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Posts posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. I know from things i have read that basically because of constant revolts and attacks that full size zentradi in place where humans and miclone zentran live is not allowed in the Macross universe. with frontier we see that at least 1 island if not more allow macro size zentradi to live and work. Klan grew up from a baby as macro.

    so here is my question. in the colony fleets city ships wouldn't internal security be better handled by zentradi soliders in body armor with rifles? destroids and valks would be clumsy and cause collateral dmg in cities.

  2. NBSG military technology is like comparing a musket to shiny new M-4. Valks can and have been shown to use real world space flight manuvering but for artistic reasons they usually stick to atmospheric flight style combat in fighter mode. A VF-1A in basic combat load still holds a huge advantage over a viper. the viper is unarmored carries only a few missles and a pair of 30mm cannons. the VF-1 has armor harder then a tank, head lasers, nose lasers, the gunpod, and at least 12 long range missles. The overtechnology thermonuclear reaction engines of the valk give it almost unlimited endurance in space and atmospheric flight (the only valk we ever seen getting refuled as far as i know is a vf-0 which ran on over tuned conventional turbofan jets). valks can shoot down multipule missles that are incoming towards it. Vipers just dont' stand a chance for them to take out a valk they would have to out number it even worse then a typical engagement vs zentradi.

  3. Why would it just be a prop? It's either a sculpture or a de-engined, decomissioned fighter... there's a decomissioned fighter of some kind on display at a park by my house, clearly, it has no engines but what the hell.

    It'd be cool if that VF-1 could be fired up ;) and an interesting plot twist.

    OMG Alto jumps in and fires up the VF-1 on top of the school next episode during the vajra conflict it would make a nice SDF macross and a M7 homage.

  4. yeah as a american in japan i am really manly compared to most of the young japanese guys these days. i'm talking tom sellek from a western movie manly in comparison to the average 16-30 year old japanese guy.

    dang it with those ears micheal has to be 1/2, 1/4 zentran and should maronize him self and get some of that giant klanklan lovin now!

  5. the three hardest things on the yf-19 are the neck, elbows, and the joint behind the cockpit that you have to carefully snap loose or risk breaking the mech in half.

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