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Everything posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. looks good so far just need to sharpen up sheryl where the eraser hit her.
  2. thurst vectoring for the main engines in space not so important in space because of vernier thrusters but with 4 thrust vectoring nozzles in atmospheric flight the crazy stuff you could do!
  3. yes we all must have a larger version of misaforever's avatar
  4. Kaifun super powers? since when was alcoholism, asshatery, and beating women super powers?
  5. 5 words - britai, massive, beam, cannon, barrage
  6. yeah i got the same message i will have to watch the subs of 20 and get a specific time for the gif to try and make it smaller.
  7. yeah but why bother actually using the cockpit and exgear when you can telepresence and fly it by remote with your mind like you are actually there?
  8. colonies are a bio plant everything organic goes into a giant pool and broken down and then recycled into new organic material. even people.
  9. SMS has other squadrons then Skull and Pixie you know.
  10. well i would scream like a japanese school girl if we saw klan in some old school zentradi battle armor
  11. no no no no! plus i sure the macross gov't made sure the old girl couldn't even so much as lift an inch off the ground after sharon apple.
  12. i still can't figure out where that bow on the back of ranka's head attaches to.
  13. my vote is on Klan pulling someone/thing apart limb from limb with her bare hands in the near future.
  14. Which of the above had the death with the most GAR!! in it?
  15. whispo can i get a gif of chibi klan running down the tunnel after kissing micheal in just her undies?
  16. i will never let that lovable womanizing alcoholic go! baddest MF to ever strap on a valk.
  17. VF-1S wins by a Macross missile Massacre.
  18. we still have no idea what Grace's goal is and there is only 8 more shows to go.
  19. we need macro zentran SWAT teams.
  20. episode 20 only renforces my previous thread that there needs to be zentradi swat teams to secure the inside of colonies. destroides are so much cannon fodder.
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