his VF-1S to protect the innocent from the rebels and he must sing again to so the people can remember to love each other again. Girl A would be the hero pilot.
  4. get the horay froating head together with the creator of love hina/ negima and get them to create a macross harem story. take 12 macro meltrans 1 lovable screw up of a male human and humor and mecha porn will come forth.
  5. just one VF if its pilot is also the idol and that idol is Basara
  6. production compaines buy movie rights to things all the time and then sit on them for years because they rather have the rights and not use them then let another company get the rights and make a ton of cash
  7. i don't even have the words to describe this. http://perspectivezee.blogspot.com/2008/07/exia-cosplay.html
  8. Macross as a harem anime. A young VF pilot after carear ending injuries is sent to a colony world to teach flying at all girls school. He is shocked when he finds out that its a macro zentradi world and that his students are normally in macro mode and learn on Q-raus and variable glaugs(sp?). We could have Emilia Jenius as a fellow flight instructor and strugging pop idol. What to do when your surronded by dozen 12 meter tall hoties that have a crush on on theri 1.75 meter tall teacher?
  9. Those kind of people are sad. I can understand though. People were expecting some epic story telling but instead got popcorn movies.
  10. don't do it, just stick to the remastered but unaltered original 3.
  11. i have a feeling that the colonial cylons(those that were created/evolved from the original machines or the colonies) are in for a huge shock from the earth cylons(those that left kobol before the 12 tribes and settled on earth)
  12. A YF-19 would be nice if it had its flight control bugs worked out that made it deadly to pilots that weren't Isamu Dyson. I know eventually they got the flight control software good enough that any jacka#$ with a guitar hero controler could fly it.
  13. I'm stationed over in japan so i have missed some BSG. I haven't seen all of Razor but what i want to know is are the hybrids different models from the 12 known skin jobs?
  14. I think the 3 prequel movies ruined the franchise. It turned star wars from something like Lord of the Rings into "ZOMG Bruce Willis flying on a rocket nuking an asteroid pewpewpew." So I will do my best to ignore them.
  15. Psycho Gundam is where its at.
  16. Who needs those cars. Give me a Nissan GT-R or a Nissan R34 Skyline GT-R. 90% as fast 500% more drivable every day. insanely cheaper to buy, maintain, insure.
  17. Pyscho Gundam - nuff said
  18. i don't want to be chased by a frenchy in tighty whities.
  19. playing the koenig monster card is the nuclear option no fair!
  20. in SDFM Tv series.... beer can attacks you! there i tried boo me if you want.
  21. Ok all the members of the Macrossworld forums must swear to this. If any one of us manage to live long enough to see Time travel techonology. It will be your sworn duty to use it to go back in time and prevent HG from getting the rights to macross. This may mean that Macross would have to wait till the 90s to get US distro but its worth it.
  22. I don't think Brera was that good of a pilot. He was just more physically capable because his cyborgness when combined with the 27 allowed performance outside human reach. with further thought i would have to take isamu he is the good kind of crazy. he can do the impossible purely believes he can.
  23. You know if hollywood is looking for something fresh to turn into movies Harry turtledove would be some easy stuff to make into movie.
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