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Posts posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. 3000 years prior to BSG the 12 tribes invented the organic cylons and resurrection tech. They also had space travel technology, FTL or near speed of light we don't know. Cylons land Earth and with their small population and abandoned resurrection tech suffer through a technological set back. 2000 years prior to BSG humans leave kobol travel through space and found 12 colonies. They suffer a technological set back but must have retained space travel. From what i have seen from the Caprica previews the humans managed to figure out centurions and prototype organic cylons. This was 3000 years after they first thought it up on Kobol.

    Macross most of humanity is wiped out. No technological set back is suffered through because the Macross contained most of South Ataria island which must have held a good portion of the best and brightest of earth due to the rebuilding of the Macross. The zentradi tech and zentradi that humans got after space war 1 also helped out.

    So while the people of macross live with a high amount of technology in their day to day lives and military tech makes constant steady progress. In BSG the huge population reduction and scattering factioning of humanity caused tech progress to become incredibly slow. The Macross Quarter could dominate the entire BSG galaxy with even having to fire its main cannon.

  2. I was in Akihabara today and got my hands on the Bandai VF-25 toys. They disspoint me. Every single VF-25s has warped head lasers. Transforming it and making it look good in that form is impossible. It lacks the charm of a chunk monkey. Size doesn't seme right for the scale unless the 25 is a light fighter(my yammie yf-19 is huge next to it). Even a VF-1 in 1/60 looks larger then the 25. Prices ugh the prices. Buy from hlj.com or amazon.co.jp they are cheaper even after shipping. 22000 for a YF-21 in the stores.

  3. The VF-25 stabbed a space lobster with a giant Ka-Bar. swords aren't that much of a leap.

    Coming up for the 30th anniversary Macross: Universal Century Kaifun's Counter Attack.

    say no to melee weapons in macross!

    and say yes to Miko in macross!

  4. Mac plus and zero had great dog fights and mecha porn. frontier had great mecha porn but i think its dog fights suffered from some gundamitist (too many screaming teenagers).

    i think macross can manage lesbian love with out the giggle factor or the dread R word.

  5. I'll never understand why people talk about the post counter? /shrug

    This is the Battlestar Galactica discussion thread so i am making silly posts about BSG. I say sit back watch it and enjoy. I can be fine with them never telling why Starbuck is important. Just like i am fine with the never revisiting and telling what happened to SDF-2/megalord/hikaru/minmei/Misa.

  6. Richard Dean Anderson(MacGuyver) is the cylon god. He was one of the lords of kobol. He got bored one day and gave the humans the ideas to tinker/jury rig up the cylons. The other Lords of Kobol got pissed that the thrown together cylons were as good as their carefully engineered humans. So the lords of kobol threw a big smack down on everyone and told them to GTFO.

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