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Everything posted by lparisek

  1. Hey Mechmaster... Can you pass on your lighting rig so I can test it on my "dark" monster? I would also like to test it out on the lighter, "shiny" surfaces of my tomahawk... Thanx man... Les
  2. Oops... Sorry about the lack of description for the image above. Lets here some feedback guys and gals. OK... Here's my Tomahawk. About half done with the texturing. Let me know if you like this one better than the original (old forums). Thanx Les
  3. Well here is the mock-up so far. Dok spent most of last night putting this together. Click the image to go to a MUCH LARGER version. (It was a bit too large to post here.) Feel free to make constructive comments and/or suggestions. Thanx... http://www.parisek-hogan.com/Temp/TestIdea2.jpg' target="_blank">
  4. Yeah Wolf it was me... I will PM you with the info. Les
  5. Sorry for the lack of time on the boards of late. Time is at a real premium right now. I added my Destroids to the list and bow down in homage to the list of valks out there... Man I can't wait to see the final product. MASS CG PROJECT MASTER MODELS LIST VE-1 ELINT - Aztek VF-0S Focker - Brianw76 VF-1A Max TV Colors - Datterboy VF-1J Max TV Colors - Datterboy VF-1J Millia TV Colors - Datterboy VF-1J Hikaru Colors - Brianw76 VF-1S Strike Hikaru Colors - Aztek VF-1S Focker Colors - Doktor Gonzo YF-19 - Brianw76 SF-3A Lancer - The Woz MK-II Monster TV Colors - lparisek MBR-04 Tomahawk TV Colors - lparisek (If I get it textured in time)
  6. Not to add to the off topic discussion... As an avid Star Wars fan, that X-wing looks awesome. I would love to see more of that model when you finish texturing it. E-mail them if you have to... Les
  7. Wolf has expressed interest in letting a few of us play with his Macross. If he has problems with the huge render, I am sure he can setup the render and then have someone else do the pixel crunching for the final, huge, render. Les
  8. Well, well, well... I go away for a few days and everything changes. I guess I like the new boards but time will tell. It was a shock to have to redo everything... Aztek, thanx for starting this thread back up and keeping this idea alive. I spent a few months in Japan and you are going to be in heaven my friend. I trust you will let all of us know when you find some nice toys so we can send you some cash... Hit Yakuska and take the kids to Disney Land. You will get a kick out of the Japanese version. Gives a whole new meaning to that World of Wonders/Epcot thing. Just don't get lost in the train stations in and around Tokyo. And if you do, always remember to keep heading up. I see a lot of new (great) work out here. I sure wish I had more time to play right now, I am getting a bit jealous. Wolf13, I was the one that offered the FTP space. I will PM/Email you with the user/password details. Les
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