Something President Glass said in episode 18 has me thinking. Frontier and NUNG are separatists and are trying to get far away from the UNG/earth sphere of influence.
well at the end of plus Isamu beats the bad guy and gets the girl and we get an ending where we can safely assume Isamu and Myung ran away happily ever after. Flashback gave us this same ending but then Horay Froating Head had to make that comment. Basara loves Basara more then anything else.
well we would assume that overtechnology was built in to the pilot's chair in valks and that the seat absorbed enough energy to keep the pilot from getting beat up.
i'll start it off mentioning the scene in SDF Macross episode 31 when the zentradi has his cigerette lit by the cannon fodder valk in battroid mode shotting his gunpod off.
The Final battle of frontier is going to be frontier vs galaxy. galaxy will try to field a force of controled vajra but someone's singing will spoil that and then it will just be battle 25 and quarter vs the galaxy's conventional forces. alto will be saying "urraahhhhhhh" a lot.
and mini discs too . in SDF Macross minmei commented on having to cut a LP. they had cassette players in SDF Macross. the unification wars and space war 1 happned during the time of the internet boom for us. sony was on the Macross so maybe they are still around in 2050s still creating and forcing new media formats on consumer that they don't need or want like they do now?
watch SDF Macross episode 31 the mayor of Trad city is President Glass, look around 9:30.
not only does it look like him but it sounds like the same voice actor
i enjoy Lion. Lion and the new opening lets us know this isn't going to become Macross: Ranka. every time the vajra attack ranka flies out in a custom v-25 shooting gunpods and screaming "listen to my song!"