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Posts posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. VF-27 Prophet

    It would hold a double meaning for the Galaxy. Being a corporate venture and orginally developing the VF-27 for sale to the NUNS and others private military contractors for profit. As part of Grace and the others' plot of galactic revolution it would be their prophet. It also holds similar with the naming of the VF-25 the Messiah.

  2. in SDF Macross exedol had a large poofy purple bowl cut style hair.

    in dyrl he had a large floppy brain and a bald head and "gasp" tentecles.

    macross 7 exedol is seen again with the giant brain.

    macross frontier on galia 4 the advisor zentran is seen with large floppy brain

    macross frontier mr. bilrer is large like a commander(bretai) type zentran but part of his head is sort of brainy looking

    in both sdf macross and dyrl the female zentradi/meltrandi advisor types seem to look like any other meltran

    so why starting at macross 7 did they change the advisor zentrans to the dyrl none canon look?

  3. From what we know of previous Macross canonical history, the center of the galaxy seems to be a no fly zone. Every fleet that has headed in that direction seems to be meeting a serious trouble or a grizzly end.

    Megaroad-1 head towards center and just vanished

    Macross 7 heading towards center and encountered protodevlin and their varauta army.

    117th Research fleet attacked by Vajra.

    Macross 5 fleet wiped out around or near planet Rax(persumably also near galactic core because of protodevlin involvement).

    Megaroad-13 finds star system with inhabital planets names system varauta and unlocks and is over taken by the protodevlin. much like the protoculture thousands of years before when the protodevlin formed the supervision army.

    Macross Galaxy goes from being corporate research expedition to evil cyborg HQ, reason unknown.

    Macross Frontier encounters Vajra. we now know the evil cyborgs of Galaxy lead the vajra towards the Frontier but from what we saw in episode 15 Frontier would have stumbled into vajra occupied space eventually.

    so what do we have at the galactic core? vajra, protoculture ruins, protodevlin. the center of the galaxy seems to be filled with left overs of the stellar republic and most of it isn't friendly.

  4. The Vajra and the Galaxy will be stopped by the ultimate super concert! It will have Fire Bomber, Lynn Minmei, Myung, Sheryl, Ranka Lee, and Brerea all performing Aimo. It will be transmitte out into space via Super Dimension crystal enhanced fold communication. Mean while Hikaru, Isamu, Gamlin, Alto are all out in space butting heads over who the best pilot is.

  5. Just watched Kei subs. Maybe that dream is a New Stellar Republic... Perhaps they want to control everything and everyone in the Galaxy and Ranka is the key to that... (By using the Vajra perhaps?).

    hmm i think its something grander then galactic conquest. the protoculture stellar republic was succesfull and stable untill they mucked around in bringing in other creatures from other dimensions. grace and her collective are trying to do something the protoculture could never accomplish in 500,000 years of their history.

  6. brera is going to have a "i don't need my old memories i know who i am now" moment betray the evil AI conspiracy of the Galaxy and sac him self in an attempt to save Ranka.

    sherly will find out she is just another programmed clone in a series of clones, have a brief panic attack going "no no no i know who i am i am not a clone i am SHERYL!" and then activate super idol mode and through song use some funky power that will thrawt the evil AI

    ozma won't die but i see a carear ending injury in his future

    bobby will ram the quarter in to glaxay by him self as the last person on the ship and before its too late wilder will throw in him a escape pod and pilot the quarter him self in the galaxy

    mikhal being some zentran him self(look at those pointy ears) macronizes and admits his love for klan klan(we get the max and milia homage with out the loli)

    Luca admits his feelings for nanase and in response nana-san hugs his head against her very generous chest resulting in epic large nose bleed and black out for luca

    president glass is going to surprise leon and have him arrested and tossed out the air lock

    Ranka gets the sara nome ending i can just feel it, the virus in her is man made to allow her song to be transmitted through fold space to allow comms with the vajra

    vajra are a something left over from the high point of the protoculture civilizatoin before the protodevlin and the creation of the zentradi and the downfall of protoculutre

    the song aimo is actually a complex code that when translated into supder dimension energy and sent into fold space is some sort of "hi! can't we all be friends and peacefull?"

    Grace's AI conspiracy is working on the ultimate goal the protoculture civilization,

    the protoculture at the height of power started opening up portals to other planese of existance/alterante dimensions and their the found the protodevlin which instead of being benevolent beings of energy where parasitic ghouls that used other creatures bodies to exist in the normal world.

    so grace's aI faction might be trying to work the reverse leaving the physical mortal plane and become energ

    Bilrer the owner of SMS seems to have know about the vajra, super dimension crystals, grace, galaxy, 117th reasearch fleet, ranka for a very long time and might be part of some hidden group working to stop the evil doers galactic conquest and placed SMS and the Macross Quarter with the frontier fleeet for this very reason

    Hikaru, Misa and the Megaroad-1 will pop out of fold space having spent the psat 40 years or so in a fold space pocket where only a week as passed. the huge number of zentrandi battleships in the fleet will clear the sky of vajra and the galaxy fleets(i wish :( )

    a Captain Isamu will arrive with a NUN Spacy strike force from edan(more wishfull thinking)

    alto will love ranka more then sheryl but something is going to happen to ranka to keep her away from him forever so alto gives into sherly's advances

  7. ok if you don't know the raw of episode 15 is out and watchable on www.veoh.com. my japanese ain't so good but from what i was able to make out is

    sherly is some sort of construct, she was created by galaxy and/or grace's faction to further some agenda. she literally only existed in the media put out by the bad guys through the GNN untill she was downloaded into her body on the trip to frontier.

  8. More of a spacecraft carrier really.

    nonono! back to topic! i know there are many fans out there that can't accept Hikaru, Misa, and Minmei just vanishing. i don't really care what happens to them after the launch of megaroad 1 just so long as they met fate epic enough fitting their stature in the macross universe. but if the macross quarter was sent on a mission to scout a remote habital planet and found the megaroad 1 there landed on the ground with just no working fold drive or fold comms because of a battle or something and Hikaru and Misa were old but alive and kicking i would squell like a tokyo school girl at a boy band concert.

  9. After Frontier wraps up the Vajra story arc it would be nice if they made a little 4-5 episode OVA to wrap up the fate of Hikaru, Misa, Minmei. They have been missing with the Megaroad-1 for almost half a century it would be nice to know what happened to them. They are the 3 most important characters in the Macross universe it would be nice to know they just didn't fold into a star or planet and go splat. :(

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