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Everything posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. the quarter does have a barrier system. Ozma was just feeling really GAR that day and wanted to show off in front of Cathy and do a little DYRL tribute.
  2. I'm in the US Army and a combat vetern of the iraq war and i still get weepy and teary when i watc orginal macross. especially episode 27. i'm fine with getting shot at but watching an anime with some sad j-pop and i well...
  3. Sheryl and Ranka singing together in loli cosplay outfits will cause Vajra nosebleeds.
  4. who do you hate more grace or lynn kaifun?
  5. yes battle mode Battle25 indeed ( o) _ (o )
  6. SDF Macross episode 25 "Virgin road' Macross shaped wedding cake
  7. i live in kanagawa and i have seen episodes of naruto shippuuden subbed and uploaded to places like megavideo and veoh with in 24 hours. the subs are generally accurate too.
  8. yeah for some reason they are all wasting their time with naruto shippuuden.
  9. How did that Nose art ever get on the monster with out casuing Ozma to send the entire Monster's maintence crew to the hospital?
  10. she must be esper(haruhism) in a ship as large as the macross she is always in the right spot at the right time to be there as the sage relationship guru. i mean the macross is huge yet she always there when hikaru or misa need her. if only she had slapped them both around episode 20 and got them hooked up earlier.
  11. In Macross Plus the throttle and stick in the YF-19 were shown with what looked like touch sensitive pads covering them. In Patloabor the mecha were controled by pumping and other manipulations of feet pedals to control the legs and feet, and gloves were put on to control arms and hands in fine movements. The orginal mobile suit gundam had just foot pedals and a pair of throttles to slide back and forth. In Char's Counterattack mecha had track balls with buttons on them at the end of joy sticks with foot pedals. Nu type mobile suits of course had pshyic controls, but they also developed systems to the pilot didn't need to be a nu type but could also have a limited about of thought control. Macross series have by far the most realistic if not the most descriptive controls.
  12. well in SDF Macross Misa, Hikaru, and Minmei were teenagers. by the time of frontier they would be in their 60s? i think they could safely use different voice actors safely. P.S. if we can't see or learn of Misa, Hikaru and Minmei's fate can they at least have an extra 5 minutes at the end of the last episode of frontier showing Kaifun dying a slow horrible death? i'm watching macross again and i am really starting to remember why i hate him so because he is a huge @#$hat.
  13. Ok the characters can be gone for good but do they have to be forgetten? how about we see a pair of New Macross class battleships in Frotier named after Hikaru and Misa? would that be ok?
  14. yes, Macross is music, love, and mech.
  15. i wonder if someone could take a crack at drawning Ranka's head from various view points to show all the different features of her "unqiue" hair. the dog ears and the bow tied to nothing on the back of her head interest me the most.
  16. i almost wanted to stop reading rapierdragon's post when he said the R word but the design trend in modern air craft cockpits is touch screen displays. this cuts down a lot on the individual switches and dials. even in modern luxury cars like bmw and benz with their complicated entertainment systems and other electronic nanny devices most of the minor least used controls are on the touch screen and brought up with menu navigation, only the most common and important controls are left on the dash. i can imagine in macross they have furthered this even more. as far as a battroid putting on clothies and doing hand to hand combat i imagine there is a ton of AI programming. the pilot tell the valk to punch and where and the battroid AI carries out the movements it needs to.
  17. macross music needs its own category not just a thread in the movies and tv shows cat
  18. macross music needs more then a thread it needs its own it needs a whole category like much like this is "movies and tv series" oh wait nvm i see the music thread (i'm tired) but still it neeeds more then 1 thread.
  19. Why isn't there a place to talk about the 1 of the 3 core elements of any Macross series, music? Macross is music, love, and mecha.
  20. Grab your pitch forks and torchs men! On ward to Horay Froating Head's house!
  21. no no no that series that must not be named will never be spoken of. i would be happy with the megaroad being found a year after the dissappearance misa and hikaru returning to earth and growing old and gray on a farm with 7 color carrots and hippo cows. with an apartment over the garage for minmei to grow old int to.
  22. OMG that nanase pic is going to cause a riot with the B.O.I.N.G people P.S. Silly Nanase you put on Ranka's uniform
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