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Everything posted by sucker4meltrans

  1. latest new episode of Futurama had them do part of futurama spoofing anime of the 70s early 80s. when ever the aliens attacked and were destroying ships/buildings they were using music from the original macross series!!!!!! had me literally rolling on the floor hysterical with laughter.
  2. on mangafox.com there is a manga about sheryl nome called kiss in the glaxay. the first volume is about sheryl as a child on the Galaxy.
  3. what if for the next macross series they base the idol on lady gaga? complete with hermaphrodite rumors and androgynous appeal; but minus the lame cross dressing of mospeda.
  4. can we at least agree D-9 is better then most american movies made in the past few years?
  5. district 9 was brilliant. so was the new star trek movie. i can't even stand most new movies made in america.
  6. GM is leaving court protected bankruptcy monday. stock is at 75 cents american a share. i know there will be a small spike at first but if gm can't get its butt out of the fire ford is going to be the last american car make. chrysler hasn't been since the daimler buyout
  7. ah the SRT-4 the disposable race car. Chinese made cars are rubbish unless they got huge support from a foreign manufacture or stole from a foreign company.
  8. i have lived in japan for 3 years and will be living in this wonderfull country for another 3. as far as i have heard and been told the age of consent in japan is 18 in most prefectures even if the federal law is 13. prefecture law will overide. back on topic. i don't mind muscle on women i just draw the line at she hulks
  9. General Motors filed for bankruptcy, good luck selling your chevy, caddy, pontiac, gm, saturn, oldsmobile, buick, hummer on the used car makret now.
  10. F-35 booooo! TOMCATS FOREVER! i mean the plane can track and launch missles at 6 targets a 100 miles away at the same time how can you not love that? the SV-51 is by far the largest of the variable fighters only the koenig monster is bigger.
  11. all the talk about southern cross and no one has posted a pic of that @#$% tank hero mecha
  12. I'll buy one when they redesign the horrible landing gear. Untill then Yammies forever!
  13. what about generations?
  14. what about the big baddy the ZZ Gundam ?
  15. sucker4meltrans


    I'm in the US ARMY and i do a job where i sit in a room all day waiting for monitoring programs to go off. I watch a lot a tv while at work. While watching some US gov't propaganda tv spot on the horrible on base monopoly store the PX. The spot was on their toy testing program. One of the toys being tested was something that lookced like a silver and grey chunky monkey. The person narrating the spot called it a galaxy defender. So i did a little googling and i found out this brand called Happywell is using the 1/55 VF-1 and the Bandai VF-17 toys as their own. Has anyone out there in Macrossworld seen these Happywell abominations before? p.s. if the things are good enough knock offs cheap source of replacement parts?
  16. which ship is producing all the booze bottles? the main cast has smahsed hundreds of them in 4 years.
  17. that only shows how zentradi adapted to pop idols. what would a zentran clone trooper think about the idea of supreme beings, spirits, after life, heaven, hell, morality, sin, supernatural?
  18. Where ever it is it better have miko and a Guy <-> Girl <-> Gril love triangle. Seriously though I would like to a Macross that shows how the Zentradi adapted to the idea of religion.
  19. No the real question is why such large objects have such thin armor at some times allowing mere VFs and Q-rau to go through the outer hull. The factory sat has to be incredibly larger then a Fulbentz Burrentz class mother ship to awe Misa and the others. You have a thousand mother ships each with a fleet of ship that are 1-3km long in tens/hundreds of thousands. Each of these fleet ships contain nearly endless numbers of smaller 1 man/squad sized craft. Piloting all this is Trillions of 13m tall giants. You will need moon sized facilities to build this all in space.
  20. The S15 Silvia is the nearly perfect car. Nissan just needs to take it as a baseline and make a new generation of Silvia.
  21. I'm hoping the Galactica gets a Star Trek 3 death streaking across the sky while burning up.
  22. Starbuck will defeat Cavil with the power of song! Lol just kidding. It has happened before and will happen again. If the humans and the cylons can come together as one and live together in love and become one blended people where no one is Caprican or Cylon or Sagittarian. Then the cycle is broken. The Gods/God basically killed Liam when the final 5 and the rebels started planning to leave the humans to live away as a pure cylong society.
  23. The VF-25 just doesn't have the charm of a VF-1 chunky. Th chunkies are classics that still hold up after the years. I feel the DX VF-25 will be just another crude toy after a while.
  24. I searched and could not find this anime short posted any where in MW. This short is gorgeous, a true work of art. http://www.veoh.com/search/videos/q/voices...v772646HPBcE8sZ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voices_of_a_distant_star It has giant mecha in it so i know some of you will love it.
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