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Everything posted by JET7

  1. so thats why charaworks are a scarcity item. they hoarded them all
  2. united colours of benetton model
  3. if santa would ask you to choose... what would it be kid...bandai 1/72 strike vf1s kit or toynami 1/100 strike vf1s?
  4. again i would love to have the roy version with strike pack of this kit. Its not that i like the kit, its just im a collector of anything roy yellow/black items. regardless of its crappyness. i guess it wouldn't hurt to add one crappy bandai 1/72 kit to my roy only collects. come to momma crappy roy
  5. any in hand no photoshopped glorified picture with the strike kit? just like shaorins' image?
  6. kyp what decals did you use, slides or sticks?
  7. funny on the politician thing as chris rock would say... :"cant we all just get along?!"
  8. now im seeing praises after people seeing the actual sprue's /blogs/builds/actual kits...
  9. thank you! thank you maiden.. your post answered my most awaited question.
  10. any leak shots of the sprues? is it safe to say that the fast/strike parts are already body coloured?
  11. everythings gonna be wrong with this.. if the price is too steep.
  12. skyfire / jetfire.. whatever.. as long its the character that i know thats resurrected from ice.. im good.
  13. oh man.. how many times ive wished for a masterpiece jetfire
  14. when gundam stands really has a purpose..even for the little ones..
  15. JET7

    VF-1 Plush toy

    count me in!
  16. prayers are answered.. basing from the scanned pics.. the fast packs are already pre-colored! yipee... after all the negative things on this one.. im still gonna get it.. THOUGH STILL, I WONT DO THE PEE-PEE POSE..
  17. heres the before shot.. dull as ever.. because i cannot wait for takaras' version i have briefs!
  18. thanks guys for the positive comments. masking tape (a lot of them) is your best friend. i dissambled the legs so i can spray the red briefs of grimlock. covered the bottom feet with masking tapes..retaining the legs so i can spray it with flat black. sprayed the head also..as you can see it retains some of the light gray and a mixture of black. the chest part is the trickiest part.. cant dissamble the autobot logo plastic what i did is to mask everything up and razor cut the needed to be painted with a sharp blade. used jetfires' gun too @david, im from manila so i use what is available locally..BOSNY acrylic based BOSNY - Gold http://www.bosny.com/bosny.html i never use gundam paints or any other expensive modellers paint..cause im a cheapskate by the way, for the tricky corners that cannot be masked heres a tip... get a fine stick..finer the better.. dub it to your paint.. then write away on the portions that you need to color.. thats how i was able to cover/paint the chest and other hard to reach areas. hth
  19. custom painted my FOC Grimlock to G1 look..
  20. i think they focused on the GERWALK mode too much thats why the legs on the battroid mode looked like it has two broke pegs. it really is my first time to see a broken part of the feet thrusters. of all my vf-1 toys, i never imagined having a broken leg part.
  21. make it cheap please... never mind the negative comments.. just make this thing cheap
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