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Posts posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. and mini discs too ^_^. in SDF Macross minmei commented on having to cut a LP. they had cassette players in SDF Macross. the unification wars and space war 1 happned during the time of the internet boom for us. sony was on the Macross so maybe they are still around in 2050s still creating and forcing new media formats on consumer that they don't need or want like they do now?

  2. They did mention over 30 PPB, but I doubt that's for Battle Frontier alone it could be for the entire Island cluster. If is for Battle Frontier alone, I think the repulsive/full barrier system is much more efficient compare using 30 PPB (Not to mention there will be over 30 PPB girls screaming hysterically during action......wait...thats a good thing ^^).

    that is just 30 for front side fo battle frontier. the more hysterically screaming PPB bunnies the better.

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