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Everything posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. still i'm the only one thinking about how isamu was the only that could fly a prototype that was killing all of its other test pilots??
  2. your all wrong Isamu Dyson is the best pilot. the yf-19 was killing and severaly injuring all previous test pilot but isamu's insanity was the perfect match for an unstable machine.
  3. if they want an original ending for macross then BFGs need to save the day not pop idols.
  4. Sheryl's normal every day wear is better then most of her stage outfits. I think Grace's true evil is shown in the clothes Sheryl has to wear during a concert.
  5. if they are going to stick a hikaru colored vf-1s on top of the school minus strike parts i demand they give micheal or alto a reason to fly it.
  6. well we know that most of sheryl's stage outfits are holograms and that she is really wearing a skin tight gray full body suit most of the time.
  7. no matter how evil and no matter how high the body count grace can never be more hated then kaifun.
  8. yeah you want real cow or super dimension stem cell stock ?
  9. errhermm /clears throat You know how to get eternal life In the center of the lightning-speed waltz Feel your soul cut by a rusty knife As you head down for the self destructive edge Our satori is just floating in the core Where we can spiritually go throught the door We'll know how to get eternal life While we catch the pulse from unknown satellites If we get the transient facts Then we feel the info-high If we get the transient facts Then we are really free To fly high In space We know how to get eternal high In the center of the lightning-speed waltz See our soul struggling to survive As we head down for the self distructive edge Sayonara to intrusive noise No more childish play and no more toys We know how to get eternal life While we feel and sense mother nature's strong might If we get the transient facts Then we feel the info-high If we get the transient facts Then we feel the info-high If we get the transient facts Then we feel the info-high If we get the transient facts Then we are really free To fly high In space If we get the transient facts Then we feel the info-high If we get the transient facts Then we feel the info-high If we get the transient facts Then we feel the info-high If we get the transient facts Then we feel the info-high If we get the transient facts Then we feel the info-high If we get the transient facts Then we feel the info-high If we get the transient facts Then we feel the info-high If we get the transient facts Then we are really free To fly high In Space
  10. Vividas might be the meltran version of britai.
  11. well lets assume you have different types of of zentradi clones for the jobs they fill. commander and archivist types would need to have long lives or battlefield experience would be lost. Milia might be an ace because she was built that way. then we have small group commanders like Quamzin and Temjin they might have had reckless disspositions because they were made to be bold. it also looks like physical size is programmed into them based on their job. the higher in rank the bigger you are. archivists are the exception because they are the smart deviant ones so they are made smaller to keep them in check.
  12. ah but you forget in macross universe your an old lady by 19 and no one would want you. (poor Misa) but yes meltrans do age really well.
  13. have they homaged studio nue getting destroyed yet by crashing valks or speeding Q-raus yet?
  14. who can the homage for Micheal in ground combat?
  15. yes well macross has less total animation time over 25 years then naruto in the past 5. its quality not quantity
  16. try this, find a local major college's anime club and see if they can help.
  17. Micheal is going to pull Klan off to the side some where and get some undersized but of age booty before he pulls a Roy.
  18. well if they are using Japanese yen for a basis then its still about 3,000 in us dollar for a pair of shoes. so this begs the question what kind of jobs to full size zentradi do to earn that kind of money??
  19. Tentacles her to death? i don't think that is allowed with macross frontier's rating. ecchi
  20. something that boggles me is lets say a pair of miclone size shoes costs $50 then how much would macro size pair of shoes cost? if a miclone size bottle of lotion costs $2 then what would one cost for a macro zentran? prices for items such as lotion and other things that are in containers couldn't be made comparable or everyone just buy the macro size one because its a better price even if you are buying a years worth for a miclone.
  21. first second i am guessing the dimension eater creates some sort of fold space distortion that makes matter disappear from normal space.
  22. you think there would be a macro zentradi swat team standing by for things like vajra and other alien invasion of city ships. plus i want to see an armored zentradi jump on the back of a red lobster and ride it like a bucking bull before tossing a grenade in its mouth and leaping off.
  23. Radd you almost speak well of Kaifun? thats its blow him out of an airlock with no suit on.
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