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Everything posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. SDF Macross episode 12 Misa in the flght suit soaking wet with her hair down = drool i'm i right?
  2. it is possible. the macross is huge and i bet even by the time of the sharon apple incident they didn't know every square inch of it. i also bet during the reconstruction all the systems were repaired even if they didn't know what it did. random macross crew member 1 "hey bob what does this thing over here do?" bob "who cares just plug it back in and then close the door to it"
  3. still max is like "i don't know i'm a rookie at it i don't know if i am any good. oh wait turns out i'm an instant expert at this thing" for every thing he does in sdf macross
  4. anyone else crack up when maxmillian jenius is introduced in SDF Macross and he says he is a total novice and would like tips from hikaru?
  5. in the SDF Macross series VF-1s are always shown with the ability to reach orbit on their own power untill the episode where they go to capture the factory satelite. that episode they have to use boosters to reach orbit.
  6. a color work of the cast of frontier cosplaying as their SDF Macross counterparts.
  7. around 12:22 in episode 6 of SDF Macross you can see on Hikaru's desk he has a VF-1 toy/model that is painted in his colors.
  8. because no one likes a seinfield/sapranos ending not even hardcore seinfield and saprano fans. i don't have to see a 50-60 year old hikaru and misa but some little mention that the megaroad was found crashed on a isolated planet and the survivors couldn't reach UN spacey because of some weird fold phenomenom.
  9. oh you know what i want to see Cathy Glass in Misa Hayase's white service uniform. oh i am putting out a challenge to any fan artist out there. a color work of the frontier cast cosplaying as the person they are emulating from SDF Macross
  10. more bitter valk cookies. so when they grow up into large red lobsters they will think the real valks taste bad too.
  11. coffee and outdoor cafes always seem to be associated with unspoken love and dissapointment. Misa in SDF: Macross made that picnic and waited all day for Hikaru at the cafe. When Hikaru finally shows and they walk together Hikaru puts Minmei's scarf around Misa(noo! don't do it Hikaru!) Misa finds out Hikaru had been with Minmei earlier that day. In Macross Frontier KlanKlan was waiting for a long time at the outdoor cafe drinking the wannabe Starbucks only to have Mikhail ask klan to introduce him to a classmate for what she assumes to be a date.
  12. Sheryl is going to get a replacement earring and when she sings Aimo with Ranka they will drive the Vajra off and The Galaxy is going to get it.
  13. Zentradi only have one weakness. Loli. Don't forget the other reason Zentradi are the best bio weapons.
  14. It wasn't the impact that destroyed the Ghost. Guld was so GAR charging the Ghost the AI on the Ghost imploded, Guld just couldn't steer out of the way of the now unmanned(heh) Ghost and BOOM!
  15. I still get a Ghost in the Shell vibe from that scene with Sheryl's ghost floating into her body.
  16. where can i go to watch an english sub? nothing on veoh yet.
  17. I like Fire Bomber music its just Basara and Mylene when they aren't performing that bugs me.
  18. just rewatched that scene again poor guy got a face full valk thurst at full blast.
  19. Starting to watch the orginall series again. On the first Episdoe when Hikaru is crashing (frist but not last time he crashes a valk) and changing into battroid form he plows through a Studio Nue building.
  20. for all of those people that like to nitpick Macross Frontier's animation quality go watch an orginal episode of Transformers.
  21. A Bodolza (sp?) sized fleet of Zentradi space ships is still the most dangerous thing in the galaxy. It is so dangerous that Global and the remains of the Unity gov't decided its better to take their chance colonizing the galaxy and encountering more unknown dangers then to stay around Earth. If a Zentradi force in the tens of millions showed up at Varauta 4 knowing that this plaent was a source of danger to them, the Zentradi would have turned that planet to ash the second they could have after leaving fold space.
  22. Zentradi for two reasons. One i agree with Mr. March the sheer numbers of Zentradi in the galaxy is enough to counter pretty much anything but loli pop idols. Zentradi are like the Ork from 40k the most numerous and resilient species in the galaxy but being divided as they are amongst the fleets with no central authority they can be handled a few at a time. Two when the Zentradi encounter a loli pop idol and get cultured they become 50 foot tall babes. Genetically engineered to stay slim and attractive for years and years. When you defeat them in miclone size and challenge their warrior honor you can get them to marry you and then make some "culture" /wink /nudge in the bedroom.
  23. Naruto. Because that sup par series is hogging precious fansubbing resources. BELIEVE IT! (gomen ne, couldn't help my self)
  24. how is it that something unimportant like naruto shippuuden gets subbed with and uploaded to veoh with in hours but macross takes days?
  25. Some one post the a decent raw on veoh now so i can watch it at work in a few hours
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